Universal Star Nomad 2 (by Anh Huy Phan)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. daan_vb

    daan_vb Member

    May 1, 2013
    #121 daan_vb, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    I think my only real nitpicks would be that the UI isn't always very intuitive. I feel it could do with a bit more polishing to make it a bit easier to read. I play on iPad Air 2 and some things can be a bit small and hard to look at (like tech tree and weapons upgrades) and its hard to determine what upgrades can be fitted to my ship... But nothing major that stops me loving it. More quality of life type things really.

    Also is it possible to get a screen where we can read the latest news events again. Sometimes in the heat of battle you miss things and it would be nice to go back and read what has happened to plan for future adventures.
  2. TheVimFuego

    TheVimFuego Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    Quality Premium Game + Space Sandbox + Physics + Responsive Developer = Bought.

    I enjoyed the original too, sounds like this is a step up.

    This dates me but I'll say it anyway ... "Right on commander!"
  3. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    A 'getting started' guide would be very welcome. I'm basically flying from system to system making small amounts of money, but it's all pretty aimless so far.

    How do I start earning faction points and levelling up? Is killing pirates the only way?

    Also, if I run out of credits, how do I dock? Or is it simply game over? Also, can you quit to the menu in this situation?
  4. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    I finally purchased SN2 and so far so good; imo the controls are more than ok after a while, fighting weak enemies is fun and credits are easy to win. I'll love to see a 'continuous map' so when I hit the end of it, the map to start over (if this makes any sense), docking to be a bit easier (however using the red 'o' works just fine and taking the ship to the middle of the planet isn't much of a big deal) and the sound bug to be addressed (once again it's not a game breaker since closing and opening my device brings the sound back).
    I see myself spending countless hours with this one, and since the dev is here to listen to feedback day after day, I don't see any reason why anyone in love with this kind of games won't buy it. Updates are already coming, and I think this might be the greatest space simulation game ever not so far away
  5. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    #125 AH_Phan, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    The Star Map is your news service as well as navigation. The events are all visual, and if you require more info just tap and it tells all you need, including the duration the events have been going for. The longer the duration, the more likely NPC Hunters or Merchants resolve the event instead of you. :)

    Thank you so much!

    I'll let others chime in on suggestions or guides. I don't want to be the only source of advice as it's more fun to get different points of views.

    If you run out of credits, you can't dock. But you can get credits by getting bounties so you can dock. It's happened to me in my own play-through as well. If you play on Normal, death has almost no penalty so you can "death-warp" or "death-dock". :p

    One tip, before folks get up to it. The squad mate missions are once-off, if you fail, you get an alternate outcome, there's no re-try.
  6. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Loving the game so far but I'm struggling a bit with the ship outfitting part and determining when something is an upgrade or not. It's hard to compare my current ship against something in the store and same for the parts in it. Am I missing something in the interface?

    Also, are you upgrading parts on your starter ship, or saving money for new ship first thing?
  7. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    I had weapon & module multi-slot comparison on the PC build, but it was too cluttered for this port so I removed them. It was necessary as the text info for modules take up a large chunk of the screen with the increased text size.

    Weapons are named with a number that quickly show their DPS potential, color coded for tiers (Mk. I to IV).

    I typically upgrade the engines for better speed & higher hyperdrive boost speed first, getting around quicker is handy. After that, it's all on individual playstyle. Merchants benefit more from bigger cargo of Frigates. While Hunters can remain in the Corvette for longer, as the dual-launchers are enough firepower to secure kills.
  8. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    How about a hint at how to improve my standing? Other than drawn out scraps with my starter ship. I have enough credits, but can't seem to get the final hits necessary to improve my standing.
  9. razorracer83

    razorracer83 Well-Known Member

    #129 razorracer83, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    Move to a frigate ASAP! Sure you can get by with hit-and-run tactics on a single frigate, maybe a cruiser if you are using type 3 weapons. But the squishiness of a corvette and the lack of loadout slots make it a bad choice for bigger battles. Keep in mind you can put away a ship in some bases, so if you ever want to go back to a ship, you can just retrieve it if you ever need it. I started out with an Explorer, now I have a Tempest II cruiser, and I have a Katana frigate in storage.
  10. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013

    And thanks to the Dev for the weapon numbering explanation - very helpful.
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    I started with a Bountyhunter and in the Free Union part of space, so I don't know how it works for other factions; but I assume quite similar, except maybe for the Pirates. So, what worked for me before Drone Frigate (which rocks, by the way ;) ) :
    1) When there's a Pirate blockade: Go in, take a few potshots; but stay out of the way and alive until all pirates are defeated. You get cash, xp, and standing just for being there.
    2) Crisis/shortage on a planet: deliver what they want, e.g. Medicine against a virus outbreak. When you resolve the crisis by delivering enough, it increases your standing with the planet's faction.

