Universal Spiral Episode 1 - (by Pixel Hero Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. sindyan

    sindyan Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Any updates on the new patch? In a can't wait to play this game!!!!!!
  2. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Great, I bought this game on release night and just now slogged through my backlog and got around to it. Nice, it is completely unplayable under iOS 7 on my iPad 3. I know the difference because I played the first chapter before.

    Devs... Please at least give us hope, I am not talking about a minor dip in framerate - the game is just not worth trying to play at all as is.
  3. zergslayer69

    zergslayer69 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    Must be a nightmare for all devs with the release of ios7 breaking so many things. Even more so than going from 5 to 6.
  4. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    I can't wait for episode 2. I enjoyed the control sceme in this game and wish other devs would take chances. This is one of my all time favs
  5. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Same. I wonder if the devs have news for Ep2.
  6. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    I couldn't agree more: the battle system is excellent; just because I can't stand the exploration mode's default reticle doesn't negate their brilliant combat, nor keep me from being a fan just because I find their out-of-battle navigation irksome...it's actually really slick for what it accomplishes.
  7. Nader

    Nader Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Just to follow up on the update we've been working on for iOS7 issues, we're planning on submitting this week, so the update should be available for you all soon.

    Apologies for the inconvenience!

    As for 'other things' there will be some news soon!
  8. Nader

    Nader Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    In the forthcoming update we've modified the virtual stick option in the settings from the last update further with more user feedback(as well as adding ios7 controller support), so let us know if you find it any better :)
  9. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Thanks a lot, great to get feedback so quick. We don't blame you guys, apple screwed a lot of things up in iOS 7 and it is insane that they flat out broke a lot of big titles. I am really looking forward to playing the game, it has been sitting on my iPad for quite a while...
  10. leonheart1

    leonheart1 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2009
    Okay, this comment was made a week ago and since Apple takes about 6 days to review it, the update would definitely show up in a week, right?

    I probably have to restart the whole game because I have no idea what the story is about anymore. :p
  11. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Between the time it is actually submitted and the time apple gets around to looking at it, I would expect to see this update in about three weeks. I am patient, so nice to have devs that keep in touch with us like this.

    (You know, unlike Chinatown Wars which has simply vanished from the App Store)
  12. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    That isn't how it works.

    Developers were given early access to iOS 7 so things like this wouldn't happen.

    I'm not pissing on this developer, I'm just making a correction in perception. ;)
  13. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Um... Please. iOS 7 changed daily, up to release date. Some of these devs have day jobs, and don't have time to dance to apple's puppet strings. An update to iOS should not break apps - there is no excuse for this. Keep drinking the kool-aid and blaming those lazy developers, though.
  14. Infinity89

    Infinity89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    Ok guys the update is here! Get on with it!
  15. Nader

    Nader Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Indeed, the update is now available! Phew... Finally ios7 users can play the game properly!

    Here's a list of what's in the update!

    - Added support for iOS 7
    - Added support for Game Controllers.
    - Optimized for 64-bit A7 chip (iPhone 5S, iPad Air and iPad Mini 2).
    - Optimized for A6 chip (iPhone 5, iPhone 5C and iPad 4).
    - Added option in "Extras" menu to send us feedback.

    - Lots of performance and memory optimizations.
    - Improved Virtual Stick in tap and hold so you can also do other things, like looking around.
    - Improved Combat Camera when player is very close to walls.
    - Bug fixed spawning enemies in chapter 7.
    - Bug fixed AI not jumping if they get stuck.
    - Bug fixed "Go to twitter" now opens twitter app if it is installed.

    Let us know what you think! ;)
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Looking forward to checking it out. Thanks!
  17. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #437 philodygmn, Nov 3, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2013
    I almost deleted the game seeing the posts that iOS 7 leaves devs >100 MB less memory. I honestly thought Nader's claims of working on it to just be niceties and never bothered to unsubscribe from this thread. I don't know how you managed it, but its performance is now virtually indistinguishable from under iOS 6 on my 5th gen Touch. My hat's off to you, Pixel Hero (living up to your name, I guess ;-P )!

    For me the virtual stick option cannot be right until it is locked to Tempus independently from camera position. This is what unambiguously solves tricky use cases like near walls and corners, and lets me as a player keep track of my character purely from the sense memory of the moves I've made, freeing my interaction with the screen to be about the experience rather than being oriented around the interface, IMO amounting to more immersion. To be perfectly clear: up _always_ means Tempus proceeds in the direction he's facing, left makes him step _always_ to _his_ left, etc., not as seen by the camera, but as it is to his own orientation. This also effortlessly allows multi-touch free-look with swipes, say, of the left thumb while using the reticle to move Tempus with right index finger. It affords more variety in camera angles and vantage points more often, so to me feels more cinematic even though you're interacting more in order to use the interface. I still strongly endorse your one-hand concept for battle controls since the arena is more controlled and the camera is automatic, however, if you find left-thumb+right-hand works well, maybe it could be a tactic to consider for multi-touch combat...I'm not sure how easy pulling off moves reliably would be...

    Please consider adding an inner circle to the reticle for its dead zone, and when walk is triggered have its whole ring show up to help player recognition before the animations give it away, to aid fine control and timing. You might even do that for run, although seeing walk's go back off is probably enough. You might even consider, FWIW, a compass tick mark or line through the reticle to show how your touch is registering on the screen and how it's being interpreted by the control scheme.

    Having been away from the game for a while, and thinking I had to say goodbye to it, firing it up again has reminded me just what a special experience you've crafted. Thanks again for creating such an original take on touch combat, and I do admire your navigation reticle, it's just I have too many hang-ups about how it feels in-use. This game deserves a lot better than it's so far gotten. Excellent work on resuscitating it, and considering that you added bluetooth joystick, iOS7, and new device support, I'd say your update was pretty timely! Keep up the good work, and I hope we get to see subsequent episodes someday...in the forseable future.
  18. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Just a note to the devs - when you monitor threads like this, pour your heart into a fix for something you didn't deserve, and deliver on that in spades...

    Let's just say a lot of us appreciate that and won't forget it when your next title floats on by. TA should have a front story reminding people that the games don't grow on trees, and even though you guys are in this for "the business" we need to recognize when devs like you push a big fix for a game that was already wrapped. Thanks.

    (and now I can finally get around to actually playing it)
  19. leonheart1

    leonheart1 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2009
    Just finished it for the first time after the game was fixed. What a blast! Amazing game. Can't believe it's limited to just iOS! I'm playing NG+ now and it's quite enjoyable to see everyone dying so easily. I'm guessing because you can keep on leveling up, your stats probably won't transfer to the next episode.

    It's a shame the QTE only happened in one scene; I felt it could have been implemented a lot more since they are much easier on touchscreen devices. For some reason, I had a lot of trouble using the virtual joystick on the elevator level. It was so sensitive that I kept falling off! Luckily there was a 'safety' feature with the tapping controls so the guy wouldn't move unless the other elevator was at the same level.

    The noir theme was pretty cool when it happened, e.g. on the train at the start and with the monologues at the beginning of the chapters.

    By 'Game Controllers', does this mean any standard one like my PS3 controller? Or is it something specific to iOS like those iCade joysticks? If the former, it would require Jailbreaking, right?
  20. Benni_

    Benni_ Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Only for iOs controllers I'm afraid. There's a few models coming out, so that's why it's plural. Glad to hear you enjoyed your play through!

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