Universal Star Wars™: KOTOR (by Aspyr Media, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, May 30, 2013.

  1. Ramaz1234

    Ramaz1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Just bought this game for my itouch 5 since it's on sale fore $4.99. Looks like it's going to be a fun ride.
  2. Retro Nug

    Retro Nug Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The Netherworld
    Me too, buddy! It's just as much fun as it was back on the PC!
  3. Liberachi86

    Liberachi86 Active Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    Where's My Water 2 QA
    Is there any chance of restoring the blades of grass on dantooine in the future? I still remember when it looked like this

  4. Retro Nug

    Retro Nug Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The Netherworld
    I don't mind not having shadows on the iPod 5, but is there blades of grass on Dantooine on the iPod 5?? I kinda hope so! -.-
  5. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    #885 kaibosh, Dec 21, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    The day has finally come where storage space means more than app cost. Since apple charges what I consider to be class action suit price gouging for 'the next level up in storage', all these new games coming out pushing the 2GB mark are going to see sales crippled due to people simply not willing to delete three dozen other games to play it. Yes, you could stockpile the apps on your PC in iTunes, but that is hardly an answer to the problem.

    Apple could solve this by allowing us to backup our save files (most things are still not Cloud, in the case of this game the save file is simply too large), so at least we could painlessly swap big games back and forth. Yes, I know of the workarounds, but... In the end, people will just pass on what they know is a good game simply because of the space issue.

    The other thing devs really need to do is implement robust graphics settings, it is ridiculous that across such a huge range of iOS devices we can't just have universal releases where the app auto adjusts for a balance of res, framerate, and details - as well as giving us the sliders to choose our preferences as we see fit. There is NO reason an iOS game can't have adjustable res options, which would solve 99% of the problems alone. They are slowly doing this with android, but will apple even let them do it for iOS? I doubt it, considering that it is nearly 2014 and in iOS 7 they won't even allow you to choose to use the cool dark grey keyboard. "Walled garden" style UI is one thing, but apple has gone all the way to "Hannibal Lector lockdown cell" at this point. Graphic option sliders?! Heaven forfend!

    Sheesh, even the ability to purchase something on the App Store but not install it immediately would be a grand step forward, but to this day you can't even buy an app over a certain size on your cell phone unless you are on wifi. Add it to the list of inexplicable crap apple will never change.
  6. AspyrMatt

    AspyrMatt Member

    Dec 19, 2013
    Austin, TX
    #886 AspyrMatt, Dec 21, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    I hear you on the size, but with a game like this it was a struggle to get it as small as it is.

    It's worth noting on the graphics options that KOTOR does scale to your device. The lowest end devices (iPad Mini 1st Gen, iPad 2, iPhone 4S) don't get shadows, bloom or anti-aliasing at all, and as you start moving up in power you start getting more effects in the game. The only really difference with that compared to something like PC is that you can't manually set them. They're basically set at a point on each device where you get as much as possible, before it starts to slow your game down.

    Unfortunately a lot of it comes down to protecting users from themselves. Let people jack the settings through the roof, and some will do it, and then won't connect that to the game crashing all the time or combat basically being in slow-motion, and that's the experience they'll be telling people about. That's not all users, or even most, but it's one of those things that gets taken into consideration.

    But that's why we have the game scale to the device, so people with an iPad Air don't have to get stuck with settings that an iPad2 can barely handle. It's a compromise, and no one on either side is usually 100% happy with any compromise, but it's probably the best we can do for now.

    @Liberachi86 I'll make sure we check it out. It may be one of those things that only high-end devices can handle, but if it makes the game better for some users we'll definitely look into it. I can't make any guarantees though.
  7. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Yeah, storage does suck with games getting bigger and bigger. Apple will never do it, but I wish they'd take step from Android and allow expansion through SD cards.

    Anyway, I bought this thinking I'd put it in my backlog with too many big games already on my device. BUT I couldn't resist any longer. I deleted ** yikes ** Bastion along with a bunch of smaller games. I have Bastion on 360 so I can still play it there (well, I can with KOTOR too, but still was anxious to see how it plays on iOS).

    So, getting ready to dig in.....:)
  8. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Actually, Google is fanatically against external storage of any kind, and they have always made it a serious pain to install apps to the external SD. The Nexus devices will NEVER come with an external SD slot. Not only that, Google even seems to be against accessing USB storage, which means that for example on my brand new Nexus 7 2013 I had to dig up a hack just to access USB storage across an established OTG cable.

