For all the excessive players! This is by far the best Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Guide in the web: The SWGoH Squad Synergies Tool is pretty cool! And they mentioned they would fine tune it over time! Enjoy and support that guy if you like what you find! Best, Hide
Currently stuck on rank 200 ~ 300, and cannot climb up anymore, people there are just too tough to beat and hard to catch up. I'm look for advice which team combination is best fit with my current characters the main team: 1. Chewbacca (Tank) - as leader because of the +30% defense boost and Defiant Roar skill 2. Roba Fett (Tank and Atker) - Death From Above skill atk all with 65% chance apply Ability block, 25% chance revive at 10% health 3. Dooku(Atker) - 100% counter atk, 30% atk again, health is low tho; Force Lightning high success rate of stun 4. Dathcha (Atker) - Scout Instincts atk all skill with with 20% apply Ability block, 25% chance stun Droids 5. Old Daka (Healer) - Chant of Resurrection recover 25% max health of Daka + 30% revive defeated allies; Insighful Blow high success rate of stun the second team: 1. Old Daka (Healer) - as leader Nightsister allies 30 def; other see above 2. Talia (Healer and Atker) - Draining strike damage + recover health, Water of life 3. Dooku (Atker)- see above 4. Roba Fett (Tank and Atker) - see above 5. Chewbacca (Tank) - see above the third team: 1. Savage Opress(Tank) - as leader Sith allies 30 de, Overpower is weak imo... 2. Dooku (Atker)- see above 3. Old Daka (Healer) - see above 4. Roba Fett (Tank and Atker) - see above 5. Chewbacca (Tank) - see above Other characters I'm working to get are: 1. Luminara 2. CT-55555 3. Darth Sidious any recommendation? thanks in advance. Oh how do you check server number, been heard ppl talk about which server they are belong to, but never get a way to find it thru the game...
Nope thats about it. My one complaint about this game is the time limit on the pvp. If you just fill up on healers/tank types you will be make others draw allot.
I read he is the toughest kid on the block. Been targeting him daily, another week or so and he will be mine!
Pretty sweet. I got a long way to go still. Also for squad battles you can never lose. I mean if you know you are going to lose you can just wait and take a draw.