Here's some tips on how to play the game and get the most of it: You can improve crew specs in the Starfleet Academy training room. They are much cheaper than using the holodeck to replay previous missions, an if you successfully complete the assigned training mission, you can get up to +3 extra points added to the +10 points you get for training the ability. I'm playing sector 4 atm, and I have completely finished the first 3 sectors. I have the 7 most expensive crew members (a lot of dilithium grinding!) and the only problem I find is when I fall into a mission I cannot cancel and the crew I use is not the high-spec one. Sometimes you're forced to use the primary crew, and others you have to use the unassigned crew members. If you have the bad luck of falling into those missions without the proper crew and you fail the mission, most of the times you get injured and several rooms in the spaceship get damaged, and you have to fix them with resources and time. Try not to let this happen by using dilithium in missions (more in detail a few paragraphs below). As for the resources, I have 17 crew workers (16 normal crew rooms + 1 premium crew room) and 24 producing rooms (8 of each) at the maximum possible upgrade according to the level I'm at the moment (lvl 45). Each category are placed surrounding a special room which increases production a 10%, which means that if I assign 8 workers to the 8 command rooms, at the end of the production process (2h atm), I'm getting 2880x8 + 288x8 command points, which is around 26,000 points. I've noticed that of the three resources (yellow, blue, red) the one produced in the least quantities is the red one (power, I think), while the blue one is the one I have more of. If you are thinking on building premium crew rooms using dilithium, do it ASAP, because their price increases as you level up. Mine are at 37 dilithium/room atm, and I'm afraid that when I level up to lvl 46 and expand the full ship (just one upgrade left), it'll increase even more. As for the time invested in playing the game, it's more or less the same time I've invested in other games such as Pocket Planes, and progress speed seems more or less the same, or even better in Trexels. It must be noted that from sector 3 onwards, I've had to use the "dilithium button" in the missions, which grants you +10 energy cubes by spending 2 dilithium crystals, around half a dozen times (only once per mission, but in several missions). In the long term it's better to use them than to let the mission fail, because if you fail, chances are that your crew gets injured and several of your rooms damaged in the process, and as I said that is too expensive in the long term. I hope this helps. On a side note, even though the game is premium priced, has a freemium layout and we're not happy about it in this thread, it seems the general public in the App Store is enjoying the game a lot and has loads of positive reviews (4.5/5 stars and many reviews in the App Store according to TA). Is it really selling so much, or can those 5-star reviews in the App Store be manipulated?
A rule of thumb is, how many people, in real life, do you know who plays Trexels? That is the best gauge of the accuracy of the 4.5 stars average on the App Store.
So how easy is it really to farm Dilithium? I primarily get mine either from quests or leveling only. I tried the meteorite/debris phaser shooting mini game a couple of times but never got a single crystal.
Oh and another problem with the game is that if you play other apps and then go back into Star Trek it I have to sit through a long menu screen. One of the reasons tiny Tower is so fun is that I can go right back into it immediately. It makes it feel as if it's "always there".
You eventually get crystals in the shooting mini game. They come from special pieces, being a dilithium rock the most evident one and a black rectangle the most difficult to see. Once you get one crystal, exit and reenter the mini game. This way they come more often. Not true. I exit, come back and it's there. What's true is that it uses more memory than Tiny Tower, so iOS tends to close the app earlier than Tiny Tower. Hopefully an update which is coming in theory will make the app use less memory and fix the increasing app size bug (mine is 360MB atm).
Yes this looks good .. But it's not ..paid game that needs more money to play .. First level is great .. Goes downhill rapidly after that .. Take my advice don't buy until massive update ... No wonder this is under the radar .. If it was any good we would all know about it ...
I have hit a wall - or found a bug. I have completed all the exploration mission in sector 1 I have completed all the initial assignments and I have done one expansion. I am trying to do a second expansion, but when I try, I get the error message that I have Insufficient Resourse. I have plenty of the resources that it states I need. What's going on here. I have now run out of empty rooms to expand to. Thoughts? Suggestions?
LOL, we all know about it. This topic has almost 250 messages in it, so exposure to the game is not the problem. The problem is that we all know that it sucks and is a huge ripoff trying to cash a quick buck from desperate Trek fans.
Because we'd desperately love to have a good Star Trek iOS game... and this one has SO MUCH potential... I want to keep playing. I want this game to be good... but the grinding is just too much, too repetitive, not not fun enough. I hope they make the necessary changes, as this could be a pretty fun game... but as it sits right now, it's just not fun. It's not a good game.
