Universal Star Traders: Frontiers (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Trese Brothers also has their own forum which is surprisingly active and a Discord channel - both filled with quite a few people that are always willing to help if you ever get stuck and can't get an answer from someone here in the TA forums.

    Just.... FYI announcement....

    And I'll echo what Warriv has said - if you're even REMOTELY interested, this is a fantastic game and the devs are some of the best that you'll find in the AppStore, always willing to help out if any technical issues arise, listen to feedback and are constantly updating almost all of their games (but really, I don't expect EVERY ONE to keep getting consistent content/tweak updates - they gotta make sequels somehow, yeah?) - and have made sure that all of them work on newer devices and every time there's an OS update they fix any issues, so no worries about these games getting broken with an Apple update or anything like that.
    brerlappin and ste86uk like this.
  2. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    The BROOD has been awoken in this major new expansion pack which includes a extremely challenging Story Era, the new Gundeck Boss Job and invites enemy captains to command carriers and launch squadrons of attack craft.

    With the drop of this major expansion, we're inviting new captains to come sail the quadrants and save 35%. If you're enjoying the game and the continuous stream of major expansions without any DLCs, please take a moment to leave a review or tell a friend. If you're new to the frontiers, post your comments, feedback and suggestions to the discussion board or join us on our Discord (https://discord.gg/tresebrothers) where there is a great community to help!

    Brood Awakens
    To avoid spoilers, we won't say much about the ancient, slimy, snaky void-slug evil that has slept since the time of Shalun. The BROOD Story Era will start during the 3rd or 4th Centuries with a series of introductory stories. No matter how old your game is, it will start if you play for a few years -- as always we work hard to make sure veteran captains can keep enjoying new content without any restarts.

    Prepare your ship, sharpen your blades, load up on hexshell. This one won't be easy, captain.

    Enemy Carriers and Gundeck Boss
    Enemy captains now have the fully operational battle carriers! High level human captains of certain professions like Military Officer may challenge you in the void, ready to launch interdictors, bombers and boarding shuttles against you. And, the jyeeta race is well known for its craft swarms. In both cases, it is time for your captain to consider some changes to ship weaponry, ship components, Talents and even perhaps Job distribution on the boat. Consider the % to hit craft when picking ship weapons, as you'll want to blow the enemy craft out of the sky before they reach you. Take another look at Autocannons. Consider of the C-Tak and Railtrak Guidance components that play double-duty on your ship, or Pilot Assist Modules which help your capital ship evade bombing runs. Finally -- most ship Jobs already provide Talents with capability to jam, disable or debuff craft, and now a new specialist Job has arrived as well.

    The new Gundeck Boss Job brings a strong anti-craft capability to any ship, combining the sensibilities of a quartermaster with the skills of a gunner. Stalking the gundecks, the boss roars orders, pinpoints targets and rallies morale in ship combat. Adding Gunnery, Intimidate and Repair, the Gundeck Boss is a great cross-Job for a ship officer but can make for a powerful stand-alone crew member. Even on a small ship, the Gundeck Boss can make a big impact versus carriers.

    Roadmap Next Steps
    With the BROOD expansion, we've closed down the entire v2.6.x family of the roadmap, adding the promised 7th story Era and the jyeeta xeno species in a single blow. We've also completed our goal to add +33% new Jobs and Talents and +50% new Contact types and services after the game's release, which means we're starting to tick off some of the big boxes in the Content Expansion Goals as well.

    Next Project Announced!
    While we still have a lot of work to finish out the Star Traders: Frontiers development roadmap, we're excited to be coming out of the pre-production phase on our next game and ready to share.

    In Cyber Knights, you are the razor-sharp leader of a covert merc company operating in the New Boston Zone in 2231. Built around a core of turn-based gameplay featuring stealth, hacking, ambushes, firefights and complex missions, Cyber Knights weaves the human story of your team, their loyalty and their sacrifice in a dehumanizing cyberpunk world.

