I still did not complete 3 scenes: Mon Cala Aquarium Ithorian Food Imperial Marches Do you know which character I have to send there to unlock the scene?
Mon Cala Aquarium -A Mon Cal, but not Akbar (the ? Mon Cal) so you either have to use the one you can buy or get lucky and have one want to go to that level. Ithorian Food - Any Ithorian Imperial Marches - Any of the limited edition black droids.
TDS had many suggestions to back up to Facebook What good was that in your son's case? Had I done that (which I didn't), I doubt it would have done me any good since my iDevice is deemed "too old" to run the game. As for you, if it kills your battery that makes it quite an expensive game. I'm probably seeing an analogy where there is none but I equate battery life somewhat to the depreciation of one's car while driving. It's not a cost one sees upfront, like the cost of gas, but it's there. Now I'm no gamer & maybe gamers update their iDevices on a yearly basis in which case, no harm done. Enjoy the game. It certainly is/(was) fun. I'll enjoy the game vicariously by rooting for all of you & celebrating your successes.
None, unfortunately. He's too young for his own Facebook and he can't use mine because I'm using it. I was referring to restoring from the iTunes backup after upgrading from iOS 7.01 to 7.1. After doing so, all of the sudden the device was too old. Go figure.
Mon Cala Aquarium is triggered by the "?" Mon Calamari (not Ackbar), Ithorian Food is only triggered by an Ithorian, and the Imperial Marches level is triggered by any of the three 'limited edition' droids that were the pre-level reward during the last event. I see someone beat me to this. vOv
I list the job simply because it tells me where to look if they're not on the apartment level. I use parentheses to indicate their dream job and whatever <> these are called to indicate when they're holding a job other than their dream job. You only see those on mine because I've got maxed DJers on every single level except for Holonet Cafe now. I'm also now seven decorator droids away from 60. It would've been six, but I had a brain hiccup and accidentally released one on a level that was already done. So that's 23 in three days' time, or eight per day.
Well i have more than 300 bux stored but i refuse to spend anything but floor upgrades Salvage droids and decorations can be obtained without Sadly decoration lasts only a week so unless they extend the time like panamedicines wich was like a month #### them This game wont force me to play it the way i dont want to
So I got to within two droids of Overbridge and said 'screw it' and bought them. It produces a single item - Duty Console - which builds in 1h55m. I've also yet to get the "?" Tarkin, but there's no new scene listed, so I doubt putting him into it will do anything. I can also confirm that all I have now is the "All rewards collected!" message - no notice of bonus rewards, but I'll continue to put Decorator Droids onto new levels and see if it grants bux or not. Also, out of all new levels, Holonet Cafe is the one you should look into upgrading. I'm taking Imperial Court up to Level 125 first (I get a lot of Upgrader VIPs for some reason), but after that, I'm dumping all of them into HC. Teras Kasi Dojo and Speeder Dealer get a max of 14k of the three-credit item at Level 1, but HC gets 16k.
I keep my floors full of 9,9,5 dream jobbers. When I get a 6 or higher I replace the 5 and get a bux. Then I evict the new resident and put the 5 back in. I also keep most of my apartment floors with four residents so that anyone I deliver to levels 35 or lower add a resident. If the bitizen is going over floor 35 I drop it on -1 so that the elevator respawns quickly and I don't waste the time delivering them. To keep my apartments at 4 I just leave the lower producing levels empty (Workout, Cantina, Mon Cala Aquarium, etc). Until I'm happy with the level of bux I'm at.
I also have a feeling they'll never get around to 'fixing' the retail bitizens being stuck at L8 max on the Android client for this very reason.
That was my exact thought when offered the floors for 1 bux each. Knowing that TDS was nothing if not unpredictable, I bought ALL of them at the same time. Doing so, with my iPad 2, permanently crashed the game on my device. Even if you don't have an "older device," I'd suggest that, if possible, you back up to Facebook because data isn't backed up to the Game Center, iCloud, or iTunes. I think the 1 bux/floor thing will be here to stay, at least for a while if not permanently. Why? Because now people will want a faster elevator & the last one was 500 bux. Maybe 1,000 for the next one? Plus spies will be harder, more tedious to find. Further, those whose games crashed while these floor were offered at this price would be furious if they missed out on that deal through no fault of their own. Disney could prove me wrong, of course. Heck I thought they'd fix the crashing problem super pronto since they were losing potential IAPs/$$$ daily for each person who couldn't play. Piss off people often enough or long enough & they will leave with a sour taste in their mouths for all games made by Disney. Lost customers=lost revenue. If my iPad 2's TDS magically came to life, I'd certainly continue playing. Warily. Would I be tempted to play another Disney game? You know, I simply wouldn't want to risk it.
I'd be fine with this, honestly - the only time I ever bother to send bitizens to any floor other than -1 (or "?" to level 2 just to clear them quicker) now is if they're going to an apartment floor with a vacancy or if they're a VIP other than a Supply Officer. Between a rank 100 BH level and a rank 118 Imperial Court, I'm pulling in a day's worth of profits on two levels using Big Spenders, which the game gives me so many of I've taken to wasting them just to free up space. It would be nice if they added a "Spy Radar" option for credits. Activate it during the search and it beeps quicker or slower depending on how close or far you are. All I know is I'm sitting on 59 million credits and have nothing to spend them on other than Imperial items for nonexistent missions. =/ Oh right, and I had 15 bux get eaten earlier by the Salvage Droid troll. I didn't even get a worthless loot, it just never gave me anything. I'd be a lot angrier, but over the course of this event the game gave me back more bux than I spent on the original 30 decorator droids to unlock Tarkin.
So how is it possible to buy levels for 1 bux?? Still see levels at 100+ bux Also I saw a splash screen saying things were double for the empire but not seeing anything doubled (ie bux obtained via finding people nor decorator bots). Anyone care to shine some light on what is doubled?? Thanks!
Our best guess is it's a bug. I don't know how *I* got it, but when it happened to me, the client gave me a choice between selecting the 'local' save file or the 'network' save file. In that case, the local file was newer, so I chose that. After having bought ~2-3 levels with credits, I decided to take a peek at them to see what I should prioritize. Then I saw they were all marked at 1 bux, so I bought every single one I could, prioritizing the residentials at first (this was before DJ bux started not rewarding reliably for me), followed by the for-profit levels. The fact that it's still happening suggests people should try checking the "levels" window under the Album, potentially stopping the client from the Apps list and restarting it, seeing if that jogs it.
I still dont understand why they are about to finish this event so quickly I am at 17 floors and it would be awesome to let me a month to finish the damn thing Also whats up with old events Why no let us choose old events Tired of seeing imperial marches and pana city medicines Apparently it seems for the first time i am experiencing the delay imperial missions bug Then again i finished all 3 missions today so there might be an internal clock that limits how many u get per day