Hello everyone, I am currently developing a game named "Squares game". Originally planned for Android, the idea was to create a game that is playable both on the same screen of a phone or a tablet. It is about a strange world where wooden crates clash ... Ok it's not very clear therefore watch these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNn9QDzVWfQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzDPiGxJ4CM The game is currently in version 0.9.5, I devoted all my time to the design of the game while neglecting the user feedback. Today, as the development comes to a close, I would like opinions, comments and criticisms to refine and / or modify the game. The game is currently available in web version, Android, Windows and Mac. It's now possible to become beta tester on Android. http://squares-game.com/beta Links: Web site: http://squares-game.com Web demo: http://squares-game.com/play Android demo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.squares.game.free Windows/Mac full game: http://squares-game.com/download Android full game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.squares.game Steam greenLight: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=341433377
New version: Beta v0.10.3 - New loading assets method - Changes in levels Become beta tester on Android ! http://squares-game.com/beta
New version: Beta v0.10.4 - New menu - Castle mode levels for two players Become beta tester on Android ! http://squares-game.com/beta
v0.11.0 All changes in the beta versions have been introduced in this new version. The platforms Web, Android, Windows and Mac have been updated. Detail: - Gameplay acceleration - Fix speed up time - Fix ads - Control bar change - Update Starling to v1.6 - New loading method for assets - Changes in levels - New menu - Castle mode levels for two players - Reduction of the archive file weight