Universal Star Traders: Frontiers (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Let's start the week off with a bang! Update #159 comes straight from the community -- requests for quality of life improvements, suggestions for missing Talents, improved balance, improvements to the mission generation system -- and more, all directly dialed in by our players. So, this one goes out to you, captains! Thanks for posting, writing, joining our Discord and leaving reviews!

    +2 New Talents
    We've added a new blade attack Talent for Zealots at rank 1 -- "Incensed Strikes." This new ability pushes Zealot's possibilities, making it more valuable as a combat class and enables crew Zealots to have more fighting options, especially early on. Incensed Strikes costs 1.5X your weapon's Initiative, but it has a rare debuff to enemy Initiative as well as clearing their buffs!

    We've also added a new Doctor rank 5 Talent "Healer's Intuition." With the constant care of the crew's health, it is only natural that a Doctor comes to know his or her crew very well. This insight can reveal a Trait when the crew is paid and has a moment to truly relax.

    Based on player feedback, we've also improved the handling of Talents when paying crew to ensure that Talents with a % chance to activate don't block other Talents from firing. And finally, in this area we've fixed a bug with the Diplomat Talent "Hand that Feeds" which was prevent the Talent from activating correctly.


    Mission Focus
    We've adjusted the system that helps a Contact pick the mission they request to increase the focus of Contact's on their core areas. Those Contacts giving Merchant missions are going to be more likely to dish out cargo missions, stash missions and the like while Prison Wardens are far more likely to send you on capture bounties and prisoner transports. This extra level of focus will increase your captain's ability to cleave to a type of career by cleaving to a type of Contact.

    Beyond the mission-giver type, we've also strengthened the effect of Conflicts upon mission selection. Those Contacts who respond to certain types of Conflicts are going to be even *more* likely to give missions focused on the core Conflict. For example, those Contacts giving Spy missions are going to go all in on spying during an Info War while Duel of Assassins is going to turn up more Edict and death warrant missions than before.

    Boarding Victory Talents
    Two Talents have come up in player feedback often -- the Mechanic's "Thrown Wrench" and Gunner's "Disarming Sabotage" where neither provided enough specifics in their description or in the details after they were used to let captains make an informed decision about their value. In both cases, we have adjusted their rules to be more powerful as these are rarer Talents -- in both cases you need to be either boarding at range 1 or have a unique Job combination on an Officer to make these available at longer range. In addition to buffing their power level, we've made their exact rules clear in their description as well as improving their in-game feedback upon use so that it is clear exactly what components or weapons were damaged and for how much.

    Explorer Ratings
    The on-map tooltip over wild zones now displays Richness, Danger and Explore ratings giving those adventurous and brave explorers faster access to critical data as they browse a quadrant, looking for the best targets to set down and go hunting.

    Good luck and avoid those xeno cards! Unless ... you're looking for them!

    Experience Spread
    For a time, in ship combat victory there has been an unfair disparity between the XP granted to those taking a more peaceful route Ransoming a ship and those taking a destructive route to destroy and then salvage a ship. In order to help balance this out, we've added a minor XP bonus to the Ransom action as well as making it clear with all 3 action types -- Ransom, Destroy, Salvage -- exactly how much XP is gained for taking the action.

    v2.5.49 - 6/16/2019
    - Added new rank 1 Zealot Talent "Incensed Strikes" as additional blade attack option
    - Added new rank 5 Doctor Talent "Healer's Intuition" which can reveal a crew members Trait on payday
    - Improved rules for Talents running while paying crew -- Talents with a % to fire that do not no longer block other Talents from running
    - Fixed issue with Diplomat "Hand that Feeds" Talent that was not activating while paying crew
    - Added Richness, Explore and Danger rating to map hover for wild zones
    - Improved rules for Mechanic's boarding Talent "Thrown Wrench" and added result that explains exact ship damage dealt
    - Improved rules for Gunner's boarding Talent "Disarming Sabotage" and improved result to include full detail of what weapons are damaged
    - Now gain minor Experience bonus when you Ransom a ship, exact Experience gain for destroying a ship is now displayed
    - Adjusted weights for all Contact mission giver types to be more focused on their core area (Merchants > Cargo missions, Wardens > Capture bounties)
    - Adjusted weights of mission givers during Conflicts to be more focused on the core Conflict (Info War > Spy missions, Duel of Assassins > Edict missions)
    - Improved details of Intel sale to be clear when maximum Personal or Faction Rep has been achieved
    - Slightly increased the maximum caps for Personal Rep when selling Intel
    - Clarified text for all Flight Plan Talents as 4 turns such as "(launch, close, bomb, land)"
    - Fixed bug with Wing Commando's "Grandiose Arrival" Talent always granting a $0 bonus
    - Fixed bug allowing too much gain of Personal Rep through sale of Intel
    - Fixed bug with Talent "Redemption Purge" that was allowing it to repair 5 components instead of 2-4
    - Fixed text description of "Exposed Shot" to indicate you are causing a self-debuff that can be purged
    - Fixed bug that could place High Prince Contacts "on vacation" on indie worlds
    - Improved some screens when using UI scaling to increase visual size of elements
    - Clarified rules for Exo-Scout "Keen Senses" Talent -- only rerolls risk cards
    brerlappin and JasonLL like this.
  2. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Amazing update!
  3. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Mycroft and brerlappin like this.
  4. DeathProofNinjaX

