this is from their website: "Players unlock Gambits as they complete missions" i read on iTunes about the missions being identical for the first 2 campaigns and several other things not quite right. maybe i'll wait. in fact! maybe i'll wait a little longer: "we are adding the Crisis Expansion next. Jay Star Realms Support"
Campaign missions of chapter 1 & 2 are goofed up at the moment with a fix already submitted (already fixed in latest PC version). What they may mean by "gambits unlocked as missions are completed" is ONLY in the campaign play as part of how they rig the starting conditions to make stuff interesting. ALL GAMBITS are unlocked in skirmish from the get go in play vs. AI or other humans. I hope Crisis isn't as long a wait as this was. Actually it shouldn't be as gambits and heroes are fairly similar in mechanics.
yeah, saw that and updated my PC version even though i don't have the full game yet. i also read that the new expansion trade row cards are not showing up during play. are you seeing that?
No, not at all. I have never seen an unfilled gap in the trade row on PC or iOS unless this is a really new issue in the latest 2.15 PC version?
no, not blank space but someone said that he's never seen any of the 12 cards that come with the expansion show up for you to buy. you get the gambit cards and 12 more right? he's not seen those cards come up for purchase. i don't know the names of the cards but you know what i mean. have you seen them in your games?
All the time when the Gambit expansion is enabled. If you start a game with the Gambit expansion enabled each player will get 2 random gambits (out of 9 possible) and the 16 extra ship/base are mixed in as well to the regular deck (although it is really only multiple copies of 7 unique cards). Simple rule of thumb, if you see Gambit cards at the start of your game, those other 16 new cards have been mixed in, there is no way to do one without the other.
the new trade row cards definitely aren't showing up. I just played a game against easy AI to check. I played so that I got way ahead but then didn't attack the AI. eventually we worked through the entire trade deck until there were no more cards left to purchase (trade row was empty).... none of the new cards came out, but we both had gambit cards at the beginning of the game.
Are you saying none of these cards, while the Gambit expansion is enabled, show up?
that's exactly what I'm saying. haven't seen any of those cards, but still have the gambit cards at the beginning of the game.
kid, i didn't first read about this on some star realms site and i've not seen it ever mentioned by the devs as a problem they're aware of. have you reported it or are you aware of it being reported? for me anyway, another reason to wait to buy...
you say that as though it JUST happened but the latest version is still 2.15, which i got yesterday. kid, you on 2.15? maybe it IS fixed and he hasn't updated. we'll see when he checks in.
You got 2.17 iOS yesterday? Wow, I wonder why it took so long to show up for me (I compulsively check for updates many times a day).
"What we've got here is failure to communicate" sorry, i'm talking about the PC version when you guys (kid?) are talking about the iOS version. so the update to the iOS version is out?