I'm on an extremely low budget right now- college student, just moved for an internship, don't get paid for another week. This will be one of the first games I get once I'm paid
148apps review is up, they gave us a 4.5/5 http://www.148apps.com/uncategorized/spiral-episode-1-review/
Thank you! Hopefully we get if we get a few more positive reviews like this from some other sites, it'll help us on the app store!
Welp, _my_ glittering 5-star reviews are posted to the App store and to this forum's rating *dusts off hands in self-satisfaction* I'm only to the warehouse, but can't get enough of the character animation and story. Sound, music, voiceacting, locales, walk/run, meh, but the combat, animation, and the classist premise of the story are so strong I hardly care I'm so happy with combat, it's the perfect blend of power, precision, and simplicity. More, please! Buy, buy, buy and support these 7 stellar individuals' collective efforts! Couple bugs here and there like a floating person after a cutscene camera move caught them in its maw, I wish zooming out pushed the camera itself back if you're facing a wall or corner, the movement reticle would work a lot better if it were its own origin point rather than relative to Tempus' on-screen position...nothing really major that can't be ironed out. Keep the combat system as-is even if you add other options, 'cause it's perfect for touch, IMO, with plenty of room for multitouch special moves to really spice things up in future!
Hmmm it's like you're having a glimpse into what future episodes might bring... Indeed... however it wasn't supported in the mobile pipeline for UE3 (and epic emailed us saying they had no plans to), so we had to do our own integration to get it to work. That and getting the characters set up to work efficiently with it on ios was a major pain. Worth it though!
Just left a 5 star review in the App Store. Anyone who purchased this and likes it should take the one minute and post a review. The App Store needs more devs like this pushing out premium titles. With out our support they won't succeed. Thanks to the devs for an amazing game. Fastbridge
Another 4.5/5 from applenapps.com http://applenapps.com/review/spiral-episode-1-spiraling-into-an-immersive-adventure A 4 from frech website gamesinthepocket http://www.gamesinthepocket.fr/spiral-un-a-rpg-qui-en-a-dans-le-ventre/ and in the nature of fairness, gamezebo gave us a 3.5/5 (meh) http://www.gamezebo.com/games/spiral-episode-1/review
Wow! You should share what you did with the game dev community! (*hint X-com devs *hint) Great work and achievement guys...
My game keeps crashing after a long loading screen. Any suggestions to help me out? I'm using an ipad mini.
I really want to play this game but I just can't get around the character designs. I'm not saying it's bad or the game is bad (in fact it sounds amazing), but if I'm not really attracted to the characters, I never feel like playing :\ Maybe I'm more used to action RPGs with Asian designs..
I'm hoping to get this game at the moment I get some A5+ device, I've read amazing things about this game and I'm concerned about two things: Is there a mode for replay the game? I've read the game last like 5 hours or something and I wonder if there is a new game+ or maybe the arena mode it's a good way of keep playing it. Also, how it's the combat? I always look for games with very good gameplay and I wonder how the mechanics works and if it's too simple or maybe there is a great fighting system. Just those two things. I gotta say, the more I read this thread the more I want this game.
One of the best combat mechanics we've seen on iOS. As far as replay, you can replay the game and use manual levelling up so you can try different builds. Also, there's a survival mode which takes advantage of the game's excellent battle system.
Never crashed on my ipad mini. Did you clear the apps off your cache? Did you restart after clearing the cache? Maybe you can try reinstalling.
Nothing seems to be working for me. I've never had a problem with crashing games before. Thanks for your help though.