Universal Star Nomad 2 (by Anh Huy Phan)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    #201 JasonLL, Jun 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
    I had the same issue the first couple of times I played. There's a cargo button at the bottom right above missiles. You should be able to open and close the loot screen with that.
  2. ludka33

    ludka33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    This! I really like this idea!
  3. O'Doyle

    O'Doyle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Love, love, love this game! I left a longish review for you in the App Store.

    Thank you for your passion and hard work—it shows.
  4. Endscrypt

    Endscrypt Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    #204 Endscrypt, Jun 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
    Mabaye I'm ignorant to something about the iPhone 6s screen size, don't it play at all. Probably unplayable on the 6s screen size ?
  5. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Thank you! You've made my day (just got up!)! :)

    I've had two folks already who contacted me via email and said that it runs fine on the iPhone 6/S. They said the UI is a bit small, but playable and they had an easier time with it than Baldur's Gate (which is crazy small).

    I did not enjoy playing on the normal iPhone 6 because my fingers are pretty large so it was annoying with the equip/trade UI. This it the primary reason I did not recommend it.
  6. trystero

    trystero Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    So... Been playing this pretty heavily. All the major factions except Free Union hate me. This is fine with me mostly because they are all so terrible. As such, I just hop around systems causing havoc for them all.

    Is there any way to complete or advance the story as Free Union only? Not super interested in helping any of them.
  7. blebhertz

    blebhertz Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Is the control "fixed" yet? that is the only thing holding me back from buying this game. I'm itching to play it
  8. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    #208 JasonLL, Jun 11, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
    There is no alternate control method yet but I guess I am one of the strange ones who enjoy the default control method :D . Would recommend picking this up if you have any spark of interest since the flight may take some getting used to, stick with it, once you get accustomed the controls will feel second nature. If your unable to get used to the default then a alternate method of control may be in a future update but give it a shot with its current flight method if your itching to play it.
  9. O'Doyle

    O'Doyle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    I have really only one request, after 24h of in-game time: a get all/sell all button. That's about it.
  10. razorracer83

    razorracer83 Well-Known Member

    +1 on this. Getting attacked by pirates or trying to get back to the action quickly is such a hassle since I have to pick each item individually (which is made more of a problem since the cargo disintegrates when you finish, whether you grab it or not). Same goes to bulk selling all cargo at stations.
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Seconding this very much.
  12. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    I hear you. What I can do is expand the buy/sell UI, Tap + Hold on a tradegood to buy/sell all of it, up the maximum available or your full cargo.

    Likewise for looting. This saves on extra motions as you won't need to use the slider & confirm.

    The loot all is a bad idea, because there could be illegal stuff, and in general its best to be selective of what to loot as some goods are worth much more than others.
  13. Ikeda

    Ikeda Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Largo, FL
    Please, for the love of my relationship with my faction, do NOT put a Loot All button.. I just KNOW that it'll get hit right next to a capital planet and cause me to have to blow up.
  14. Devoid21

    Devoid21 Active Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    Instead of a slider you could tap the item to pick it up individually or hold and drag to pick up the hole stack. Just tossing ideas #

    I do have a question, does the mobile game still require the special ores for the ships? When I'm ship browsing I don't see it in the description, maybe I'm just blind #
  15. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    No requirements for special ores. I've streamlined it, because being forced to mine for Ores was not well received on the PC, which I fixed over a series of patches to allow easier buying of rare ores. Players seemed to prefer getting credits straight up and exchanging for ores to purchase high tier ships & modules.

    I enjoy mining in space games though!
  16. O'Doyle

    O'Doyle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Beat it! Great game. Going to play it again, like now. This time, Omni roguelike!
  17. AH_Phan

    AH_Phan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2014
    Congrats! Which faction did you beat it with and how did you enjoy their ships/weapons? :)
  18. O'Doyle

    O'Doyle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    I started as a hunter, then went Starborn. I gathered parts from everywhere, then ditched Starborn for the Empire's Revelation ship. I finished at level 50, with ridiculous DPS and an energy turret/missile damage focus. It was awesome!
  19. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #219 Nullzone, Jun 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
    @O'Doyle: Congratulations ... filthy xenos scum ;)

    And reporting back from the other side of the war:
    I finally joined the Human Empire's war effort for real. First we stemmed the tide of Xeno and Machine (Starborn and Omni) washing against the shores of Betelgeuse.
    With that under control, I visited the capital planet and formally joined the Empire's Navy. Currently we are battling at Cigni, holding that front and burning Xenos with our Drones, freeing up more ships loyal to Humanity's cause to further drive the offensive into Omni space in the southeastern quadrant. My new Drone Cruiser surely helps, as do my 3 squadmates.

    So, some questions and observations:
    Were can I get level 3 equipment, except from Pirates (not dealing with those, it's shoot on sight all the way)? New Eden or the surrounding planets do not have any so far. I'm especially looking for Drones.

    Shouldn't Empire pilots call me one of their own by now (almost 900 faction standing)? They still refer to me as "free pilot".

    The Hunters aren't the smartest bunch, now are they? Now and then, a few of them show up in small ships like Corvettes and try to take revenge for an imagined slight or collect a bounty on my head. Seeing the small fleet of high-powered ruthless killers me and my companions are by now, it would be more sensible for them to turn tail and run, instead of mounting a suicide attack.

    By the way: There's no way to choose the Free Union or the Hunters as main faction for completing the game, do I get that right?

    I really like how the inflight banter changed over time: from "Get out of the way, rookie" over "Good job, aces. Keep killing pirates and burning Xenos to keep us safe" to "The Elite & Dangerous are here, we are saved" . *Very nice* touch, most well done, Ah Phan. And a funny reference to boot ;)

    Can you encounter that giant space kraken mentioned sometimes, or is that just flavour text? So far I couldn't find it.

    Fury-161: No Xeno/Zerker infestation there? :)
    Which reminds me: Do the Zerkers have their own part of the storyline, or are they a background force like the Pirates? Several inflight comms make me think there should be more to them.

    Ship progression stops at Cruisers, correct? Or can I get a Capital Ship later? Positively drooling over that possibility ;)

    Last one for now: Are there more squadmates than Talon, Grace and Corsair?
  20. Defard

    Defard Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
    How do I select missiles?

    I may have missed it somewhere but how do you select which missiles you fire?

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