Universal Spiral Episode 1 - (by Pixel Hero Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #241 philodygmn, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
    Can't say I share your problem. Plus it beeps when stamina's low so you don't have to even look; health, you hear your pulse.

    No, totally, it's a 1.0, remember. Try to separate in your mind improvement from criticism, please—you'd annoy people much less, methinks.

    Until I realized a charged mid-range attack (not the Special Attack, but charged past the 1st gauge) breaks those shields some have, I thought I had to rely on dash, too, for the distance/time to execute a long-range Special Attack. Don't neglect the Pull/Push moves on snipers, it works no matter how far away they are.

    I personally care nothing for leaderboards, so I'm not the best person to comment on the issue, but if combat scoring is exploitable by hanging back, I honestly think it's fine because less-skilled players can take a breather and let their health charge up some. As I've acquainted myself better with the battle system, I'm able to command combat situations instead of resorting to picking away at them, and that's both more fun and more satisfying anyway. I just am not one of those people who looks to numbers for a referrendum on my gaming prowess...*shrug* A game worth its salt, to me, is going to appeal to excellence in its experience, and if scoring throttles the experience, that's totally _un_-worth it, to me.

    I would hate to see those changes because they eliminate fun from the game. I have a very different philosophy than many on this, I know it, I just choose to pipe up in defense of this particular game's sensibility as I see it because of how creatively rewarding the battle system and its animations are. Don't f*ck with how badass we get to be as Tempus or whomever in a game, that just plain sucks.

    Except you've not phrased them as suggestions, only opinion. See above re: your maintaining distinction between improvement and criticism: stating reason as to why what exists now isn't what you want is criticism; offering a constructive idea as to how to bridge that gap is suggestion; reacting about what's "wrong" is bitching—there's a place for bitching when it's a vehicle for the others, but unless you've got the goods upstairs to begin with, you can expect to be reviled for polluting the discussion...and defend yourself from those who missed what you're getting at (provided you _had_...) if they can't get past your tone—but I digress.

    Other nice visual touches: cars on the elevated subways every so often; the disc of the next level of the city in the sky, which I didn't even notice until seeing it plainly in the final cutscene.

    Bug: sometimes people are spawned over non-flat ground so once this lady looked like she was eternally jumping for joy on a railing (presumably the standard character rig's "fall" reaction sensing it's above-ground yet its location on/above the railing prevents their ever reaching it), another guy on one in E sector...*kerfluffle of laughter*

    Oh, and I _love_ the dork who's like, "Thank god the cable channel seems to know what's going on—the government seems _clueless_!" LOL That is awesome satire :)
  2. CosmosMan

    CosmosMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2009

    I'm at the beginning of Chapter 6 going down this elevator shaft with the platforms going up and down.

    I have no idea where to go, been trying for an hour now.
  3. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #243 philodygmn, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
    Left. I don't recall that any rightward motion is ever necessary. Just keep working your way left. Be patient, some platforms have more than 2 stop locations.

    Be sure to spot the terminal on the last ledge. It was only in replay I ran across a bug that running onto the platform past it before the terminal was activated, the game acted like it didn't exist and I fell, twice, before realizing I was already at the end—my first playthrough I was more cautious and stopped on the ledge like they counted on ;-)

    Something else I tried that didn't fly was catching a platform on its way down right as it passed mine :-( I'm telling you, I did the timing right, but the game was like uh-oh, past a platform that's not another: you must die!
  4. CosmosMan

    CosmosMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2009
    I see that platform but I don't know how to get to it. I see the terminal on it but there's never an elevator that gets to that one.
  5. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    I'll go check but I'm pretty sure it has to be a case of one with >2 destinations and you've just got to wait it out :-/
  6. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    So, yup, officially just go left. There's 2 experience pick-ups but if you just want to finish, all you gotta do is go left one by one. Be patient.
  7. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
  8. chrisjmtoscano

    Jun 24, 2013
    IMPORTANT QUESTION: ive recently just deleted Bladeslinger, an episodic game, because it seems like a second episode is never coming ... with the odds that a second episode is probably not coming for this either (sorry for being pessimistic) due to it being such a small team with probably limited funds .. is this game worth playing in and of itself? is there an actual ending? how long is the game? thanks :)
  9. Farfield

    Farfield Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I loved that game but it had a lot of troubles with iAP abuse, horrible controlls and camera. It's a shame the developers never listen up the feedback, I deleted too.