    DeathProofNinjaX Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2018
    for anyone unaware, this game is now available on iphone...did a restore of the phone and it suddenly appeared on “purchased” tab while restoring all apps. yet to download it. free for anyone who already owns it. imma try it
  5. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #165 Gwarmaxx, Jul 19, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019

    hey pal, has always been available for iphone, since its first day... what are you talking about?
  6. DeathProofNinjaX

    DeathProofNinjaX Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2018
    thats actually very dumb of me then..because ive been playing on ipad since beginning thinking its ipad only. my bad mate, my bad...sorry about that. was unaware abt iphone version
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  7. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Yes, the game is universally available on both iPhone and iPad. Maybe your phone had an older iOS version and STF wasn't available yet.

    Anyway -- purchase once, get everywhere, its a universal app.

    Enjoy! Hope you'll leave a review
  8. Kepler

    Kepler Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    I've read the requests for some sort of capability to increase font size on the iPhone, and I'm in the same camp. While I love the game, I simply can't play it due to the small font. I gave it a good try - at least six hours in several gaming sessions, and I simply can't enjoy the game due to the font size.

    I'm a Software Architect, so I realize how difficult it would be to try and create something that could be inserted everywhere text shows up in the game. Just to brainstorm with you, would it be possible to create a feature that simply goes on top of ANY screen? Let's say you somehow get a small button into your interface that, when clicked, freezes the screen and all interactivity with a mask, and allows the user to move their finger around, zooming a rectangle wherever their finger is dragging.

    Jump desktop has a similar feature with how they allow you to control the mouse while remoting into a PC (good for remoting into a PC from an iPad, for instance) - https://support.jumpdesktop.com/hc/en-us/articles/216423503-Getting-Started-Jump-Desktop-Controls-and-Gesture-Reference. They give you this little circle that, when your finger is in it, allows you to drag the mouse around (the mouse cursor is always a little above this circle). Any taps or double taps in the circle execute a click or double-click at the exact position of the cursor and aren't read is interactions with the screen where your finger is. You could do something similar by displaying a zoomed rectangle, say that takes up most of the middle of the screen, but displays an area around where the user's finger is at any given time. The most difficult part would be for text right in the middle of the screen, but if you got the rectangle size right (the area to magnify around the user's finger), the user could move their finger off to the side a bit, and the text they want to see would still be in the magnified rectangle.

    What's nice about this technique, is that it could theoretically work with any of your games.
  9. Kepler

    Kepler Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    I looked to see if Apple had already developed a feature like this, and they have! This is almost exactly what I was talking about. Looks like I'm not the only one with that idea, and I'm super impressed with Apple's implementation!

    You have to turn the option on in General->Accessibility->Zoom, but once turned on, you can bring up a 5x zoom window with a double-tap of three fingers. You make it go away with the same gesture. You can drag the window around, and if you are having trouble zooming into the bottom of the screen, just start your three finger double tap lower on the screen, and it will open on the bottom. Single-tapping the little bar at the bottom of the zoom window that appears gives you some settings to tinker with. There's a joystick-like controller you can activate, but I prefer the regular drag - it's a little more responsive.

    That should be enough to get you going, but here are more details...

    Looks like I will be playing your game after all!
  10. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Congratulations on “Game Of The Day” fallen. Star Traders: Frontiers is my personal favorite Trese Brothers game and you guys have amazing post release support with all of your games.
  11. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    #171 fallen, Aug 27, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    Thank you, we were over the moon by the treatment give to STF on its special day :D

    An Apple game dept staffer wrote all that copy which is so cool. Someone played a lot of STF to write that!

