Hull breaches are awesome. I have two right outside my weapon rooms, and I don't fix them. Anyone who goes after my captain or weapons gets sucked out. Just finished the game, it was disappointingly short. After you upgrade your ship you get sent back to the start. Ugh, there were so many unused destinations, this had a lot more promise than it realised.
The best thing ever? An Antorin missile opening a hull breech right next to an Antorin boarding party and all of them getting spaced.
I haven't gotten to far in it yet, but it lives up to my expectation. I already can't wait for the extra content. On a side note; I love how the coming soon is coming soon. x)
Press the large circles when their respecting dots reach the little circle at the top. You should then hit a least one volley.
I read the manual. Dammit, I LOVE manuals! Argh. Is this going to be a game I'll never understand, like Knights of Pen and Paper?
Well, no rush. I have a huge backlog; I'll grab this after a couple of updates. Besides, I'm dangerously low on itunes credit.
XCom (or UFO Enemy Unknown) had a wonderful manual and I've still got it. The tutorial needs working on as it's overlong yet fails to teach essential basics. The firing mini game should have been explained for a captain of a starship. It's not as it the tech is alien tech or the main character is the janitor forced to take control.
Yeah, I just started the game up for the first time a minute ago, and I was surprised there is no GC.
I wonder how they got to use this name? Star Command is a classic Sci-Fi computer game made by SSI in 1988. Rixx
Knights of pen and paper is well worth getting your head around, tis a quality game! It's massive too. Anyway still can't believe star command is finally out! INSTABUY
I can't get passed the "drop token" part of the tutorial. Every time I try to drop the token where it wants me to it just goes back to where it was. Is anyone else having this issue? Kind of frustrating since I was stoked to try this game.
Was really looking forward to this bit it's pretty botched... The concept is great and the idea well implemented but the game is just too difficult... I appreciate that some people like that sort of thing but not me and probably not the vast majority of casual gamers required to make the game a big success. Also the tutorial needs fixing, took me a while to figure out how to fire and I still can't figure out how to put out fires and repair the ship, just watched my ship burn up after a senselessly difficult battle way too early on in the game.
Having a really good time so far. Just like xcom I'm really invested in my guys named after friends and family. Maybe not the Civ like it wanted to be, but does anyone else get a sim hospital vibe? Made a gameplay vid at hopefully its not treading on toes to post it here. Really like feedback too, we're new at capturing iPhone stuff.