    With the Drone Frigate you are strong enough to duke it out with most pirate fleets (except when they bring 3+ Cruisers; and sometimes even then, depending on what help you get) and come out the winner. That was the point for me where I started slowly exploring star systems further away than 1-3 jumps.
    Now I mostly do #1 from above, and actively fight instead of merely trying to stay alive.
    Before that, I built reputation and funds mainly with #2, and was very careful in fights.

    Hope that helps to get you started. If you want to know more, giving more details like your career choice, current ship, wingmen, etc. would help to give more specific advise.
  12. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #132 Nullzone, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    By the way, does anyone know where I can get Mk2 Drones? So far, in the Free Union area, I only found Mk1 and Mk3.

    And I got my first good look at just how much is going on in the background:
    My faction Free Union is in constant economic decline, because it's impossible so far to stem the tide of pirates.
    One faction conquered a planet of another empire, which then launched a still ongoing counteroffensive in return and cranked up its war economy.
    That's all AI, and pretty much the best I have ever seen. Reasonably certain it's more complex than even KoDP's.
  13. Ikeda

    Ikeda Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Largo, FL
    Couple of things.

    1) Faction points are easy. Sit on wherever the fire is. Personally, I've been defending Betelguice from the damned Imperials all day. When they run, pirates from another colony invade. And so it goes. I went from 125 omni to almost 350. (I also upped my ship from a starting frig to a cruiser)

    2) Drones, while they are awesome, have their downsides. PERSONALLY, I'm using them.. but I've got my eye on the Apocalypse ship from Omni so I can run into a fight like John Wayne.

    3) @AH_Than ... Anyway to get the stuff on the lower part of the screen to be toggle-able so I can read it when I'm NOT in combat? I've found that I can pause it to read it, but often I'm in a firefight and am trying to keep track of what's going on in the universe (especially since I've staked out the Omni as my own personal little war).

    4) IS this a bug? When you go to a pirate outpost, you can't see the prices of the goods (even the legal ones). I assume yes, because, well, you're at a pirate outpost.. but at the same time.. technology.

    BTW, found Dr. Strangelove. I'm going to need his services once I get my Apoc so I can respec.
  14. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    #134 AH_Phan, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    If you perform actions that help a faction's world, they will like you.

    This includes killing Pirates or Zerkers in their systems. For merchants, it means you have to help ship goods required by a world with a trade crisis. If you ship enough goods, you get the credit for resolving the event, gaining XP, fame, rep.

    You can also get factions to like you by killing their mortal enemies. ie, if you want to get the Human Empire to like you, just frag the Starborn or Omni anywhere.

    They love it if you join their worlds under siege and help them fight the aggressor.

    The 3 major warring faction will seek to recruit you to join them formally after you've shown talent & loyalty to their cause. You MUST sign up to be their ALLY if you wish to get above 350 standing with these factions.

    ps. Thanks you guys for answering questions, @Nullzone & @Ikeda covered faction standing well. :)
  15. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Usually the faction Homeworld has the best tech available. But if there's a crisis affecting their economy, they produce less tech for sale.

    Also visit the Black Market (Pirate Worlds), always lots of stolen stuff for sale.

    You can really quickly sum up the events in the universe by looking over the Star Map. All the events have icons associated and once you figure out which red icon correspond to what event, it becomes quick & easy without further UI clutter to add a separate menu. :)

    4. On Pirate worlds, you can't see the prices on nearby ports, ie. the Merchant Guild database access applies to all worlds the Guild has a presence in. They don't have access to the Black Market.
  16. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Update is live. Apple is really fast with app reviews these days! :)
  17. ludka33

    ludka33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    I've been following this thread since the game came out. It doesn't seem completely like my kind of game (I like more story-driven type things), but I am pocking up an itunes gift card today so I can buy this game and support the dev. Also, the active background universe sounds incredible! I am also excited for your upcoming titles!

    Keep up the great work!
  18. lewis33

    lewis33 Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    #138 lewis33, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Nice game but I don't like the controls (on iPad) :(
    So hard to just turn around and get loot that's nearby. Miss, miss, miss, etc.
    Would like more control schemes.
  19. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    I'd strongly prefer a system of control similar to ev nova, where you control the rotation of the ship (presumably via minor side thrusters) and the main thruster independently. This would allow for much better manoeuvrability.
  20. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Super sad this is recommended for iPhone 6+ minimum, but really glad that the Dev still made it universal, letting people make their own decisions, instead of iPad only ( I'm looking at you Pathfinder ).

    Having said that, is anyone playing it on an iPhone 6? I know things are going to be small, but, practically, what is the impact? Is it just some text is squinty? Or is it more like, you will die because things are too small.

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