Ohh snap this made my day! Out of nowhere and on a Sunday? Strange Waiting to hear impressions on multiplayer, if its on the same line as modern combat 2, insta buy
Wow! I'm really impressed with the quality of the Gameloft's titles lately Seem like they're really stepping up their game. (heh)
I'm trying to find an online game. But it seems like no one else is. Game Center is still "Finding Players..." Anyone else have this and want to try online? My game center is BryanM
I think a lot of folks are waiting on impressions of this game at the moment. Why don't you post some? That might help you find more players online.
The game is 6.99 and in effect a new IP for Gameloft. Almost nobody has pulled the trigger and bought this. There obviously won't be anyone online. I tried a different game online through the Game Center servers and it worked incredibly well over the 3g network. Gameloft does not enable 3g network using their own online matchmaking system. So will this work with 3g, simply because of Game Center integration, even Gameloft has no interest interally in making their games work with 3g?
Maybe its just me... but this controls horribly and I was really hoping for some online vs matches not just co op.
Game Impressions Ok, Well I've just started playing. But right away it reminds me of Star Fox on the N64. Or maybe even Rogue Squadron(with less enemies). You swipe across the screen to do barrel rolls and vertical to quickly fly in the opposite direction. I found the controls to be responsive with the analog stick. It starts off with tilt controls but I always turn those off (just personal preference). The graphics are really well done, as you can see in the screen shots. The only weird thing I noticed is the character art doesn't seem to be updated for the retina display. Everything else looks polished. Its odd that they'd leave the lower res art in. The multiplayer is only co-op, no versus. Which is a little disappointing. I haven't been able to try it since according to the leaderboards only 20 people are playing. But the multiplayer menu lets you choose between using GameCenter and Gameloft Live. Theres also achievements with a max score of 1000. Also theres a limit of 3 players for the co-op. If your a fan of this genre then I'd definitely recommend it
Omg, a space shooter! I was going to buy it at this very moment, but then I saw the post about the bad controls. How bad are we talking about here?
Gyro and virtual stick. I hate gyro controls so I didn't work with them much. But the virtual stick just feels off. It doesn't feel like its a fluid control scheme. When you are playing a flying game the controls should feel fluid... not touchy.
I don't have a problem with them? You can adjust the sensitivity in the options. Also, I just tried and multiplayer won't work on 3G. Even using Game Center.
Do you mean this is "on-rails?" That would explain the lack of vs multiplayer. And also pretty much kill any interest for me.