You guys plan on adding full mfi support? Being able to use a controller is always nice, especially for platformers.
Actually, we have integrated a full controller support for this game. However, we will double check and ensure that this is the case.
Fun game, but gotta say the Dark Woods enemies (Mosquitos & Wizard things) are the cheapest enemies I’ve encountered in awhile. More so the Wizard dude. Makes you wanna throw your $1500 device
There’s some timing issues at times when it comes to the spiders on Dark Woods 9. It’s like the patterns are random. Sometimes you can make it through the last couple sets by paying attention to the pattern, then the next time you play it, the pattern is off just enough where it’s impossible to pass. Some parts of this level are so obscured and dark you can’t see what your doing either, especially the end of the level. Ice world is a pain also due to glitches and flaky ice physics. Respawned after being killed only to have the character float through the air, or being blown backward as though there’s a strong wind at the beginning of a level. Also, sliding on ice is one thing but when you jump you should be able to change direction. As it is now even when your in the air it’s as though your still sliding, no control of direction when jumping from ice. Please add a Game Center button in the game also, so you can check your achievements.
We have released update version 2.0. With it, we have the following added, based on popular demands: Difficulty Mode (under settings) Game Center Achievement Button Music and Sound sliders are fixed. It now affects only in-game music and sound Fixed some bugs on chapter 3 and 4. Have fun!
The latest update only applies to global version (the premium version) as opposed to the F2P version in the China region.
Thank you for all the updates to fix the bugs that were in the original release. Now the game is a lot more playable. Loving the difficulty setting too which enables me to have another playthrough without worrying about dying.