Well I took the risk and installed this on my iphone 4 and to my surprise it runs, and it runs very well, with full GFX I think, initially it displays a message saying that the game is not designed to run on this device but you can dismiss it. I have only played until the train part and the game look gorgeous and is very polished, I donĀ“t know how it plays in later sections but from what little I had played the game is very playable on an Iphone 4.
Thanks man! Do you guys have some website that we could follow and keep track of the developement of episode 2. Thanks!
our company website (www.pixelherogames.com) and our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pixelherogames) are usually pretty regularly updated
I have wrote a long reply to the news thread that I can't copy and paste, but after 40 minutes cheaper one was done. There are 7 chapters and an arena mode. The combat is pretty deep with different taps giving different combos and this opens up later with more abilities and skills. It works very well! The frame rate is amazing and this game runs flawlessly on an iPhone 4S with very little loading times. This game is unique and has tons of dev made code, not like the usual UDK templates that all play similar / the same. First impressions I give this a 4/5 No IAPs either. It's well worth a look in.
Given the level of detail and how well this plays you can see the dev/devs have put there all into this. 40 minutes of play for 20% battery which is pretty good considering. I will give more impressions tomorrow, as its time for bed but this game really raises the bar for mobile games! Plus the price is a bargain
To the dev : What an amazing job you've done, the graphics, gameplay and use of touch input is phenomenal. Congratulations on the release!
Thank you very much! I'm sure when the other guys (all seven of us now!) get into the office tomorrow, they'll be over the moon to see comments like that!
Have to agree with the others with how slick this is. I can see Apple lavishing Spiral with attention. It's got everything they love to put the spotlight on. Great work devs!!
Pretty rare to see such unanimous praise with no complaining about price of iap or size. Good job devs! I'll probably pick up a copy by blind faith.
Yeah, this looks incredibly slick to control, which is pretty rare for a mobile version of a game like this. If I had one gripe, and its a really, really minor one in the grand design of the game honestly, its the damage audio effects of the mobs. They're way too pronounced, and definitely start to great after a while. This game is super solid though. Proof if ever there was that great gameplay takes talent, not large development teams.
i m not a great fan ot tap to move and feel really confortable with virtual pad but this one has a really good control scheme!! for the first time we've got 'innovative' control scheme that actually fits the platform!! awesome!!!
we can only praise this game!! guys did you noticed how faithful the lips movements in game are to what they say!! even for random people in the streets!! this is crazy where did you get the time for all this? this game needs more attention all the gaming websites should be talking about this to show the other devs what ios gamers are now expecting!!! no more awkward closed mouths during dialogues!ok that s it i think i m gonna upload a lot of walkthroughs on youtube!!
Eek. I feel that the main character's voice don't go well for this game. But the ladies voice does. Looks awesome, graphic wise and everything. Just the voice gets irritating.