Hey peoples!;-) As some of you noticed we have released new update for Star Horizon. We call it 2.0 because it is changing visuals in Star Horizon from (humble mode off) great to even greater! (humble mode on). Just take a look at this video: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel The second good news is Star Horizon is available now for only $2.99 (time limited offer) and still without IAP's. Let us know about your experience with new version! Have fun!
Launched this game today and the visuals look ridiculously stunning. I dont think i've seen anything as good as this on my ipad air. It actually surprised me when i saw it, coz it's been a while since i played this game. When i loaded my game today (havent deleted it since day one) i was surprised i had enough cash to buy everything the update added This game definitely is one of the best space shooters on iOS.
Is the fancy graphics only for iPhone 6 and iPad Air2? I'd like to give one more go (i really enjoy it when first release) but the graphics will be the main reason and i have iPad Air.
I admittedly don't know a whole lot about optimization for newer devices but I'm wondering why you would update the graphics and then not optimize for the iphone6/6+. Especially when in the app description it says "see what your iphone 6/6+/air 2 are capable of". I did buy it today and it's currently downloading on my iPhone 6. I'm just curious is all.
@coolpepper43 The sale will last a week! @Fangbone Oh, but they do! The enchanced visuals are for iPhone 6, 6+ and iPad Air 2. Wondering why you got that impression - did we say somewhere otherwise? Please quote if so, we'll have to correct that Last gen devices still get the new upgrades and some minor optimizations.
I can confirm that you better look for your sunglasses before you start to play it with the new graphics.Holy shit
Oh, you mean that. App store didn't mark it as "compatilbe with iPhone 6/6+" because it's not 64bit ready. We use Unity and we cannot change that until they update the engine with 64 bit support. It's not that it doesn't work or has flaws. It means that it could run even faster if we had support for it. The same goes for Metal. Unity doesn't support it yet, but we've tiptoed around that limitation We'll squeeze even more performance when our engine gets those updates.
Any more and you"ll have games like PS3 graphics, I'm just wondering if games now days which looks at its best is using the full hardware of the iPhone's 6"s.
The 2.0 update is now available for Android! Another news is that SH is on Steam Greenlight - please support us if you want to see it on PC via Steam. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=390205380
Greenlit! Hey all, Star Horizon got Greenlit yesterday! The campaign lasted only 7 days !! Which is pretty amazing. We wouldn't be there without your support. Thank you!