    I'm not part of the developer team, but I don't think PixelHeroGames it's going to leave this game abandoned. Here in the forums it's Nader and it's really active. Also, this game it's pure gold and I don't think they're going to wait a year or something for releasing a second episode. Don't be pessimistic, this game it's on good way and also his developers.
  10. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    yes it is worth playing even thought is just one episode for the moment, the ending is not a actual ending instead a to be continued, for it last around 5 to 6 hours but keeps a nice pace so it doesnt get boring

    Bladeslinger is another story now is a second episode doesnt come out is more because of the devs, they were kinda stubborn to implement another type of controls when most people where asking apart from pushing a part to freemiun so at least here it was left forgotten
  11. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #251 philodygmn, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
    If anything, being so small will hold their costs _down_ and make a sequel _likelier_, provided we don't turn their achievement into peremptive reason to hold it against them that it wasn't as good as a sequel we imagine LOL; they've already overcome indie devs' biggest budget challenge by funding a new IP with an "untested" control scheme—as I see it. We've just got to make sure they get the momentum they deserve so they can fund the next one with our proceeds...being a small dev will only help those odds, seems to me.

    Speaking of which, has no one else from here posted an App Store review or at least a rating?! (caveat: Apple's psychic condom drones are off-duty on weekends, maybe?)
  12. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    This game is amazing. Hats off to the devs. I really hope you make enough money so we can see more of you guys. Can't wait for episode 2!!! I've told all my friends to get this and I know about 5 have already.
  13. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    Btw this is my game of the week
  14. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Same. Adn i totally agree to your post above what i quoted. :)
  15. Nader

    Nader Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012

    We just wanted to post a little something to say thanks for the abundance of support you guys have given us! It really helps to keep us going, and we're looking forward to getting updates out for you, and making Spiral even better (as well as Episode 2).

  16. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #256 philodygmn, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
    Amazing work, gentlemen. You've vindicated Benni's end-credits quote with flying colors, and set the standard by which touch-screen action games are to be measured. ...Really, doesn't "virtual stick" speak for itself? ;-P

    Perhaps it's a little unfair given his work is most visible, but I have to hand it to Dave on the absolutely phenomenal animation. Watching the wait-state loops e.g. Noir's after Tempus leaves the press conference (which has at least 3 expressions/poses!), or while Tempus shifts around sitting at Alaina's bar, there's so much coherent emotional content in how the body language gestures, even when re-used (e.g. Tempus' 2-side head nod), read together with the facial animations and their expressions in conjunction with the vocals...just amazing, amazing work.

    I also want to hilight the elegance of posture throughout, and the correctness of stance: particularly noticeable to me in the loading silhouette sequence because it's in full profile, and in the shooting sequences (galleria, drones, hovercopters); I contrast that with flashier animation in Devil May Cry, for example, which is too busy flailing around to have the same impact or bother with continuity between action anims (I realize my saying that might piss off a lot of DMC fans—it's just my opinion).

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes there were more of you <:O) As you say in the credits, 1 keyframe at a time. *sigh* :)

    I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

    I particularly enjoy the hovercopter sequences. As awesome as overhead ground battles are, thinking outside the box like that opens it up to a whole new level of dynamic in camera work, atmosphere, etc. The more of that kind of supercharged immersive cinematic scenario you can devise into which gameplay is infused, the better. Kind of skirting God of War-ish territory—though right now that's still a bit of a stretch, it's definitely not unwarranted, IMO.

    *raises glass* A toast to your future franchise!
  17. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    To Pixel Hero Games and its future... Cheers!
  18. Benni_

    Benni_ Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Thanks again guys. We're currently working on the first update, and I'll have a few screenshots to show you in the next couple of weeks.

    Dare I say a new challenge for the combat? Will update you on here as soon as I'm cleared to from the Boss man.
  19. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    You guys are frickin' awesome! I look up at that picture and it still blows my mind that Spiral was made by...*head blows up*
  20. shoi

    shoi Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    #260 shoi, Jun 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
    Chapter 3 was nice!

    As for now, each chapter offers a different kind of gameplay.
    It is really fun!

    I guess it is because you are using the same engine but it kind of reminds me of Horn(not the story, not the design though... the grapple,the hints to where you have to go, the never ending loding screen haha) but combats are funnier in Spiral and it feels way much less scripted than Horn.

    The loading screen takes hours(I only play the game reach point by reach point once per day so I play in small burst like, I assume, many iPhone users do) so I hope the next version of the engine will allow you to change that...

    All in all, voted as the game of the week!
    Hope we'll see the ep.2 soon (need to finish ep1 though haha).

    BTW, nice pic! Nice to see the face behind all that!

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