I enjoyed it for what it is - a nice little game. Certainly more entertaining than most of the "wait for timer, click button, repeat" freemium stuff out there. However, the game does have some serious framerate issues towards end-game. I don't know if it's having 10 crew, or having all the upgrades, or a combination of both - but it was pretty bad. (On an iPad 3rd Gen) It wouldn't STAY bad, it would cycle... choppy / smooth / choppy / smooth even when I just let it sit there. I'm thinking they're doing something in the background causing it or maybe an animation that's just too fancy... who knows. I'll pick it up again after the next update to see if the issue's resolved. Looking forward to trying it again with the new larger rooms on the medium ships - sentry turrets? Yay!
Anyone else find this game easier than all the media? I beat this twice with no problems. And yeah, it lags a lot near the end of the game. Idk. I had more than 10 people on my ship when playing new game+ with no lag. (iPad 2)
you're right pal! in the meantime i'm enjoying Glory of Generals, a nice surprise & a fine piece of strategy
Just starting new game+ and loving the way you get new ships and new rooms. Really don't know why there's loads of people complaining, I'm just taking it for what it is, which is a game that costs £2! And on that fact it's brilliant.
Even though I've loosely kept up with the game, and have had interest since it's initial announcement, I didn't really get too involved in what was "promised" for the game. So I guess in that way I'm able to take it for what it is, which is a very fun strategy sci-fi game with a lovely art style and tons of nods to stuff I care about. Honestly, I think if people weren't so caught up in what "could have been", they'd realize this is actually a very polished game. Similar to how the first Assassin's Creed didn't really live up to the promises, the success of it allowed the developers to push harder in the later iterations, and eventually people got the games they wanted. Maybe an update will push SC further, or maybe a sequel will deliver the real goodies, but I see nothing wrong in supporting a developer that has obviously put a lot of effort into something that is actually fun.
This is a fair assessment. If this game had come out of nowhere, there wouldn't be nearly as much of an uproar of people complaining about it. Yes it does have problems, but nothing the devs can't fix. And there is room for development should they decide to put time into adding content. On that note, I'm stuck on the Saturn battle. Anyone have any tips?
Game Impressions Spent a few hours with the game. Some initial thought. Laser cannon mini game - too hard to get right. Even with the upgrade, the effort to reward ratio is not satisfying. The Building token mechanism: I feel like it should be sped up when it's out of combat. I'm not a fan of having to build a token AND having to wait for the weapon to reload/come online, but that's the dev's vision and mechanic so I'm not going to argue with that. But if you're going to allow us to build the token out of combat, then at least have THAT process be sped up to just a 5-6 second duration. It feels really tedious having to wait a while to top off on plasma cannon token and shield boost token before going to the next mission. I would say waiting while out of combat doesn't gain us anything. I understand the mechanic during combat - but out of combat should be pretty quick. All road leads to Rome - which means all road leads to combat (at this point where I am in the game.) I generally like the combat - but I think some of the missions should allows non-combat situations. I know the diplomatic feature will be implemented later so this isn't a big gripe. Questions: Has anyone done some metric or analysis of what's the best weapon? Right now I feel like it's a Machine > Plasma (if only because Machine gun does not require token) > Laser Cannon. Would love a wiki breaking down the stats one the weapons as well as other rooms. Some compare and contrast of the charging time would be great Can the devs do a break down of the refresh/recharge rate of building tokens when it's 1 person vs 2 person in the room? Conclusion (based on what I have played so far) The game is great. In some sense it's not as deep/random as FTL but it's got its own merits. But being able to save/load means I don't tear my hair out like I do with FTL. I'm not going to insert myself into the Kickstarter hoopla and will just judge the game based on what it is. I want to congratulate the Warballoon for the initial effort and would love to continue to support the game to make it better and perhaps reach the point where the game ends at the vision that they themselves have intended. It can't have been an easy 2 year journey for them. @ Warballon, please continue to push forward. Don't be discouraged by the haters - use it to motivate to do better!
The thing to remember with the lasers is that the timing is always the same and even "bip bip bip". The only challenge is to predict the order in which you touch them...
I haven't read any previews and didn't tracked this game on kickstarter, I judging the game only for its current properties. This isn't polished in any way. There is multiple reported bug and interface issues.
It's weird. I always get 3/3 on the lasers. I think they're by far the easiest to use. As stated above, once you have the timing down, it's just a matter of being able to quickly identify the order in which they're spinning. I picked it up really fast. The machine gun was a more straightforward mechanic, but took me longer to get good at, and I still don't get perfects every time.
Good game My bridge control panel got damaged, and it now has a cant repair symbol on it. Is this a bug, and uf it isnt, can i ever repair it agian?
I had that with a different room. As far as I could tell, the only options are delete and rebuild or revert to a save before its destruction.