GameClub Spider: The Secret Of Bryce Manor (by TigerStyle) [TA 2009 GotY]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by eggzbacon, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    So has anyone found any secrets yet? Apart from secret areas, the only thing I've noticed is...

    (SPOILER: highlight to read)

    One of the areas has a red button on the ceiling, when pressed the hands of a nearby clock begin to glow. I haven't been able to do anything with it but when you cover the area with a web it seems to give off a bigger misty kinda glow... not sure if I'm doing it wrong of if it's just trying to get me to notice the time on the clock.

  2. David Tiger

    David Tiger Well-Known Member

    Hey icepulse,

    To use your iPod playlist, you want to start playing music before you run the app -- we're not doing the fancy 3.0 in-game playlist creation, but Spider will recognize when you're playing your own music and will allow it to continue playing, mixed with the game sound effects.

    As for slow down in the music, have you tried rebooting your device? Is it only in-between levels or is it during gameplay?
  3. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I think I also noticed this once or twice, but as I wasn't paying much attention I just passed it off as intentional changes in the music. If it was slowdown however, it was while I was on the pause menu.
  4. David Tiger

    David Tiger Well-Known Member

    Hey Darrinsden,

    A friend of mine is reporting a similar issue -- but for him, he can't run *any* third party applications. Can you run other non-Apple apps successfully?
  5. plasterman

    plasterman New Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    plaster consultant for men
    Austin, TX
    Hi there -- this is Ethan (sound design) from Tiger Style. If you're talking about the tune that starts off with scratchy guitar stuff, that slow-down is part of the song. Don't worry, I thought it was a device issue when I first heard it, too! Then I realized it's just a little "ritardando" within the song, to drop some music jargon. I've grown to love it since. Does it bother you?
  6. chris1215

    chris1215 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Congrats to you guys on this game! It's going to be a huge success.
  7. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'm thinking that's probably what I heard. It was during one of the first few stages of the game. I'll let you know if it happens anywhere else though.
  8. maikelg

    maikelg Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    Great game, I have trouble putting it down since after each level I want to see what the next room looks like (I'm in the music room now). I did notice a few creepy paintings, are those suposed to tell the story behind Bryce Manor?
    Also is there any way to go back to previous levels to discover secrets you may have missed or perfect your score?
    One tiny little issue I have that it might be a little too easy. How about a harder mode with dangerous bugs that can kill you, like other spiders?
  9. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I like the spider vs spider idea. It'd be a cool way to include a boss-type scenario without spoiling the feel of the game.
  10. Grouick

    Grouick Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2009
    Awesome, awesome game!

    This kind of game reminds me Braid, it is unique, beautiful, fun and foremost addictive.

    Congrats to the dev team, You've manage to create one of the best game on our iDevices.

    Don't be fool by the price guys, it is worth much more than this.
  11. S.I.D. CrAzY

    S.I.D. CrAzY Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    .....I'm so tempted after all the praise you guys are giving it....

    *must resist*
  12. skyye06

    skyye06 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Its crazy how it turn from a simple whos gonna toftt to wow this is one of the best games ever
  13. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    My fingers are hovering over the BUY button but I have to ask my stock question that applies to almost all game I play!

    I see that the levels are beautifully handcrafted but am wondering are the insect spawns on each level at least somewhat randomized?
  14. skyye06

    skyye06 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    already have the game but would like to know cause i have yet to play cause the lack of space in my touch
  15. darrinsden

    darrinsden Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    #135 darrinsden, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009

    i can run any app that i have tried... with the exception of 2, this and archmage defense

    have tried and bought many non apple apps


    edit: also tried resetting the phone settings to the default, with no luck
  16. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I haven't actually replayed any of the levels, but I'm under the impression that they stay the same in the main adventure. The survival and 3-minute modes are probably random though.
  17. DavidGQ

    DavidGQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2009
    I come here often and read reviews and feedbacks to get an idea of new games or price drops :) This is a very unique game which I am looking for. Too many clones out there right now.

    Downloading it now

    Thanks everyone for the feedbacks
  18. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    In addition to my last post, the reason I think they're not random spawns (although I could be totally wrong) is because of an aspect that none of us have really mentioned yet... the tactical aspect. You get points for eating bugs in a combo, which means eating a string of bugs without touching the floor/wall/ceiling in between (i.e. jumping from web to web).

    Doing this effectively requires some forward thinking. You need to set your webs up where they'll catch as many insects as possible but also so that they create a path for you to maneuver from one to the other in succession without landing anywhere else en-route. Random spawns would make this tougher (although who knows, that could be a good thing), but keeping them in the same places would mean you can try out different techniques and try to beat your own score within the same situation.
  19. David Tiger

    David Tiger Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, in Adventure and Precision modes, a certain percentage of insects are randomly positioned in many of the levels.

    As MidianGTX points out, it is important for the level population to stay consistent so the tactical gameplay remains fundamentally predictable.

    But we also like to shake things up in a subtle way so not every playthrough is identical. If you start playing for high score, you'll notice that sometimes level population placement in a level is more conducive to extended combos than others, just due to random chance.

    Finally, Frenzy mode features 4 of the levels with completely randomized population placement (within a population type), so that's a kind of fun way to re-experience the levels with variable content.
  20. David Tiger

    David Tiger Well-Known Member

    Hey, BTW, anybody start playing for score yet? I see that I am still comfortably atop the global leaderboards (Legulous Prime), but I obviously have a completely unfair home court advantage :)

    I worked a lot on the scoring system, and I think it adds an extra layer to the experience (as well as replay value). The goal was to promote as much pre-planning as possible, and to entice the player into taking risks. I feel more "spiderly" when I meticulously plan my attack, trying to ensnare bugs optimally, trying to make sure I 4x combo the tastiest bugs, etc.

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