  12. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]The HIGHFALL major milestone unleashes a massive new story addition with 2 new story Eras as well as a new highly defensive fighting job, the dual wielding Bodyguard. This major new story expansion includes a major arc that moves forward the political story of the galaxy, brings new powerful characters to the fore and threatens to upend some of the order you may have helped establish. Please be careful with spoilers within the community, there is some *major* stuff in here!

    On top of this major milestone, now is the time to join in and save 33%. If you're enjoying the game and continuous stream of major new updates without any DLCs, please take a moment to leave a review or tell a friend. If you're new to the frontiers, post your comments, feedback and suggestions to the discussion board or join us on our Discord where there is a great community to help!

    [h1]Cracking Open v2.6.x[/h1]
    With this update we've smashed open the new group of the development roadmap. The first item in v2.6.x has fallen with the release of these two dueling eras and the new combat job.

    To see more detail about what is coming next, check out our development roadmap which details the next major features and content expansions as well as our on-going content expansion initiatives.

    Two New Story Eras
    This update releases a major wave of story content, major branch points for the galactic story, new characters to meet, new rewards to chase and new challenges to face. This includes 2 new Eras -- Dissension and Consolidation -- which are mutually exclusive in the storyline. Your choices might help drive the galaxy one way or the other. And with each comes a heap of new content and additions to explore -- all new rules for the simulation including 2 new unique Rumors, 4 Era-specific rules for what types of cargo enemy ships are carrying, 6 new Contact creation rules to set the tone of the Era as well as a specialized Conflict setup rules and more. You might see some ship you've never seen before due to these Eras and will definitely meet some all new characters.

    Keep an eye out for the "Buried Demons" storyline introduced by Silvaine von Sha to get a start on it. These Eras will only get started if you've already reached the 3rd Century Era, but will appear in any game no matter how far along you are.

    In the dept of "even more new stuff" these Eras can also release up to 3 new specialist ship components as story rewards as well as an entirely new tier of ship weaponry!

    Bodyguard Joins the Ranks
    The Bodyguard Job is now available as the 34th Job of the frontiers. This defensive-focused fighter dual wields pistols and blades while mixing high power defensive buffs with well-aimed disabling hits. Protecting a target is a mix of keeping the enemy off balance and blocking incoming hits. The Bodyguard boasts a truly new Talent type -- Honor Guard which grants an 75% Auto-Block chance to a friendly crew member who is behind the Bodyguard. Each hit that is blocked has a 50% chance of ending the buff, but its a great way for a front-line bodyguard to protect the back-line.

    The Bodyguard is also unique in having 4 Skills which stretches his or her Skill set pretty wide -- Pistols, Blades, Evasion and Tactics. Without a doubt, the best Bodyguards will be Officers with complementary Jobs. The Job combinations are staggering and extremely fun to play with -- from the Assassin, Military Officer, Bodyguard to the Spy Bodyguard, Swordsman -- there are too many too count and we're excited to see what you captains cook up!

    Bodyguards can also provide life saving Talents to protect other crew and officers and special mission bonus payments for passenger and prisoner missions.

    Bodyguards can be recruited from High Princes, Judicial Counsels and Courtesan Contacts.


    v2.6.1 8/26/2019
    - Added new pistol-blade wielding "Bodyguard" Job, unique defensive fighter and team defender!
    - Added 6th Story Era: either the Era of Dissension or Consolidation
    - Choose a side in the growing galactic tension between the UCF unionists and the faction leadership
    - All new simulation rules, Rumors, Conflicts, and Contact actions/mutations during these new chapters of the United Coalition
    - Added new story vignette to introduce the Era, "Buried Demons" with Thulun Intelligence Officer
    - Added 3 new specialist ship components available through story choices and rewards
    - Added 2 new unique crew weapon/armors available through story choices and rewards
    - Added 2 Era-specific Rumors as Coalition power shifts -- "Anti-Coalition Riots" and "UDF Recruitment Drives"
    - Added 4 Era-specific special cargo rules for Merchants, Smugglers and Pirates
    - Added 6 Era-specific Contact creation rules to seed the Era new blood
    - Added 8 new ship weapons released by the Era progressions -- gear up for advanced warfare!
    - Added 3 new major story characters who can have wide impact
    - Added new Era-driven ship encounter and mechanics and 2 new Era-driven cards for orbital ops games
    - Added 2 special Missions available in different story paths of the Eras, including a chance at a first meeting with legend from Templar Battleforce
    - Rippling story impacts can flow into other Eras like the Plague
    - Recruit Bodyguards from High Prince, Judicial Counsel and Courtesan Contacts
    - Improved Alta Mesa component "Battle Bridge" with Void/Res Resist and +Accuracy %
    - Contact Search now picks up Trait-based services like Offer Rumor due to Techno Addict Trait
    Myndaen, Gwarmaxx and JasonLL like this.
  13. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    I use that iOS zoom feature a lot. I have it configured for full screen zoom, and just set the zoom level as required and I use the “display controller” to be set on the screen so that just double tapping the controller sets zoom in and out, rather than the three fingers thing. This way can just double tap using say the right thumb. So easy.
    I use this quite a bit for games that have terrible small text, and also actually for games that aren’t optimised for the X screen. I zoom in just a touch on those games and play them while zoomed in, essentially such that they’re now looking almost like an iPhone X optimised game.
  14. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Word is starting to get out about our next upcoming game, Cyber Knights -- check it out and sign up to get the first alert about free rewards and limited discounted opportunities -
    ste86uk, Unordinary, JasonLL and 2 others like this.
  15. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    What’s New
    Oct 16, 2019
    Version 2.6.25

