A quick check seems to indiciate Superion's probably safe too, he was able to get online within the last 12 hours. I'm not sure when the storm hit, so I can't use that assumption for a few other guys in here...hope you're safe!! The images and videos we're seeing over here are pretty horrific: transformers exploding, floods, and fires. Natural disasters are never fun...
Assuming my dates are correct, the storm hit late Monday. So, according to that, Jedi should be fine too, he was on yesterday. I think Manhattan has power now, but it will be a bit before they can even start on New Jersey.... The barrier islands are completely destroyed... That was one hell of a category 1...
I'm perfectly fine. I *do* live in the safest area in all of NYC, anyways. *cheers for living in the very heart of times square* I've been a bit preoccupied since a lot of my friends lost power, and my school (Two blocks away from the East River) got completely flooded. I haven't been to school since last Friday, and I won't be able to go back until Monday at the very earliest. My loss of activity here is also due to the fact of my obsession: Magic The Gathering, or known as Magic/MTG, has been eating up a lot of my time, haha.
Looks as if most of the active people are accounted for: I caught Parcheesy over on the wiki as a guest, and JK's been online in the last 24 hours, so everyone seems safe
The whole continent is affected in some way, but no, I am not directly affected. We've had the same weather patterns for a week, though.... It's un-Midwestern.
Bring it back to life then I've just been taking a break since my last exam, started playing a few games people recommended to me. Need to get back on with the Photoshopping and the other projects... Also, there are some SERIOUS leaderboard monsters floating around on TouchArcade o___O
I think most of the deaths were people refusing to leave their houses, or flying objects wreaking havoc.