Thanks. The reason I have no money left in PayPal is due to commissioning major artwork for Star Nomad 2. So I've spent all the $ Star Nomad made (from PC/MAC sales which paid straight to PayPal), to hire professional talent so that SN2 will be awesome. SN2 is starting to become a mix of XCOM, Spacesims & FTL. That last element was not planned, its just how it evolved to be thanks to player suggestions. Lots and lots of random events for players to run into, with meaningful choices.
Bought! Thanks for the reply. Edit: I was unable to read much of the tutorial text because it rendered over some other text in the upper right corner on an iPhone 6+. FYI only. Having played both Elite and Escape Velocity back in the day, I feel right at home with this game.
I've been hesitant to get this since it would require me to update my ipad mini to ios8 (and im currently still running it on 6) but I also saw it's been released on steam. Anyone has Experience with the pc build? Does it play well or is it better left to a touch device?
IMHO it's fine on PC, but definitely feels better on a touch device (as it was obviously designed for one.) OTOH: It's been bundled/cheap on PC, enough that I didn't mind double-dipping.
It's a lot easier on the PC/MAC, because of keyboard shortcuts for your modules, it makes combat less frantic and for me, less fun. I like it hard. Edit: Saying that, lots of players still say its quite hard, the latter half of the story.
Thanks. Regarding that text bug, when you visit Erica Price in Gemini to proceed on the Story, please let me know if it happens again. As for the start, she basically tells you to get a better ship & re-acclimate yourself to being a pilot (you were rescued in a lifepod severely damaged, spending a long time in rehab) and come see her in Gemini. I recommend a Stiletto with Mk1 modules, its fast enough to run from any fleet with a well placed EMP.
Is there gonna be a fix for this overlapping text at the very beginning of the game? Cos I just decide to buy this game over Plancon Space Conflict, and this bug at the very beginning of the game really really put me off... Can't read the texts, so Italy can't get into the story!? I am starting to regret not putting my money in Plancon... Really hope an update is in the process and that this will be fixed soon, so that I can drive into the game! Il on iPhone 6 with newest version of ios 8. The same bug appears on iPhone 6+ too from a post above... It's quite annoying when days in the description "IMPORTANT...designed only for iPhone 6 & 6+..." and still is not working properly on these devices...
Loving the game, hit a bug though which has me stumped. I've got a waypoint mission to do in Pyrenees for 12k so I fly there, hit three waypoints, finish the mission and get paid. When I leave the system though the mission is suddenly back on the bottom of the screen. I can go back there and do it again and make piles of cash really quickly but what I can't do is get another mission and I'm getting bored of this one! Shame, loving the game...
@soundshaper Strange bug I can't seem to replicate it, but I'll change the code to ensure it can't happen by shutting down the random comms in the start system. Sorry about it, the rest of the other story text should work fine from other players emailing me. @TheGribble This one is my fault, its related to the Guild HQ 25% bonus change (*facepalm*), it happens to some missions and not others so I missed it in my testing. You can abandon missions at the guild, via Cancel Mission option. I'll put in an update today to Apple. Apologies, I'll be more careful in future updates by taking more time to test it. On other platforms I'm used to releasing instant fixes but obviously it can't happen on iOS due to Apple Review delays.
Superb, figured there had to be something like that somewhere! Really enjoying the game, one thing that's a bit annoying is that the navigation icons for wormholes / stations /whatever tend to hide behind the buttons making it a bit tricky to work out what to do (on the 6+, anyway.) don't quite know how you'd sort it out though - can you make the buttons semi-transparent?
Both Music & SoundFx Mute? It used to be Music & All Audio Mute but I changed it to SoundFX for the 2nd option in the last update. Works on my iPad, no pewpew soundfx in combat.
Fair enough, I've turned it off from the menu anyway - kids watching tv! While I'm on a roll I don't seem to be able to buy the tengu ship; I've got 267,000 and it's priced at 225,000 but it won't drag to the buy button.
The Tengu still think its worth 275,000 and not at the new discounted price 225,000. Thanks for the quick response. It's a bug kill day today I'll submit the update later today after going through all the recent changes I did to ensure there's no funky bugs introduced. Edit: Ran a bunch of random HQ missions, bug is fixed. Also went through individual mission code to ensure it works correctly. Its a bug I introduced into the Steam PC build, for the bonus 25% credits from guild missions, I had fixed it for the PC and thought I've also fixed for iOS but did not (doh!). It's now fixed. Disable NPC chit-chat at the start to ensure they don't conflict with the story text. Update 1.1.1: Critical bug-fixes relating to Story (Tutorial) text & Guild HQ missions. The NPC Hacker can now reset your faction standing more frequently. Tengu is 225,000 Credits. Edit 2: I've just submitted a request to Apple dev support to push through this critical bug fix update quicker, ie. bypass the queue.. *fingers crossed*! Edit 3: Apple says they are too busy with app submissions to allow my update to bypass the queue. Oh well, bummer.
The update is live now. I must apologize ahead of time since my focus will shift full-time to Star Nomad 2 development. It just took a big turn, now its a combination of Mount & Blade, Eve, XCOM, FTL... pretty damn huge scope, hopefully I'm able to pull it off.
You could not have assembled a more appealing list of inspirations for an open space sim if you had crammed Frontier, Terminus and every single EV Nova mod in there Doesn't sound like an apology is in order, as much as a hurrah on our part. It sounds like a project of anything but single developer proportions. Should you ever need any help* with narrative, dialogue, text polish, world/scenario development, and probably most text- and narration-related elements a computer game could ever include, PM me. * Pro bono. I'm just glad to expand my portfolio and aid in the development of Star Nomad 2. I've previous experience, and can provide samples and a docket of previous work.
It's the software mute icons in the title screen, not the actual response to device volume controls. That mutes everything. @Ayjona I may take up that offer later in development, to flesh out important NPCs or story missions.
I've scheduled a sale for the next few days. Hoping to get some extra bites to feed SN2 art development.