Yes, the cutter is useful when you run out of ammo or develop dodging a bit more, but overall the cutter is rather weak at first. Regarding ammo, my advice is to always carry a huge amount with you. (I personally hate refilling, I always have at least 10-15 million ammo or more on me.) for you, however, you might want to consider the 50-100k range of ammo, as it'll be useful for lasting a long time. One more tip, always buy Hyperclips. Those things will always pay you back their worth, and they are the ULTIMATE boss killer.
Yeah. People doing it for you isn't the best idea. But your almost done surviving. The bosses are the best in pve
When heading into a boss fight, always keep this inventory in mind: 3- Slot- Weapon, Hyperclip, Health Pack. 4 Slot- Weapon, Hyperclip, Hyperclip, Healthpack. 5-Slot Weapon, Weapon, Hyperclip, Hyperclip, health pack. 6-Slot- Anything you want, although my personal loadout is Weapon, Weapon, Hyperclip x4 as unless I'm in a thunderstrike I don't need health. For the runs, Jason, I understand, so why don't we run a survival? I'm not really carrying you anywhere there, but I'm strong enough to ease you to survival. Another thing I can do is bring my Regen Pack, but mediocre weapons, so I'm not annihilating everything, but I'm doing enough to heal you constantly.
Yeah, I can't afford that much ammo yet, esp with having to save for my thunder set. I'll def check out those hyper clips, does it last until you die or?
30 sec The thunder ability is really useful and it regens over time plus the 15% less energy consumption. (You probably already know that)
The hyperclip lasts for 30 sec., and combined with the thunder ability, which lasts for 10sec, will give you a 150% damage boost for 10 sec., and a 100% boost for the next 20sec.
I saw some of Undead's videos on youtube. Speaking of annihilating stuff, that guy downs bosses in a blink of an eye. Guess once you reach that point you gotta wait for the Star Warfare 2 release. Those weapon "combos" that he has up, interesting stuff, dual sniper seems deadly. I guess you rapidly swipe down to switch and tap to shoot certain weapon combos, rinse/repeat?
Okay, Jason, how about a survival game? You can choose the map, and ill be there for backup/power teammate. If I die, thkugh, which is highly unlikely, dont worry, i have revives (Yeah, a perk of being a tycoon...) Enjoo and Lava, you two can RockPaperScissor over the third spot? Or it could just be Jason and I.
Well, the combos that he made (Namely the synthesis combo) does down bosses quickly under certain circumstances (Thunder Ability+ Hyperclip + STK + It's a single player boss which means 1/3 normal health) but it is an overall powerful technique. I've come up with things too, but they're full on game styles that are quite expensive/ hard to maintain correctly, so yeah, I'll wait for Star Warfare 2
The reason why certain things like that are super effective is due to two factors: One being the speed of your tapping, and Two, the way that reload is factored into the game. Take for example the Sniper Rifle R-700 AA. It has a reload speed of 1.50 seconds. If you switch immediately after a shot, that weapon will fire because of the first weapon still in its reload stage. In that way, it's possible to chain together combos that involve multiple firings of weapons in a short period of time.
Actually it is 300% then 200% if you know what I mean. Also superion, nah not gonna be that guy, lava can be him.