Universal Star Nomad 2 (by Anh Huy Phan)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @ludka33: Good to see I'm not the only one :p

    I got that "smuggle package" mission too, or maybe there's more than one. Didn't trust that guy ("looks like he's collaborating with the enemy, huh? Burn, xeno-lover!" ;)) , so I told him to shove it and didn't do that mission.

    Back to business:
    So, moving between Meissa and Caliban/Cigni works, I have enough time to get back and forth and fight off invading fleets.
    But it's annoying as hell: Flying pretty much on autopilot for 5+ minutes for a 2-minute or under fight is not fun gameplay.

    @AH_Phan: What SN2 really needs here is an insta-jump feature that let's you travel directly between two systems, at least for mid/endgame. Or something similar to cut down on travel time.
    For comparison, I started playing Stellar Wanderer for a bit, and the long travel times there (even with 4x speedup) are bloody annoying too, even after only 2 hours or so of playing. They feel even worse than in SN2.
    GOF2 (I think it was) had insta-travel (cost some energy crystals or such, if I remember right) and I really liked that as it cuts down on the time spent twiddling my thumbs.
  2. ludka33

    ludka33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    I second that. Especially when I'm just "passing through" a system. I'd very much like to have some sort of speed-up function, similar to afterburners, but maybe cuts off when baddies arrive? That way, if I'm just going to Point C, from Point A, passing through Point B, I don't have to break immersion by waiting for that next wormhole in system B.
  3. Ikeda

    Ikeda Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Largo, FL
    Yea, in GOF2 you had that whole mission spiele to get the jump drive... and that effectively killed the game for me (insta jump was cheap and made exploration any further moot). How about some form of addition that can go in the mining slot to use special "worm holes" and put 4 in the map? Or would the AI use that as a strategic invading point?
  4. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #244 Nullzone, Jun 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
    @ikeda: I quite liked that in GOF2, long travel times without much happening are a real waste of time in my book these days (what with very limited time to play and all that).

    "Jump point generators" could be an idea, I'll expand on that in a minute.
    First, we do not know how the existing JPs originated: Are they a natural phenomenon? Artificially created? If the first, can the circumstances they need be recreated with technology? If the second, can new ones still be created, or is it LosTech? Can whatever tech you need be miniaturised to fit on a starship (even if it takes a Cruiser or Battleship)?

    Generators, specific idea:
    They are small enough to fit on a a large ship, let's say in a beam weapon mount. But not exactly cheap, and most likely experimental tech (otherwise we'd see fleets using them for ambushes all the time. Which reminds me: why aren't jumppoints fortified like no tomorrow, at least on worlds bordering/close to enemy systems? Apparently space stations in SN2 are huge, so why not build a few as weapons platforms around JPs? Automate them as much as possible to reduce manpower and thus life support system requirements, and you can pack even more whallop) .

    For every new route you want to set up, you need 2 generators obviously (one for each endpoint). And you need to physically travel to the systems at least once, to place them.
    Oh, and maybe you'd need a special experimental hyperdrive as well, would make sense.
  5. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Just when I think about asking what the difference is between this and the first version, I say "screw it" and hit the buy button...
  6. ludka33

    ludka33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    I like this idea. I still would like something that makes passing through systems you've already explored take less time. Even if its just a hyper-booster that lets you travel at double speed unless enemies appear on the map. As it is, I skip a lot of planets-in-need missions because their required goods aren't in neighboring systems. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  7. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    I'm nearly done for the next update, got up to this on the to do list and cannot replicate it on my iPad Mini 2 or Air. Not sure what the issue is as I've dugged into the code and it's not an obvious bug.
  8. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Thank you! :D

    I hope you've found it fun & challenging!
  9. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Update is live!


    * New optional alternate flight control toggle, available in the title screen (lower right).
    * Mercenary for hire will last until their ship receives critical damage, rather than per docking. Cost increased slightly.
    * Moved the Star Map icon a little bit higher for 16:9 ratio devices.
    * New Tap + Hold to Buy/Sell entire stack of trade-goods (up to max cargo).
    * New Tap + Hold to loot entire stack (up to max cargo).

    Thanks to all you guys for the support & feedback, especially for those leaving a review on the AppStore. :)
  10. Yerti1

    Yerti1 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 8, 2012
    I'm still loving this game. I'm gonna mess around with the new control scheme later today, but I've gotten pretty good with the default setup. It's why I'm so good with corvettes. The burners for quick turns are your friend.
  11. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York
    Is there a way to progress in this game just by trading? I know I can earn a lot of cash with it but the only way to raise reputation and move to the better ships is by combat?
  12. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Yeah, that's how it was intended to be used! Makes Corvettes pretty much invulnerable, especially spec for speed.

    As a merchant, you should target to resolve trade crises. Think of it like a bounty for merchants. Just ship the goods they require and if you ship enough before the NPC merchants do, you get credit for fixing the economy, getting Exp, Rep & Faction Standing.
  13. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York

    So I can fully progress in this game as a merchant and reach the top ships without going into a lot of combat? That would be awesome.
  14. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014

    There's top tier modules on the black market (Pirate worlds) that you do not need faction standing to buy. There's some good ships there too.

    The Free Union has some top ships and merchants can do quite well with them.

    The other major factions do appreciate merchants, but after a certain point, they will want you to be their Ally to proceed further. You'll have to take up arms and kill their enemies if you want to progress with those factions.
  15. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York

    So full progress as a merchant should be with the Free Union?

    Any chance you implement sync? At home I play on the iPad but I really wish I could continue this game on the go and do some trade runs on my iPhone while I'm out. Really wish there was a simple sync feature in this game.
  16. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Yeah, though you should merchant for one other factions too, get them to like you and you can join them officially later if you want to.

    Unfortunately my game engine is not compatible with iOS Sync. :( I guess your other device should go with Hunter then. :)
  17. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York

    Damn. :( No hope to implement it in the future? Didn't have to be iCloud though, could be something that used Dropbox or any other service of your chosing.
  18. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    If the engine makers ever add compatibility with iOS iCloud or other services for syncing save-files, I'll update the game to support it.
  19. Claud

    Claud Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    New York

    Thank you for the replies.

    Could you explain the meaning/mechanics of things like (Duration: 2) on system events? How to track their duration and progress?

    Is there a way to gain reputation with mining?

    Aiding or influencing a faction in expanding to enemy territories is only possible through combat?

    The places you call pirate systems are Eos and Ionus? Anyone can purchase ships and equipment at those black markets?

    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to learn more.
  20. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    1. The longer the duration of an event, the more likely it is to be resolved by NPCs. NPC Hunters & Merchants are your competitors in this Universe.

    2. Mining is just for profit/fun for folks who enjoy that. It's risk vs reward, as rare ores if you know where to find them (go and explore!), are very profitable.

    3. Each world has its own economy, which it contributes resources to the faction that owns it. They use it to produce fleets which they move for conquest or defense. The economy of each world can be affected by random events, pirates or zerker raids, trading or smuggling. A merchant and smuggler can affect the ability of a faction to wage war just by helping them resolve trade crises, or smuggling illicit drugs to their enemy worlds to cripple their economies (mass addictions aren't good for productivity!)... so yes, a trader can actually help or harm a faction in a major way. This is the core of the game, where everything links up and player's actions or in-action will have an effect on how the stellar conquest plays out.

    4. Yes, Pirate worlds are where the black markets are at. Check it out sometime on a road trip. :)

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