I agree with you completely and I think we are saying the same thing. I would add that Spoiler I think the person was dead when buried and was buried in a ritual to bring them possibly back to life- hence the assignment of the materials in the additional coffins around them and in the particular order (i.e. straight line) to invoke the correct alignment of the earth, moon and sun. If the person was brought back to life they could then ring the bell and let people know to exhume the grave- so yes, a precaution against being buried alive! Totally agree. Spoiler The first verses about having luck at sea or "discoveries at sea" seem closely related to her as well. This is in the first verses of the book of St. Germaine. Oh, I totally interpreted that differently and assumed Spoiler since the chambers were linked that they were part of a biggest alchemist orchestration to resurrect the dead. Hm. That gives me more to think about! I think you are right! There's a the larger mystery of who these people are, the mystery of the ritual itself and then the mystery of what is actually happening in the house between the individuals. Sigh. Spoiler Now, is this related to the milkhouse, where apparently someone kidnapped someone else and barricaded themselves in? Or was that person trying to hide from their pursuers? I'd love a listing of the chapters and their titles. Maybe I'll work on that next. I believe that was called 'A last stand' or 'the last stand'.
Wow. Well then. I decided to watch the credits for this awesome game, and at the very end was a mention by name of a secret society. Which in turn led me to... Spoilers http://uniformteaching.livejournal.com/148962.html Spoilers E: I can't seem to find mention of this society elsewhere and that post is from 2005...
First of all: BRAVO Additionally, I also believe that the first drawing on the menu Spoiler (above the "soul catcher") is the entrance to a version of the "Gazophylacium Subterraneum". Searching the internet for that term I found a very mysterious a website I do not endorse visiting for any particular reason other than the fact it is clearly related to the ancient order the game is referring to. You can see the oddness here. Let me know if you solve the riddle? I have no idea what it could lead to... THEN I FOUND Spoiler THIS! Score! I found the publication: Ruprecht, Walther. Separating Fact From Myth Concerning Secrets Kept From The Public Knowledge, pub 1975, Halcyon.
I've been following this thread for awhile while playing + really enjoying this game. I had to jump in once I read about the things you found just recently. Really impressive. I tried a few things in the Qoesco.com website but maybe it is broken for me, nothing was working. Did you have luck with it?
Yes, a new crescent moon tonight and the Spoiler Carriage House numeral was revealed and unlocked on the map as anticipated.
Spoiler iv (I was hoping it was going to be v) So, we still don't have three numerals that can be linked on the map to complete any of the triangle segments.
Spoiler I would say that it's more than a possibility - these sites have almost certainly been put together by the developers as an extension to the game. For example - there are so many telltale signs that this has been produced on a modern computer, and is not a scan from a book published in 1975. (that didn't even exist) http://datapet.org/stored/blogs/firsttoarchive/images/Ruprecht-1.JPG
That's the exact case with me, too. Google hasn't exactly been generous with ideas for that first word. What an odd site. I bet it all ends in an anti-climax, too! But I'll keep trying until something sticks.
While I love the idea of an augmented reality game... well, actually that makes sense as the book is gone forever, somehow and the only copy of it was scanned in on the internet... and it's not a full book. That said: Spoiler I also did the Whois research a couple days ago and got Albert Qin's info/e-mail address and researched that and it's actually tied to rental properties as well- all dated within the last years. I think that might actually be a real person. Using my super stalking abilities I even found him on other 'major occupational oriented websites I won't name' as a friend of someone else with a work profile. Albert is not his real first name either... soooooo, all I am saying is that there is lots of extensive pointing to that person NOT being part of the game and having a real life in Canada. I am pretty conflicted on whether Albert Qin is a real person or not because the screen grabs from his website which were so brilliantly found are DEFINITELY NOT FOR AN OIL RIG. They look remarkably similar to the first drawing on the menu of Spider, the (what I believe) is the entrance to the Gazophylacium Subterraneum. The images appear to be a top-down diagram for a version of that door? Additionally, the website domain is set to expire on October 31st of this year which is of significance to the whole mystery as that is the date of death on the tombstone in the cemetery IN THE GAME. Good god. What is going on with all of these coincidences?! *facepalm* I just don't know. What I do know is that none of the clues that we have collectively discovered date from before 2005. The fact that there are 0 books, articles or information at libraries or on the internet on this order makes me almost certain it is an AR invention for the game. If this is the case and we don't hear otherwise from devs this almost certainly an augmented reality game. I love ARGs and most of my posts will pertain to this research. Also if this is an AR game bits and pieces may be released onto the net- i.e. the LJ entry that wasn't updated until this year stating the book no longer exists and the only excerpt that was available and was scanned onto the other website I posted has just enough information available to let us know that the original was destroyed or hidden