Thread for the Add Me code at the start of the game. I got a Kirk card (don't know whether it is poo or not). My code - DPUHFS
My referral code is FWDQQI . I used Ditroia's referral code when I first started the game, to "share the wealth" instead of defaulting to the first poster all the time. You only get the referral benefits if someone puts in your code at the very BEGINNING of the game, but since your cards will be "stuck" in other games (and you only have enough for four games at the start), it's a good idea to use friend codes of people that you're pretty sure will actually FINISH the games. Otherwise you've got five cards lost in limbo for a week (unless there's a "quit" button that I'm not seeing). And if that happens four times, you're either buying more cards or ignoring the app for seven days.
Thanks mate. Did you friend up the other two guys. They finish games. The benefit when playing friends is you get more credits and experience. I've got a bunch of games in limbo. But have been able to buy decks with earned credits and the starting Latium. You can nudge players but hopefully there's an update to forfiet the game after 24 hours. I recommend saving credits for the $2500 level as I got some decent cards with that. Also if you have enough cards and credit you can upgrade cards.
Gameplay video: Note I'm not getting any ads.
Yeah, I've played several games so far (although I forgot whose "in game" name matched up with which referral code). I'm "Peridot Weapon" on there so my name is pretty distinctive. Actually been having some good dumb luck with the starter deck. I've always liked games like this because even if you have a junk hand, you can still set up "Tribble Trap" mind games. If you throw a Tribble in the center as your first move, pretty much anything can gain ownership of it, but it's not likely to "combo" onto anything else ... Dumb luck has been favoring me, as the placement options left for me on my eighth or ninth move have been able to give me combos off of the ONE direction that would work on the card(s) I have left at that point. I can't promise to check in every hour, but I'll be fairly active this weekend. (I'd be MORE so if half my cards weren't tied up in the first two games I foolishly chose "Random Rival" on!) I'll buy some cards eventually, but the max/minner in me hates to spend starting resources without knowing the rarities. A Cadet Pack is 5 cards, and only has the chance for one of them to be a "Powerful Card." An Ensign costs 2.5x as much, gives twice as many cards, and has the chance for "multiple" cards to be Powerful. But without knowing HOW MANY cards can be Powerful, the odds of them being so, and the maximum border of rarity than you can find in each pack, an Ensign pack could be a waste of money.
Okay, good to know. I'll 'grow into' Ensign Packs eventually, but I think my initial strategy (as I posted in the other thread) would be to go for bulk QUANTITY and try to have as many games as possible running against active players in the early days. Even if I lose, I get as much rewards for two LOSSES as I do for one WIN. And since there's no win/loss records yet (I think?), I'm more than willing to go on a giant losing streak if it means I can get Credits faster. This might also make me a popular Friend to have, because my deck will have more Starter Fodder in it, making it more likely that my opponents who buy better cards will beat me. And if they use my Referral Code, I'll get extra XP when THEY level up, which will help ME level up faster and that XP will then go to YOU because I used you as MY Referral Code. It's one giant Pyramid Scheme.
I've been adding folks from this list. This is looking like a pretty fun Triple Triad knock-off. My code: EGRPHG
Apart from the connection issues it's a great game. I'd start a game but I have no cards left Cheers Dave
Has anyone ever pulled a "Silver" or "Gold" card from a Credits (Cadet / Ensign) pack? I know it's a little early in the game's lifespan to be asking that, but I've heard mixed opinions. Some people say that the Cadet pack ALWAYS gives you 1 Bronze/4 Tin (Tin being the unofficial term for any of the thirty "generic cards" of Power 7 through 10) and an Ensign Pack is always 3 Bronze/7 Tin, with the 'powerful' card just meaning there's a chance one might be elite. Others say that the powerful card could be ANYTHING, all the way up to an Elite Gold-Rarity Decalithium Red Matter, even in a Cadet pack. If that's the case, though, the odds are probably up there with finding an entire box of Mythic Rare Magic Card Boosters. If Credits were cheaper, I'd almost consider buying some at this point - I also have more friends than I do cards, so I can't acknowledge a couple of my "game start" requests! I've got 15 active games, so that's anywhere from 3,000 - 4,500 credits waiting for me once they resolve. At least everyone's been playing punctually ... only one of my games has a move that I've been waiting on for more than twelve hours, even with the server issues from this afternoon. But you'd think everyone decided they should go to bed instead of finish up their virtual card games first. The nerve.
Ah. Is that the infamous Elite Admiral A. Marcus? I believe you've terrorized me with him on a game or two. My cards with 7+ power that can't immediately be flipped right back over are few and far between. That's probably why Elite Lieutenant "Cupcake" is on sale right now. No, game, I will NOT Spend 40 Latinum just to have a Marcus Breaker. So we know Silvers are possible, as well as Silver Elites. (Marcus is typically a [6 / 8 / 2 / 6] card, his Elite status is what gives him that 10.) Do you remember if you pulled him from a Cadet pack or an Ensign pack?
There's actually THREE Admirals, but I suppose it doesn't matter which other one you have - Pike and 'Rogue' Marcus are both Gold-level 30 pt. cards. So if that's the case, all that's left to find out is if anyone ever pulls Silver and Gold from CADET packs, or if you need at least an Ensign pack for one. Credits are easy enough to come by, either way. (Or if you remember that you got your Admiral from a Cadet pack, that solves the question right there.) I've kind of horribly "derailed" the ADD ME thread, though, and should probably continue any NON-"Add" related conversation at the topic. To get this back on track, people who had posted "add me" IDs so far were: grenadedodger: DPUHFS gb3: QZEQUI ditroia: ------ (Removed: He took his own code down, probably because he has more friends than he could possibly play games with at the same time!) Laire: FWDQQI Mr. Sanity: EGRPHG