Be careful where you click I'm about done with this "game" I had 42 dilithuim I had grinded by playing the space shooting game and once I went back to the ship screen poof 28 disappeared and I ended up a premium crew quarters I did not want or need. I don't recall pressing anything but collecting resources.I am just glad I grinded for the money and not spent $. I was trying to unlock Spock but now I dunno if I feel like grinding another 45 dilithuim with the possibility of losing just by making a bad click.
There already is. Google Star Fleet II. Closest thing to commanding a space cruiser I have ever encountered...
I'm enjoying it more than you are. I'm at level 46 atm, I have finished sectors 1-4 and I have been grinding A LOT and I have 8 premium starfleet officers and the ship as you can (hopefully) see in the attached image (only pictured the buildable section, already expanded to the maximum). Atm grinding to unlock sector 5. I have a premium crew room, a premium command resource room and 1-2 other premium rooms. My resource rooms are built in 3x3 in the main body, so that I can have a 10% increase room in the middle of the 8 of each kind of energy. Between those rooms I have the recreation rooms (5 atm) where the crew sometimes ask to go (and produce resources). I agree with you: this game urgently needs more minigame variety and the dilithium ocurrence should be raised a bit. All in all, it's a good Tiny Tower alternative for Star Trek fans, always bearing in mind that, as I've already stated several times, this should be a freemium title.
@Devs, an update which supposedly fixes many things & issues with the game has just been made available, BUT my app still weighs 371MB. What do I have to do to return it to its normal size? Use iExplorer or similar and manually delete all the temp cache files? Come on, you said this issue would be solved with this update. I like the game and can accept I paid for a freemium game, but I cannot accept an app that increases it size without reason every time I force close it... EDIT: Since updating the game didn't solve my issue with the game space occupied, I used the brute force, and it seems it works. If you are having issues with the game occupying more than it should (mine was 371MB and is now 207MB), you have to use an app to explore your iPhone (I used iFunBox) and: 0. Backup all the "Library" folder, just in case. 1. Go to the "Trexels" directory, to Library\Caches\GameData 2. Delete all the "refineGameInfo_XX.plist" archives. I had 56 archives numbered from 1 to 56. After deleting those archives and playing again, I've checked the folder and seen that the game has created (downloaded?) archives 47 to 56 (both included). I really, really think the devs should manage their temp archives much better, because space is very limited (unless they want to supply me a 64GB iPhone for free...) I don't know if this process will have any consequences in the long term, but it seems to work perfectly fine now. As for the update itself, the shooting minigame is much better now. You tap on the screen and there are lasers to ALL objects where you're tapping, not just one. I also played a shooting session (session = until objects stop appearing for more than 20 seconds) and got 3 dilithium crystals overall. Not too much, but better than the 1 or 2 that I got in previous sessions. I hope devs improve their temp file management and include more minigames.
Question about game mechanics... Building the Mess Hall requires two Hydroponics rooms. How does this mechanic work? Do I need two Hydroponics rooms FOR EACH Mess Hall ( meaning I would need six Hyro rooms for 3 Mess Halls )? Do I need two Hyro rooms in order to build as many Mess Halls as I want? ( meaning I would need two Hydro rooms for 3 Mess Halls )? After I build the two Hydo rooms do I need to keep them in order to keep building Mess Halls? ( meaning I could delete my Hydro rooms and still build 3 Mess Halls )?
I just answered my own question. Looks like you need two Hydro rooms for each Mess Hall you plan to build.
Yeap, this happens with other rooms too. Btw, what devs "forgot" to mention with the update is that now you don't get a dilithium crystal when you level up. I just got to level 48 and discovered it. Lame...
I hit some kind of bug. The game now crashes every time I start it. Happeneds right after it finishes "Loading". I tried rebooting and clearing my Network Setting as well as logging out if Game Center.
Couple of other players were also hit by the similar bug. Check the below link, they are fixing it up somehow.
Can the devs please explain what's up with the "refineGameInfo_XX.plist" and why do those archives stay in the phone occupying 3-5MB per archive?
I don't know if you've found it yet, but there is an option under settings (in the game interface, not in your phone settings) that allows you to prevent dilithium purchases. This should help keep you from accidentally using up dilithium. Just turn it off when you actually want to buy something.