    - Exchange and Black Market "Sell All" now includes a preference for the Minimum Demand (such as B+) to sell cargo, cargo under this Demand is not sold

    - Exchange and Black Market "Sell All" now warns about Trade Bans, Blockade Rumors and Embargo Rumors that might increase or decrease Rep with every sale

    - "Sell All" button always appears when opening Exchange or Black Market sale screen

    - Increased impact of Plague Era in Orbital Ops (Salvage, Patrol, Spy, Blockade)

    - Increased impact of Meteor and Ion Storms on Orbital Ops

    - Fixed issues with buttons overlapping in Exchange on for some screen sizes

    - Clarified description of some card game Talents

    - New SFX for "Meteor Damage" during Orbital Ops

    - Additional SFX for Xeno Encounters in Orbital Ops and Explorer

    - Added confirmation dialog to Dry Dock ship sales to avoid accidental sales

    - Additional balancing and fixes for Risk and Reward factor weights in Orbital Ops

    - Star Atlas now supports jump filter, allowing viewing of systems outside of the currently selected quad, up to 4 jumps

    - New Ship: 7000M Azurite Cruiser (Heavy Combat Ship)

    - Unlock Azurite Cruiser with Explorer II

    - Permanently fixed all occurrences of starting Contacts being in Aetaan Char's faction

    - v4 of rebalanced enemy AI ship selection -- now with more than 110 ship AI

    - Revised and Updated Patrol risk and reward weights based on player feedback and results from v2.6.13

    - Improved Risk and Reward factors weights for Orbital Blockade including all zone stats, Rumors and other influences

    - Improved hovers for Small Craft in Ship Combat

    - Improved missing tooltips on Crew List / Trait List / Talent Manifest screens

    - Fixed hanging story objectives that could be left during Buried Demons story branches
    brerlappin and CrayonWarrior like this.
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I never did get around to getting this game and seeing all the support it’s bad and still getting I’m extremely tempted to pick it up.
    JasonLL likes this.
  17. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I keep thinking about getting it too. I have other Trese Brothers games that play and enjoy but this one looks just a tad too complex for my liking.
    Besides the guys have always been fanatics with patching their games, especially the first few months after release, and I usually end up buying and playing them once the patching slows down a bit.
    ste86uk likes this.
  18. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    what are you talking about, guys???

    i'm on Trese games since their first one on the appstore, and all of them are/was fully playable and almost perfect since day one, all that patch are logical support and changes to bring each game to a state of perfection + continuous free additions to the story, something that can not be said of any other developer.

    you should be glad there are so dedicated devs like this still around!!!

    wow, it's true that the human being is never satisfied...
    ste86uk and Warriv like this.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    We aren’t dissing the game at all! For me it’s just I buy and download so many games more than I ever have time to play and that’s the only reason I never got around to it.

    Seeing the devs support still for the game is what makes it stand out again to me after dropping off my radar as not many devs do continue to support their games. Other than the free to play cash cows.

    I just hit buy anyway....bought swords of ditto so got this too....plus Apple Arcade and now game club is out....life is hard lol first world problems.
    Gwarmaxx and Warriv like this.
  20. Warriv

    Warriv Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 21, 2015
    Yeah, there’s absolutely no reason to be afraid of this game, there’s obviously some complexity to it, but it doesn’t really come into play until later on. Besides, there are plenty of difficulty options so you can tailor the game precisely to your liking.

    No excuses for this one guys, there are so many ways to play, if you’re remotely interested, then be assured, this is a quality, one-of-a-kind game, that must be played by any strategy/space sim fans.

    I’ll see you out there, captains!
    Gwarmaxx and ste86uk like this.

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