Universal Star Warfare: Alien Invasion - (by Freyr Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. !!!nada!!!

    !!!nada!!! Active Member

    May 29, 2012
    Ok thanks for the help, now it all makes sense. Time to finally stop cutting aliens now that I know that. Just so I can get an idea, on higher levels how hard do the boss's hit? And finally, would you recomend I go straight for the M-278 (or whatever, the golden minigun that everyone says is the best for PvE)? I'm worried I won't be able to keep up with the energy demands.
  2. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
    What armor do you use? That will help in estimating how much damage they do. If you want to find out for yourself, you can go do the offline bosses.

    Well, I recommend you just go get other weapons on your way to the M-27. Some must haves would be: Nova27, Crab and, if you get enough mithril, Windblade. Also, don't get shotgun.
  3. !!!nada!!!

    !!!nada!!! Active Member

    May 29, 2012
    Well, thats the problem, I want to know how hard they hit so I can guess how muh HP I think I will need. Right now I can't even get to mantis cause I've got standard armor and the cutter level six...I'm trying to figure out the best way to get to high level gear fast....and I really want a good gun. About the shotguns, I know most suck, but I thought that last laser one was actually supposed to be fairly good.
  4. Asasnator

    Asasnator Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Oklahoma, OKC
    #904 Asasnator, May 29, 2012
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
    I would recommend saving up gold and getting the Thunder armor once you reach rank 6. Also, get the FL33R(sp?) Assault Rifle, A very handy gun early on and then after that get the Nova27. Once you have the Nova fully upgraded get the M-27B1 machine gun. That's pretty much the path I took when I started the game. I was able to solo siegfried with the fully upgraded Nova27 and full Thunder Suit. And I was able to kill the Mantis boss with 3 pieces of the 4 pieces of the thunder suit, and I was using the FL33R (sp?) Assault Rifle. Maybe that will give you a rough estimate at what you need to kill each boss. =p

    Also, haha no. All the shotguns suck, even the Morpheus shotgun. Don't bother wasting gold on it.
  5. Enjoo

    Enjoo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    #905 Enjoo, May 30, 2012
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
    Is the sam pack better Or should I get the windblade?
  6. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
    Are there any other armor combos for gold farming that don't have abysmal speed? I mean, 6 speed wtf.

    Also, they should make armor that increases mithril drops by like, 1 or 2%? Just to not make mithril farming so broken. Also, armor that resists X damage.
  7. !!!nada!!!

    !!!nada!!! Active Member

    May 29, 2012
    Alright then , I caved in today and bought the 700,000 pack (couldn't bear not spending my gold any longer), lovin the speed and power. I guess I'll get the thunder suit then since I've had the fl33r for quite some time. By the way, once I start getting mithral in, what do you advise I purchase first? Anything worth it in your opinion (I'm thinking windblade right now)?
  8. Asasnator

    Asasnator Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2012
    Full time college student
    Oklahoma, OKC
    When you get 60 mithril get the SAM pack, absolutely amazing pack. You won't ever switch it out unless your doing PvP. Also..heh I would have waited till rank 6 to spend your gold and get full thunder suit, it's much better and gives you some % gold increase. But you would have eventually got the STK pack anyways.
  9. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
    It depends really. If you farm bosses a lot, SAM pack. PvP junkie? Windblade.
  10. Enjoo

    Enjoo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    What would you choose? I'm kind of both...
  11. Gluey

    Gluey Active Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    Well personely I have no clue what the Sam pack is but windblade is great for p v p and bosses. It would probely depend on you suite. Like if you have a jetpack that gives you unlimited amo then you don't need the sword on boss mode. But if ou rely on speed like the F.L.O.A.T bag then wind blade would be good.

    Also I need some advice. Is it worth it to save up money for the new orange/white suit. Or should I keep the black suit. I use the black suit with the unlimited amo jetpack for bosses and story/survival. But I use the thunder with the float jetpack. So what I'm saying should I by the white suit?

    Also I learned that a great combo with the float bag and thunder armor is when you use both at once and your speed is at like 12 :p anyone else use this combo?
  12. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
    #912 Northrall, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
    The windblade doesn't really do THAT much damage. Even with thunder armor on, I don't get one shotted by windblade's porjectiles.

    To answer your question, stick with the thunder armor imo. If you have trouble surviving, then go for it. Paired with the STK-ZZ pack, you could do 50% more damage.
  13. tezster

    tezster New Member

    May 31, 2012
    Is there a FAQ or list somewhere of the upgrade costs of each weapon from lvl two to 8? Specifically, I'd like to find out for the windblade and Morpheus.
  14. !!!nada!!!

    !!!nada!!! Active Member

    May 29, 2012
    Has anyone here bought/used the laser cannon. It looks like it could do massive damage, but I'm worried about the charge up time it has. (yes I realize I wont be getting this for a very long time, and that the energy costs would be insane).

    And does anyone know where I can email freyr to suggest some things. They have a bug report email but nothing else (just use that)?
  15. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
  16. Sambobsung

    Sambobsung Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
    After the game got bored, INFINITY BLADE II

    Game is pretty boring now, like a bunch of you people say, so INFINITY BLADE II is wat I got, and its pretty ossim.
  17. Enjoo

    Enjoo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Is the freedom useless? Because some say you don't need the hp boost or unlimited ammo,but how about when using the rail gun?
  18. Northrall

    Northrall Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    High school student
    I'm homeless ._.
    The consensus of this forum about the railgun is that it's bad since you don't find a lot of stationary target and it doesn't really one hit as the description says.
  19. !!!nada!!!

    !!!nada!!! Active Member

    May 29, 2012
    Yes, Infinity Blade II is rather fun but it gets stupidly difficult after you newgame a few times, and its extremley off topic. (Perhaps make suggestions for the game rather than suggesting a different game?)

    And thanks for the link Northrall.
  20. Gluey

    Gluey Active Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    Does anyone no the windblade sword and how much the wind part does. Say my swords power is around 800?

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