Star Traders RPG (Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by pjft, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Star Traders 5.0.23 introduces an all new theme for the user interface -- from buttons to the sliding bars for selling and exchanging goods, to drop downs for selecting captains. The new sleek look matches the HUD and also puts more visual emphasis on highlighted buttons for training or contract completion.

    Packaged with a set of bug fixes and new ships, the 5.0.23 is a exciting new update to the long standing space RPG favorite.

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a Review

    v5.0.23 - 4/21/2013
    - New Button Artwork and Game Theme
    - Fixed Jyeetax and Bolllish Aliens
    - Fixed Travel to Top Edge of Map
    - Fixed Travel to Left Edge of Map
    - Fixed Space Hive Awards
    - New type of 'Templar Space Hive'
    - New Ship: Callus Freighter
    - New Ship: Callus Hauler
  2. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    The newest release of Star Traders adds new ship hulls, and continues to expand / revise the highlights in the new buttons!

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    v5.0.25 - 4/28/2013
    - Revised New Button Artwork
    - Fixed Combat Button Highlight
    - New Artwork: Pao Core Hull
    - New Ship: Core Heavy Lifter
    - New Artwork: Pao Vector Hull
    - New Ship: Core V-Cutter

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Read more:
  3. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  4. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  5. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    The newest release of Star Traders includes a new icon, new ships, and new and improved XXHDPI support for the newest and nicest devices!

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    v5.0.27 - 5/17/2013
    - New Star Traders Icon
    - Improved XXHDPI Performance
    - Improved Zoom Map Display
    - Improved Star Map Performance
    - Updated New Character Interface
    - New Ship Artwork: Lance Vector
    - New Ship: Titan Vector
    - New Ship: Pirate Liberator
    - New Ship: Titan Strikecruiser

    Try Star Traders on Amazon:

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  6. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a Review

    v5.0.29 - 5/21/2013
    - New Ship: Pao Freighter
    - New Ship: Core Vector
    - New Ship: Strikefighter
    - 6 New Spice Hall Tips
    - Fixed XP-Ready Button Images
    - Fixed some Combat messages
    - Improved Officer Documentation

    Facebook Announcement:

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)
  7. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Star Traders RPG is the critically acclaimed turn based science-fiction RPG mobile strategy game released by Trese Brothers for the Android OS. The purpose of the game is to lead your Captain and Crew on a successful adventure by combining combat, commerce, politics and developing new ship designs.

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    v5.0.31 - 5/25/2013
    - Improved Game Speed for XXHDPI Devices
    - New Game Artwork: Plant Resource
    - New Game Artwork: Clothing Resource
    - New Ship: Maroon Liner
    - New Ship: Solar Falcon
    - New Ship: Death Raptor
    - 6 Additional Game Tips and Quotes
    - Fixed Reported Crashes

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)
  8. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Star Traders RPG has been updated to version 5.0.33 on Trese Brother's Games at Google Play and can be downloaded in both free and Elite editions.

    As always, version 5.0.33 includes updates for RPG fans playing both free and Elite editions. There are new ships (like the Tiberia Longsail, a top of the line new Merchant craft.) The update includes several aesthetic and code fixes to reduce defects and streamline the game interface.

    Join Star Traders RPG on Facebook

    As always, you can get the latest updates and discussion notes related to the release from the Trese Brother's Player Forum thread dedicated to v5.0.33 of Star Traders RPG.

    Follow Trese Brothers on Twitter

    Star Traders is a turn based role playing game (RPG) in which you take command of your officers and crew from the bridge of a starship to travel, trade, and battle across an immense sector of space. You have the option of employing a wide variety of strategies -- play as Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Trader, Pirate or Smuggler. Can you manage your resources, crew and officers well enough to turn a profit? Will you stay calm and emerge victorious from extended ship to ship battles?

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)
  9. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Trese Brothers has shot out a few rapid fire releases for Star Traders over the last few days.
    The newest release of Star Traders RPG has been deployed to Google Play and submitted to Amazon.
    These releases include some critical bug fixes and several new features for Elite players as well as new Ships and performance fixes for everyone.

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a Review or Like us on Facebook

    v5.0.37 - 6/7/2013
    - Fixed Android 2.2 Crashes
    - Fixed New Game FC
    - Re-Balanced Zealot Recruit Bonus
    - Resolved Reported Crashes
    - Optimized Ship Generator (Faster Combat Loading)

    v5.0.35 - 6/5/2013
    - New Elite Bonuses
    - New: 'Pirate' Recruit Independent Crews
    - New: 'Zealot' Recruit Bonus at Hall
    - New: 'Military Officer' Recruit Bonus
    - New: Bonus XP for 8+ Records (Smuggler)
    - New: Bonus XP for 8+ Records (Merchant)
    - New Ship: Deux Cutter
    - New Ship: Pirate Vestral
    - Optimized Artwork Performance

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Read more:
  10. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Please Leave a 5 Star Rating if you enjoy this game.

    v1.7.1 - 6/14/2013
    - Campaign list shows which campaigns you have defeated with a squad (starting with this release)
    - Standardized display of campaign length and difficulty
    - Redesigned main menu
    - Tour of Duty Campaign locked behind Stardock Raid
    - Xenos Headhunt campaign locked behind Critical Shutdown
    - Some campaigns renamed (Time to Go now "Xeno Headhunters" and Familiar Ground now "Tour of Duty")

