WE"RE GONNA HIT THE 1000 PAGE MARK!!!!!!!! how are we gonna celebrate???? oh and btw, im on vacation right now. also..., im getting better at mc3, especally since enjoo told me that most people hip fire
Almost there. Idk. Maybe a match of some sorts. Yeah hipfire is extremely accurate is mc3. Mc4 is really fun for me now especially since its more balanced.
I believe you hit the shift key when typing' creating " on the first line. Sory I just read Sherlock Holmes sooo... Yeah. Mc3 is easy to me, use acm/holo and fmj and you'll be awesome.
There is a glitch where the hitbox of the snipers can go through walls and other objects, and because the projectile is produced at the front of the hitbox, the R-700-AA is long enough to shoot through multiple walls.
hey undead, if you have alot of time to sink, go for Baldur's Gate, highly recommended. Also, Ravensword2 is out, but I did not have time yet to actually play. And we made it to page 1000! Bring out the fireworks, people!
yes, but i am talking about the attacker killing me through multiple walls, but he isnt using the walls to kill me, he's in the open
10,000th post! I got it! Fireworks and explosions anyone? I hope there are a lot more milestones coming up!
Man, we've all been here a long time o____o; Fitting time for celebrations though: Happy 10,000th post and Merry Christmas!