again without divulging any other additional information. There is also something very suspicious about the author's name... *IMPORTANT* I feel a little sick to my stomach as I write this because I missed it and it is a HUGE clue for the AR game and I just discovered it: Spoiler The name of the man who wrote the article from 1975, the one who had discovered the identity of the Auric Knight is Walther Ruprecht.... when you search for the name nothing else is a hit, however if you look into Ruprecht itself you find (quite easily) the Knetch Ruprecht. This is the knight from the game, the knight in all the images. He is the seeker and the servant! Within this secret society it was not uncommon (as stated in the LJ entry and elsewhere) for individuals to be tested repeatedly (hence the observation room in the tower) before being admitted to the 3-fold purpose instead of being an initiate or remaining in the 4-fold purpose. Additionally this from a website about Ruprecht: Saint Nikolaus’s best known companion is Knecht Ruprecht. ‘Knecht’ meaning ‘servant’. Historically Ruprecht was a dark sinister figure clad in a tattered robe with a big sack on his back in which, legend has it, he will place all naughty children. In Storm’s poem, Knecht Ruprecht is featured with a cane with which to chastise such children. Who is the person we identify with the cane from the game? Who is placing the little boy in peril?! Let me know what you think? This also means that we have at least 3 games going on: 1) The spider game: spider mechanic and high score leader boards, etc. 2) The story within the game: the mysteries of the Blackbirds, what happened to the people, etc. 3) The AR game: The fictional)?) Knight of the Buried Chamber, The mysterious qoesco website, etc. All I know is that the name of the website is another key, another cipher and I haven't figured it out yet. I would love to know how you guys are finding the answers on google for the form. It's super impressive. I applaud you but I haven't had the time to continue researching the words. If you find other websites.. anything concerning the mystery, please post them! Others may see things you miss and vice versa!
ARG: Suspicious LJ Account debunked! Sorry for the double post but I just discovered the following and I hope it helps others solve the ARG mystery and the qoesco website. We've already pretty much established it but, yes, the LJ account is Spoiler a complete fake and part of an ARG. After looking more closely at the account and the username "uniformteaching": Spoiler It's very clear it is an old user account that has been wiped (who uses LJ anymore?) and edited. The remaining comments that are out on people's blogs are mainly using choice expletives to describe Spoiler ladies he enjoys looking at/sexy pin-up ladies . The linchpin is the comment that gives away his location: "I've driven to Dallas on a couple of occasions to get more grease and a quick cut while I'm there...". He's also super into skateboarding and left comments on those posts as well. :/ The other issue was that this person has no friends listed on his profile but a quick search will reveal others list him as a friend and many, many, many are based in Spoiler Austin, TX. Spoiler So a) lives in TX, driving distance to Dallas, with many, many friends in Austin, TX. b) Not necessarily the profile of a professor who loves researching the occult and lives in Rhode Island with his family and beloved pets. Not impossible, mind you... just not likely. He also has only 10 blog posts since 2001? :/ What else is based in Austin? Spoiler Hmmm.... Oh, hello Tigerstyle games! I've had so much fun trying to poke holes in this mystery and Walt's conflicting interests and location were a big giveaway. <3 Also his name is, indeed, listed as Walt.... Spoiler which is also Walther- the same name of the person who wrote the papers in 1975 that he also posted. My point is if you are interested in the ARG component of this spider game, we can clearly establish that the ENTIRE LJ account and the website are Spoiler part of the game and you should look at the entirety of the blog to see all the clues. The bold words on his fake blog entries seem to be important. There are only 10 entries and there seems to be something more to it. Maybe the bold words should be part of a cipher or riddle or .. of course maybe nothing at all. It's still worth checking out. Good luck and please post your findings!
This is really fascinating. Where in the game did you find a knight that looks like the Knecht Ruprecht? I must not have found it yet, but I haven't solved the Grounds mystery yet so I think I'm missing one of the secret levels. Also I'm not so sure that the book but Ruprecht is faked. Have you ever heard of the Selectric typewriter? It was invented in the 1970s + after it a lot of small publishers could make books that look something like this one. The Whole Earth Cataglog is one example I can think of. It's an electric typewriter that was made by IBM. Is there a way we can check to see what uniformteaching.livejournal.com was before it was wiped? Also what about that journal entry about the Freemasons + Mozart that might be related to this somehow?
Also where did you find the answers to Qoesco about Spoiler Wilhelmsbad + Willermoz + 1836 ? I didn't find anything like that in the game or in these live journal entries or in the book by Ruprecht...??? I'm not sure how you are figuring this stuff out.
So that is real stuff from history, then? Or is it from more websites that look like they could be fakes?
It isn't the typewriter that's the problem. If you look at the slight blemishes in the typeface (lighter/darker areas, instances where the ink has slightly bled into the paper etc) they are identical in each instance of the same character. That's because the blemishes are built into the computer font and are not the result of printing.