Universal Star Wars: Tiny Death Star (by LucasArts)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Same here. I thought maybe it was because I used a VIP to fill the final floor so I kicked a couple people out and waited for people to show up on the floor with vacancy. Still nothing.

    Now waiting to see if 30 people from mission start is the key. I've lost count but I must be close.
  2. synagence

    synagence Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    The imperial level things triggers progress of a different type ...

    The Death Star when you look at the emperor on the missions screen shows 'progress' and completes the more levels you build and complete the assignments in there..

    So guessing eventually you complete the death star and trigger some bigger event (hoping / speculating)

    I'm about 4 levels into the imperial .... will still look to build a new imperial level every 3 or 4 traditional levels but progress is slowing down ...

    I found one particular store i have has an enormous stock of 3 coin items so if i want cash i can spend 10 bux to buy out stock and get about 45,000 credits

    Only done it once though ... prefer to save bux for other things
  3. Truffled

    Truffled Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Hmm, well I started counting and counted 30 new Bitezens while doing more Dream Job farming and still no mission complete. Sooo, I don't know what I did wrong? Maybe you aren't allowed to evict? If so, that should be in the mission text. I really wish the game would say specifically what to do and/or not to do. On the plus side my 8 business floors are almost all full of Dream Jobbers.
  4. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Agree, bux are harder to come by, but as someone told me before in this thread, they come in at a rate which makes you want to continue.

    About the 1 bux/2 bux, you're right: if the rebel escapes you get 2 bux.

    What I wish there was here is a one-time IAP coin/bux doubler. I've got the 2nd elevator and 59 bux. When I get to 75 bux I'll unlock the 3rd elevator, but I'm afraid of the price of the 4th and 5th elevators. My guess is 225 and 675 bux respectively...
  5. Fakingmysuicide

    Fakingmysuicide Active Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    Fairbanks, Ak
    Is it better to have a rating of 9 for a job or for someone to have a dream job at say rating 6?
  6. Robot:String

    Robot:String Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    Game & Web Designer
    Madrid, Spain
    Higher ranks re-stock faster. Dream jobs stock double the items. So, higher ranks are preferred for stores that normally stock a lot but are slow to re-stock. Dream jobs are better for stores that have small stocks (also, you have to improve these stores).
    I try to get 9 dream jobs, or at least a 9. I evict a lot...
  7. wolfie9090

    wolfie9090 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2013
    No ipod 5 support :'( ,I'm tired of good games with no support for me, first anomaly, now this!!!
  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Freelancer, PC game developer
    no 5th gen support? that seems to weird, RAM limits I guess.
  9. ml411

    ml411 Active Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    I'm loving this game. Not sure about all the hate regarding bux. I find the game to be rather generous compared to many other free to play titles. In three days I've accumulated over 150 which I've sunk into the first two elevator upgrades and am saving for the third (only thing worth spending bux on up front IMO) The find a bitizen/catch a rebel missions populate often enough and you get for building levels as well.

    Another tip: you can manipulate dream jobs by always having open residential spots and swapping new arrivals into dream jobs as they arrive. I must have placed 10 dream jobs at Holochess Hall alone. Get a bux every time and ensure only the best skill on each shop. If the new replacement has a lower skill, evict him after you get the bux and put your original back.

    Don't be afraid to be ruthless with the evict button. You are working for the Empire after all. If a bitizen isn't immediately useful, toss them. You'll always get more.
  10. Ergo Me Smart

    Ergo Me Smart Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 17, 2012
    Certainly not that. Sometimes the App Store forgets itself and let's you install it on iPod 5th Gen, and the game runs 100% fine.
  11. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    Yup, makes no sense at all. They must've meant to award 2 Bux for capturing and 1 when they escape.
  12. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    #312 rewyan, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
    I have the exact same problem. It happened with one of the earlier missions as well. I think the missions aren't very open-minded and want you to do things in a certain order. Emperor Palpatine gets frazzled when you go in your own direction and won't let you claim your reward. After all, he's the emperor. If you go out of order, especially in the beginning, it could cost you hours of extra work.
  13. ValtermcPires

    ValtermcPires Active Member

    Dec 13, 2011
    So far i have 10 building and 10 people living.

    I'm huge SW fan and i'm enjoying this game very much.
  14. toxiccheese

    toxiccheese Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Not sure if I can honestly say that I'm enjoying this. It is not really a 'game'. It's more like I'm babysitting the app. Tap to move the elevator, tap to order stuff, collect money, build a new floor. Rinse and repeat. It's the same game as the original Tiny Tower but with a reskin. I got to twelve floors before I finally got bored with it. No skill, no reward system, no scoring, no end, no story. It's a cool sim at best, but incredibly repetitive and boring. This just isn't for me, but I'm glad others are enjoying it.
  15. Boobi

    Boobi Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Earning money
    BC, Canada
    Cant figure this quest I demand all stock on 1 level(s).

    Any idea?
  16. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    It's a bug. It won't accept when you do it. Eventually, I just skipped it for 2 Bux out of frustration.
  17. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    Only two residential floors? How many imperial do you have?
  18. trinitycool

    trinitycool Active Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Longtime Tiny Tower player here (I have dream jobbers in all positions in every level of TT), so I knew what to expect from TDS. It is fun generally, though I do wish bux were easier to get. Here are a few points I'd like to make about TDS:

    a. The missions are pointless after about Level 10. Not enough coin rewards for the expense of creating the requested floor. I am level 20 now, and my mission is to build 1 service level. Okay, that's 49K coin. I will get 400 coin reward. I think the mission rewards should scale up by level.

    b. Similarly (as was discussed earlier by others), the Imperial level is a waste of coin and time. I have 3 levels and if I build the Tractor Beam level and get whatever items, my reward is 525. Given how much levels cost for me now, I am not planning to buy any Imperial Levels until my other levels are done. A 525 coin reward isn't going to get me anything.

    Further, I have about 20 of each of the 3 items in inventory because I don't know what to do with my Supply VIPs since I'm not going to add Imperial levels any time soon. It would be nice to be able to sell some inventory parts to get more coin, since it isn't clear to me what I can do with all this stuff.
  19. Snowbird

    Snowbird Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Interesting note on stock here:

    One of my floors stocks a qty of 6000 for the 3rd item. I decided to stock it and then pull the 3rd employee until item 1 and 2 sold out, as I had a big spender VIP saved in the arrivals floor to make a quick 18,000 credits/coins.

    A couple hours later item 1 and 2 finished selling so I hired a 3rd bitizens, and what do I find? Only 5005 qty left! It was full when I pulled the 3rd worker. So it appears you can cycle bitizens between floors as the items will still sell even if no one is there to sell the goods/the little check mark & "X" doesn't show up.
  20. rewyan

    rewyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    I'm pretty sure you could do that on Tiny Tower. It's nice, though it makes no sense why they don't need to be there to sell the items if they need to be there to stock it.

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