    Google Play Templar Assault Free

    Google Play Templar Assault Elite

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    Amazon Templar Assault Elite
  11. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Show your support for Star Traders RPG by updating your review.

    v5.0.39 - 6/15/2013
    - New Art: Crystal Resource
    - 3 New Elite Ships
    - New Xeno Vet anti-Alien Bonuses
    - Display Fuel Economy in Dry Dock
    - Display Fuel Economy in Combat Victory

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)
  12. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a review and joining us on Google+ ( and Twitter (

    Command your officers and crew from the bridge of your star ship to travel, trade, and battle across the immense Star Traders Quadrant. Employ a wide variety of strategies as an Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Trader, Pirate or Smuggler. Can you manage your resources, crew and officers well enough to turn a profit in the complex economy that’s sprawling across the on-going interstellar conflict?

    v5.0.41 - 6/26/2013

    -Fixed Negative Fuel Use
    -New Officer Bonus: Mechanic 10% Solar Sail Repair Discount
    -New Officer Bonus: Improved Trade Officer, New Negotiation Bonus
    -New Ship: Aquarius Class
    -New Ship: Flagship Dreadnought
    -New Ship: Pirate Dreadnought
    -New Harvest Bonus: Merchant Gold Rush
    -New Harvest Bonus: Smuggler Gold Rush

    Try the free version, "Star Traders RPG" before you buy. Enjoy hours of turn-based strategy before you go Elite. The Trese Brothers never run ads in our games -- enjoy an ad free, permission free experience!

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free Star Traders RPG: Appstore for Android

    Then experience the Elite Upgrade and copy all your captains! Elite includes more than 200 new planets, more than 2,000 new sectors in the massive galaxy, over 200 new ships, twice as many rumors and officers, and more unique art! And you can copy any captain from Star Traders (free) to Elite!

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD) Star Traders RPG Elite: Appstore for Android
  13. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member


    v5.1.1 - 7/13/2013
    - Easier to Review Ship Plans
    - List of Faction Worlds and AU Range
    - Updated Help Files
    - New Artwork: Hawkwing Replaced
    - New Artwork: Vraes Lance
    - New Artwork: Vraes Defender
    - New Ship: Star Lance
    - New Ship: Strikecruiser Mk2
    - New Ship: Gamma Cruiser
    - Spice Hives Count as Aliens for Rumors
    - Updated Prison Defeat Rules

    This release includes a number of features suggested and supported by the forum.

    * Easier than ever to browse lists of ships. No more grinding!
    * Easy, accessible list of all Faction worlds and AU range from 'Factions' page
    * Replace the Hawkwing artwork with something fancy!
    * Updated the help files for officers, combat and conflicts
    * Prison Results are more balanced and make more sense
    * When Aliens are increased, so are Hives. The rareness was cool but then I put in Awards, so, there you go.

    There are a list of new features just around the corner for ST. Check out this set!

    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a Review or buying the Elite edition.

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG" Free

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

    Amazon "Star Traders RPG Elite" ($2.99USD)

  14. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    What's New
    Please support Star Traders RPG By Leaving a Review
    v5.2.15 - 1/17/2014
    - Added Navigator Button to Zoom Map
    - Added Navigator Button to Star Map
    - Improved Button Layouts for some devices
    - Elite Ship: Whitedwarf Liner
    - Elite Ship: Tuvloct Cutter
    - Navigator Menu Loads Faster
    - Some officer advice improved
    - Fixed Bugs and Reported Crashes
    v5.2.13 - 1/11/2014
    - Elite Edition has 20% more Ship upgrades for sale
    - New Ships: Paladin Cruiser, Paladin Carrier

    Try for Free on Google Play:
  15. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  16. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    As this is the Star Traders RPG thread, I am writing in to announce the release of the Star Traders 2 RPG KickStarter. This is a KickStarter for a sequel to this game, and therefore is directly relevant!

    Pre-order you copy today, join the alpha team, or enter the ST universe through your own creation via the project's rewards:

    For four years, our players have asked us to break new ground and create a next-generation RPG in the Star Traders universe. It’s time for us to make good on our promises. Star Traders 2 will be, at its core, an RPG and trading game set in a completely open, non-linear universe. We've mingled inspirations from genre-defining series like Firefly and Battlestar Galactica, books like Dune, and games like Mass Effect, Pirates! and Dwarf Fortress, but the core of the project is inspired and driven by the original Star Traders RPG and our community's vision for ST 2. If you're new to the Star Traders world, we hope you'll join us as a backer and as a Captain. If you're already a Captain - here is the project for which you've been waiting, but we can't do it without you.
  17. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thank you for playing the Star Traders games

    v5.6.11 - 9/2/2014
    - Star Traders 2 is on KickStarter!
    - New Ship: Heavy Cutter (Smuggler)
    - New Ship: Skip Lifter (Merchant)
    - New Rumors about Hyperwarp, Templars, Juror-class ships
    - Improved messages in Event Log
    - Updated performance for Event Log, UI Fixes

    Play for Free on Google Play!
  18. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  19. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thank you for playing the Star Traders games

    v5.6.13 - 9/17/2014
    - Hold the Line! Help us Make Star Traders 2 RPG on KickStarter
    - KickStarter Bonus: Thulun +10 Crew for Ship Designer
    - KickStarter Bonus: Thulun +2 Rumor Generation
    - New Ship: Vitek Liner
    - New Ship: Turnbull Lifter
    - Improved Rate Game UI

    Google Play "Star Traders RPG" Free
  20. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

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