    In the newest versions of Android, it is almost impossible to install apps/games to the external SD. Depending on your rom/kernel, you may not even be able to at all. As of right now the only thing that works is 'FolderMount', none of the other symbolic link hacks are even functional since 4.2+
  9. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    NO. That is 'apple talk' and it is not acceptable. You can have it both ways. Implement code into the game that monitors framerate, both for averages over spans of time and extreme/sudden spikes. If a person has set things to the point where the game is obviously unplayable, detect that and then pop up a dialog telling them so with a button to restore settings to default. Have a menu option explaining the hazards.

    Lowering things to a common denominator just ruins it for everyone. My initial rant was more pointed to GTA:SA than this game, but the problem is the same. More options is *always* better. Don't be like apple and not let us change anything because "we are too stupid to do it right". Imagine how horribly broken PC gaming would have been all these years if the users had no control over graphics options. iOS and Android gaming have come full circle now, with insanely diverse ranges of CPU/GPU power and resolution. It is time to bring the screens full of sliders back. Give us a little credit, some of us will always choose framerate over goodies.
  10. Larni

    Larni Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    I don't see how it is lowering to a common denominator. Playing this on an Air is going to look better than on a iphone 5.

    The denominator varies.

    How broken would PC games be if one could not adjust the sliders?

    About as broken as consols have been for the past 20 years.
  11. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    What? Consoles are locked down hardware. Everything is exactly the same, across the board. And your question about pc's is so far out to lunch I wouldn't even know where to begin. Sorry, this is all off topic. All I see lately is people complaining that a game isn't running as well on new hardware as it is on old hardware. There is no excuse for it, a game doesn't absolutely need to run at the native res. With properly implemented interpolation most people wouldn't even be able to notice a lower res.
  12. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    #892 awp69, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
    Interesting. Yeah, I know Google itself is against it (having a Nexus 7 myself). I just thought a good percentage of other Android devices had access to external SD storage (and always find it odd that even the system refers to "external SD" when, in fact, it is internal on Nexus devices. But since I haven't owned the others I had always just assumed it was more readily available. Sounds like I was wrong....at least for those using the newer Andriod OSes.

    It really annoys me when ANY technology that could easily have expandable storage doesn't allow it. It's just greed. Charging an extra hundred dollars or whatever just for another 8 GBs or so. Even those that have had expandable storage, like Sony, until recently, requiring their handhelds to use their own proprietary MicroSticks.
  13. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Strangely enough it isn't about greed, at least for Google. They are fanatic about control, and they feel that accessing external SD cards in Android is too hard for most people - which is true, and why they won't even let music be stored there (again, another simple xposed hack fixes this). The truth is, if people knew just how horrific linux/android was at heart... You think you are seeing the real directories even with root privileges? Not even close, there are about a dozen partitions you don't even know exist. It just got a lot worse, Android broke all symbolic links to the external SD card and messed up all existing software that knew where to look for it. Don't worry, they plan to replace android altogether soon with ChromeOS. Our nightmares have only begun.
  14. Liberachi86

    Liberachi86 Active Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    Where's My Water 2 QA
    As a long time kotor fan (been hyped about this game since early 2002), I would appreciate it. The original xbox was doing grass and glossy water shaders. I'm sure that A7 devices are much more powerful than the old xbox, and can handle delivering the full kotor experience with ease. I'm greatful for the inclusion of shadows in this last update, and I hope the next update can fully restore the game
  15. Power Gamer

    Power Gamer Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    I'd like to add that the iPad 4 surely can handle it, too.
  16. Sd card ability on android is great. Being able to store alot of videos is awesome.
  17. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    Love this on my phone now.
  18. Larni

    Larni Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    It works fine on an Air and iphone 5 for me. My point about locked down consoles was that you can't adjust the graphics and nobody complains.

    But you are right: it is off topic.

    All the best.
  19. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Love how the UI is done for the iPhone size screen but wondering if this is also applied to iPad also.
  20. Shadowking2214

    Shadowking2214 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    I know on the PC there is a bug with grass that messes with the skybox and it stretches out,I think it'll remain disabled due to that particular bug since this is a direct port of the PC version. I'm speaking of the bug with the steam version so I might be wrong but it might exist on the disc version as well

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