    Coming to KickStarter in Feb 2020, sign up to get the call[/a] and alerted about free first day rewards, discounts and more! We're gathering the most crackpot amazing alpha team ever and we hope you'll join us.

    v3.0.1 - 11/4/2019
    - Added 7th Story Era: Jyeeta Xeno Brood Awakens!
    - Added new anti-craft "Gundeck Boss" Job!
    - Enemy captains may now fly carrier ships including the dreaded Jyeeta Xeno and their swarm
    - All new simulation rules, Rumors, Conflicts, and Contact actions/mutations during this new period of galactic threat
    - Added new Era-specific Echoes that forever change the simulation due to the 7th Era
    - Added 4 new Era-specific Rumors which can affect entire quadrants, systems and wilderness zones and multiple Rumor echoes which can appear anytime after Era
    - Added 1 new Era-specific Contact Type, the controversial Xenologist, who will also echo and appear after Era
    - Added 5 Era-specific Contact creation rules to seed the Era new blood
    - Added 4 Era-specific special cargo rules for Spies, Merchants, Smugglers and Pirates
    - Added 5 Era-specific Explorer cards which can also echo and appear anytime after Era
    - Added 6 Era-specific Orbital Ops and Salvage cards which can also echo and appear anytime after Era
    - Added new Era-driven ship encounters and mechanics when meeting the Jyeeta xeno in the void
    - Added 13 new Era-specific crew barks for different Rumor typess
    - Added new Rare Trade Good, Jyeeta Artifacts
    - New Spice Hall recruit of Xeno Hunters during Jyeeta Spore system Rumor
    - Rippling effects of story choices made all the way back in the first Era bearing fruit
    - Added new Contact type "Fleet Commander" offers high rank and edict, pardons, ship upgrade discount, recruits Gundeck Boss
    - Renamed Contact Trait "Naval Vet" to "Wing Vet", added new "Naval Vet" Contact Trait
    - Contacts with "Naval Vet" Trait gives more weight to Faction Rep, has +1 bonus level to Recruits, and Recruits Gundeck Bosses
    - Increased duration of Navigator's "Fast Getaway" Talent to 3 turns from 2
    - Buffed Battle Prow 1, 2 and 3 components with improved Electronics and Boarding Bonus
    - Rebalanced Military Officer's "Incite Victory" Talent
    - Fixed bug with Sell All sometimes still selling "F" demand resources
    - Fixed issues with total component counts sometimes reporting incorrectly in starport
    - Fixed issues with Awards -- Survivor III, Navigator I, II and III
    - Fixed issues with some enemy Talents showing up in the player's log
    Unordinary, Gwarmaxx and JasonLL like this.
  3. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I finally bought the iOS version.
    I don’t own the pc version but I have seen the way the pc game works and how it is laid out on a 27” monitor at 1920 x 1080.

    I just wanted to come here and thank the developers for the effort they went into to make the game so playable on my big iPad Pro, and also to recommend this game to anyone who has that iPad and is hesitant to buy the game because they may think the iPad version will be inferior to the pc version.

    The effort to completely redesign the layout of the interface and to implement touch controls with help screens on almost every icon must have taken ages.
    To make the game work on a pc at an aspect ratio of 16:9 and then make it work at 4:3 for an iPad and make it look like it was meant to be played on either is quite an achievement when you think about it.
    That’s not even to mention that the game can be played on various phone resolutions.

    I know the guys have done all this before, because I have Heroes of Steel and Templar Battleforce on both my pc and iPad and those games play great on both, but this game has so much more information that needs to be communicated clearly to the player. I really expected the iOS version to be somewhat dumbed down, but thankfully I don’t see that happening anywhere yet.

    I would guess that not many people here, or maybe even anywhere, have the big iPad Pro basically for gaming, but from someone that does please accept my appreciation and thanks for making it all possible. :)
    brerlappin and Gwarmaxx like this.
  4. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #184 Gwarmaxx, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    totally agree with you about the port, i’ve said the same thing, in an earlier post, regarding the iPhone version.

    i “fell in love“ with this devs long time ago, they are so professional.
    stubbieoz likes this.
  5. ioso

    ioso Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    So many updates and still no cloud sync. What a shame. We live in the 21st century
  6. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #186 stubbieoz, Dec 26, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
    It would be really handy if they would implement cloud saving, considering I have almost all their games on iOS as well as my pc, it would be a real plus to play the one saved game on both.

    You can use File Sharing to transfer saves but to be honest it is a pain in the butt.
  7. Signs2010

    Signs2010 Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    TLDR: there is a discount on this game.
    Is it worth to buy it ?
  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    From my understanding it’s been very popular and much loved here. I did get it but I just haven’t had the time to sink into it, so haven’t really bothered.

    But from others here I’d definitely say it’s worth it and it’s been updated a lot.
  9. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I’m always hoping for some great update to make it properly universal. I know it is currently but you can hardly read the text on a phone. Got this on my iPad and it’s so good. love it. So in depth
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    This popped up on sale and reminded me to look at it and I see I use to own this one and got it refunded but I’m not sure why anymore, although from the comments probably because it wasn’t the best experience on iPhone.

    I see it’s had countless updates since, anyone know if any improved the game on iPhone?
  11. Torrente

    Torrente Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2024
    60% off now for those interested in this one.

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