Universal Spiral Episode 1 - (by Pixel Hero Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    #221 Ausar, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
    well just finished a while ago and really the team did an amazing job and i hope for episode 2 you can make it even biggerd

    For me the only flaws was in the combat it needs more weapons diversity and try to find a way to remove the long, mid and close range instead having all types mixed to do combos like dmc and like i already metioned some changes in sound of the weapons when they hit

    Also the "stick" that appears when you hold and press on the screen should be limited to the left side specially on for the iphone that way you dont have your hands in the way and can see the well done scenery and the health and stamine bar shoudl be improve imo into something like the one from bioshock infinitie, that should stand up more


    For last a few bugs i have encounter is that when i got a call and get back to the game the sound effects like hits dont have any sound and sometimes Tempus is invisible and the only way i have find to fix this is either closing the game from the multitask bar or going into the arena complete a round and watch the victory scene so the model of Tempus shows again

    In any case i hope i can see more changes for episode two and as well keep the pace of the plot because when it gets good is just in the final parts, btw i hope you dont forget to keep that "sun" symbol in the side of Tempus arm in episode two

    Edit: Forgot to mention a hard mode would be great since i think the game wasn't that hard

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  2. Lerisbo1192

    Lerisbo1192 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    hueco mundo
    So you just assume its impossible!?!And for the cost if you are refering to the new framework... That was just an example to show how limited the new content would be if its only an iap!!
  3. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    No... Never assumed anything. Thanks though.

    Just stating that more than likely the cost of an overhaul like that would not make any sort of sense financially for a small indie dev team on the iOS.
  4. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    What worked for me was going to the main menu, then right back in (much faster!).
  5. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Close, mid and long range are good the way they are right now. The game rewards the risk (close damage > mid damage > long damage). Also, changing weapons while fighting would be difficult. Changing weapons like in HoS would make DMC-like combos impossible, and by using gestures for the weapons you would kill the possibility of getting more skills in the future that would need those gestures.
    I think that, talking about combat, it only needs some really tough enemies and more skills and it's perfect.
  6. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    mmm well thats extrange i did that first but it didn't work
  7. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Maybe Touch vs. Phone, then, I guess? :-(
  8. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #228 philodygmn, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
    Some random assorted thoughts:

    • starting the reticle _on_ Tempus hides _him_, instead of scenery. I think stopping him by tapping him if you _don't_ use the reticle was why it took my brain a while to work around to this habit.

    • the gauge bars are best vertical for a widescreen as small as handheld/tablet. Comparing Bioshock's, proportionally it would be too miniscule to convey any detail. Also, vertical space is most valuable compositionally, so a larger proportion for bars on small screens is counterproductive, plus to the side they're at the periphery where they belong. On a big widescreen where immersion is likelier to be broken with something interrupting your field of view laterally, parking them away at the top and bottom _does_ work best _there_, IMO, especially since again compositionally their proportions are hugely smaller *flicks tongue sardonically at dissonant verbiage*

    • 3 attack ranges is perfect, or do you want a short range to whiff needlessly at a long-range enemy? I like its giving more occasion for diversity in attack animations/ideas. Surely the special attacks in episode 1 are but a taste of what's to come in terms of creative malice to unleash upon enemies (I appreciate so much the devs kept it classy and don't splash blood like they think it's a fashion accessory). The bio-energy premise gives free reign to adapt weapons at a moment's notice, so why would you ever consider forcing players to pick and stick to one at a time?!

    I just have to say how AWESOME the hologram in the cell towards the end looks, especially as you swipe the view around! Maybe next time some post-processing like slight strobing...*arrests OCD*

    ...Seriously, where is everyone from here clamoring for more, on the App Store?! It has a 4-star rating and just _10_ reviews, largely by the type of dweeb who rapes a dev's rep because they're on an older device *snarling sneer*
  9. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Im happy people like the game too, and i really like people making suggestion on how to improve a game.

    HOWEVER, it really irks me when people think their suggestions will make the game better, when their suggestions are clearly to change the game in its entirety. That's just plain dumb.

