Very good once they fixed most of the crashing. I am HORRIBLE at isometric dual-stick shooters, and even I do well at it. Something about mowing down huge mobs of enemies appeals to me.
If you put it that way, then well: I have a 7-figure pile of gold 5-figure pile of ammo!!!! I didn't mention my 0.1-figure of mithril. But by the way, YOU'RE DISTURBING!!!!
Anyone around for a game? I've been slowly (offline) but surely bettering my game. I now have Thunder Gloves, NOVA27, and a Windblade. Close to getting the Thunder Helm.
That's a good goal. How many pieces do you have right now? Leveling guns is pretty useful if you want better Damage/Ammo rate, or if you have the best weapon in the category. It gets expensive quick though.
I have the Thunder gloves and the rest is Fortune items. As far as weapons, I'm going to max my NOVA, Windblade, and Trinity before I buy anything else (at least that's e current plan).
Well, try buying the M-27B1(after you get Thunder). It does reduce your speed, but is the ultimate Boss killer.
If that's the case, l'll wishlist it. I prefer to stay nimble with weapons but nothing wrong with having a boss killer.
It is the workhorse of any good loadout because it has the highest fire rate of any other weapon. It can be replaced by the Laser Cannon, but that costs a lot of mithril.