Having finally given in to iOS RPGs, I am SO hooked... Playing Bard's Tale, picked up Aralon, and I'm DEFINITELY going to be getting Ravensword 1 & 2... Baldur's Gate, huh? Good bye free time... BTW, 1,000+ pages, 10,000+ posts... Of course, a lot of that has been discussing other games... MERRY FRIGGIN' CHRISTMAS TO ALL! DBC
Yeah, I would understand... Anyways, did you use the lemonade tycoon I pmailed you? It sucks (FINE) but is fun
Sta warfare, TD everybody shoot at the sky, I'll screen capture, email to undead so he can post. (I can't figure it out.)
You called? Speaking of which, prior to the fireworks, I've got something rather bizarre to show anyone who's interested. It's a glitch, so respond back if interested
http://starwarfare.wikia.com/wiki/Glitches#Explosives_Glitch That's a link to what I was hoping to show you, but a screenshot doesn't quite cut it -- you need to see it in action to really get how bizarre it is (particularly on Garage -- grenades just rain from the ceiling)
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm on that page there was an invisible wall glitch, to be honest a simple explanation is there. The camera has no collider meaning it can pass through objects so it can do what it does. Whyh can't it pass through the ground? There are parameters of which which angles the camera could be. It could spin around the player in a full circle but there is never a case for going underground. Thus this is not (I guess) a glitch.