    Why change a working formula?

    I always live with the "embrace change" mantra, but i still believe that 'change' is a witch with a capital B.

    An episodic sequel needs only to change a few things, or else it will be totally different from what we already grown to love. Who's to say that changing the entire game will make it a lot better?

    On the technical side, creating a new framework or making an episodic sequel from scratch or changing the game's "world" is too time consuming, and we all know that time is money.

    If the devs gives us the same great formula as the first one, with an extended story, new locations, new enemies, and new skills... THAT is already perfect for me. Why? Because it's supposed to be Episode 2, and that is entirely different when talking Part 2.
  10. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    Well i didn't say to make it exactly like the one in bioshock it just need imo "stant up" a little more since in certaint moments at least for me is hard to notice maybe using other types of color for example not do i mean to have horizontal

    Indeed the 3 type of attack ranges are good but i still think it need more deepness so far i'm manage to get so insane scores by just dashing and shooting just go look the score in gamecenter i'm mostly 1 in all, from more skills or weapons to make every player different, like you cant have all the "perks" from the skill tree maybe change the dashing so it consume stamina stuff like that

    if that really irks you well you know the nice funtion this forum have "ignore" because we all give suggestion that we think could improve the game and i'm pretty sure you as well but is up to devs what he thinks it could fit

    In any case is much different demanding those things that just give suggestions to the devs that he could read and maybe that could give him and idea or something even better because in botton line we all want a better game are we not?
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I have a certain patience til I hit that ignore button, and i only have 2 people on that list so far, both of them already gone it seems.

    Suggesting to change the game does not really mean improving it.

    I still find asking a dev to use a new framework totally absurd, most especially on an episodic sequel.
  12. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    i just want D-Pad,dont like tapping...
  13. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Double tap and hold and you'll get a virtual joystick.
  14. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    while im playing? is there any settings?
  15. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    While playing. There's no option for it, but as long as you have your finger or thumb held down, you'll be able to control movement with the joystick.
  16. Nader

    Nader Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Entirely intentional! Ever wonder how he got back the residential sector suddenly after the boss fight in chapter 3? Then obviously surviving the fall at the end of chapter 7... hmmm ;)
  17. dnk

    dnk Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2010
    Game Impressions

    Just finished chapter 1 and I can say this game is as good as I imagined it would be after seeing the screenshots and trailer.

    It oozes style and polishes, the worlds are crafted beautifully. It doesn't feel generic so far. I personally feel Horn or Dark Meadow are very generic (don't even mention Zenonia and the likes), but so far in chapter 1, apart from the standard virus that turns society into zombies, the deus-ex / dmc hand, everything feels like they're well thought. The story and dialogue are interesting to keep people hooked, and the pacing is great too – no slow build up from reluctant hero in a small village.

    I hope it builds up to get better from chapter 2 and doesn't get too chatty though or it might distract from the emotional content. Oh while we're at it, I'm not big fan of the default walking animation (the shoulder looks weird), but I love the facial expression. It adds so much to the game.

    All in all, I've fallen in love with the game so far and hope I can love it even more in the coming chapters.
  18. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    If there's a location I want to see more in the next chapter, is the "other world" (the place where you start the game). It looks so frigging cool it's a pity that it doesn't appear more often. Some neat puzzles would fit that place :D
  19. Taclys

    Taclys Member

    May 30, 2013
    Maybe I didn't see it right, but did he teleport part if the way down the fall?
  20. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Just finished chapter 3, and quite frankly, this game rocks. It works at all levels: it looks great, the world is interesting, the story is intriguing if not groundbreaking (with decent voice acting), the controls innovative and well thought out, and once you get a handle on the combat, it's a blast. The game combines elements of Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, and Deux-Ex, but it still has a distinct feel of it's own. My only complaint is that the game could be a little less linear, and it should have been made clearer from the beginning that you can level up manually. But those complaints are minor. Overall, I'm getting a Beyond Good and Evil vibe from Spiral, and considering that's probably my favorite game of all time, that's a very good thing.

    Congrats to the developers. You did good!

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