Universal Square Heroes - Platform Adventure

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by sone87, Feb 10, 2020.

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  1. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    #1 sone87, Feb 10, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
    Hey everyone! My name is Rubén Pecellin and I would like to show the new game that I've been developing for some time now.

    It's called Square Heroes, a platform adventure about you have to run, jump, climb and some other mechanics to complete different challenging levels.

    To progress on the adventure you need to complete the different worlds. Some of these worlds have some references to classic or great games with own and unique mechanics. The worlds are composed by levels, bosses and secret levels.

    The game has a classic gameplay mechanics. Left, right and jump button.

    It's coming to iOS and Android.

    More info: Developer Twitter

    EDIT: Finally I have the release date: April 29, 2020.

    You can preorder now: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1490862745
    ste86uk and GFG like this.
  2. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Hi guys, I'm working hard on secret and bonus levels. I will try to bring some info from the different worlds.

    Some gifs of the Frozen Mountain here:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ste86uk likes this.
  3. duxter90

    duxter90 Active Member

    Feb 27, 2017
    I'm loving that song! Nice work, man. Looks like the kind of game that seems simple but addictive.

    How many worlds have the game?
  4. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Thank you so much for the kind words!

    At this moment the game has six worlds and every one with ten levels, boss and secret levels that you can unlock if you get all stars of that world, for example.

    I designed the levels with the idea to make a casual but addictive game. The levels are shorts but so challenging.

    Kind Regards.
  5. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Hey everyone! Some gifs here:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ste86uk likes this.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Nice, I’m into platformers at the minute. Looking forward to this.
    sone87 likes this.
  7. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm working hard to have a release date soon as possible!

    Kind Regards.
  8. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    ste86uk likes this.
  9. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks for letting us know, it does look really good and since it’s free I’ve preordered but it doesn’t list any iap on its page. But the description says it has them, what kind of purchases are in the game?
    sone87 likes this.
  10. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Hi ste86uk! First, I would like to thank you for the preorder and the support. About your question, I made this game with the idea to have a free game accessible for the most people possible, monetized with ads but with the possibility to play like a premium game with only one IAP, removing the ads. But then I had to add another IAP only for those people that are stucked on a level to allow them continue playing. It's not a problem by most users but maybe yes for casual gamers that hope a easy game because this is a challenging game and when you progress in the adventure the difficulty goes up.
    ste86uk likes this.
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @sone87 that sounds fair I think it’s a good idea when people can play the game for free to check it out and buy if they like the game a lot. Also being able to buy hints or whatever doesn’t bother me as it’s not something that’s needed so it’s fine.

    I’d just say I think it’s a fine balancing act getting it right, for instance playdeads Inside I could play so far then had to buy the game if I wanted to continue which of course I did. I’ve played games that had ads and paid to remove them because I like them.

    But then also recently we had Dadish, that was free and pay to remove ads although the ads did not feel intrusive at all and I completed the game without buying it. But then I guess if you make the ads too intrusive it will spoil the experience for people starting the game and put them off wanting to buy it possibly.
    sone87 likes this.
  12. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    I'm totally agree with you. I would like to tell you something about my experience. For me and I think that for all developers is easier make premium games or free at first like Playdeads Inside than games with ads or iaps but at this moment, honestly, for solo developers this is so hard because if you don't have a really good game with a super quality like a game made by studio it's so hard get some revenue. I have released some games in the last ten years with different models and for example, free at first, since the last years, it's too hard get good reviews because sadly on mobile, a lot of users want all free and if you are an indie dev you need a lot and a good reviews. Of course, if you have a AA game is different.

    About the ads, I have tried to find a good balance between get some revenue but with the lowest intrusive possible and only with skippable ads after a seconds. I don't like games that you waste more time seeing ads than playing the game. As you said, that break the experience and I prefer that the user complete the game than uninstall after some levels. Don't worry about that.
    ste86uk likes this.
  13. sone87

    sone87 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    3 days left guys!


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