Dude, that stinks. I know Shaun is in the same boat. I wonder if it's a region specific bug or something? I've never had issues with that in the US, but I see you're in NZ. His profile says JP, but I don't always know how much to trust that stuff. I do really hope Gameloft finds a fix for that soon. I can't even imagine how upset I'd be about that!
Yeah, I'm in Japan. As I mentioned, my exchanges with customer service on the issue were very, very frustrating and completely unhelpful, so I can definitely feel your pain, danz. Kyle, if you're still checking this thread, can you help this guy out?
Well... I'm a little frustrated at the moment. I just finished 6th in the Morlun event, but 1st place was the 2-billion-score hacker. He was sitting at the top of the leaderboard for days and Gameloft never removed him. So... that's completely unfair. I should be in 5th, and I want my Spider-Gwen! Also, I just bought EIGHT event portals to try to get the new Superior Spider-Man card. Guess how many I got? ZERO. Gameloft_Kyle, can you confirm that the Superior Spider-Man event portal does indeed give a 20% chance at Superior Spider-Man? Otherwise that is some underhanded deception and I want my iso-8 back. Sorry for the negativity, but yeah, the game seems to be ignoring its own rules at the moment. Anyone else having these issues?
Crap, guess i wont be opening any portals. But it so tempting. Has anyone gotten one? Also, is there a buff event?
From reading the gameloft forum, alot of ppl are getting good odds from the new superior portal. I read one guy got 3 epic spidey out of 5 pulls or something. Some other guy opened 12 portals and did not get one singel epic though. It seems to be lucky of the draw.
I've pulled 12ish and gotten 3. And I made 5th place and got a Spider-Gwen!!! Edit: I pulled 15 and 7 starred mine.
Great, so I just had phenomenally bad luck? Let's see, eight pulls against a 20% chance, so 0.8 to the 8th, so I only had a 16.8% chance of not getting a single Superior over eight pulls. Splendid. Well. Not gonna lie, I'm feeling some envy with a healthy dash of resentment right now. And if I'm reading that correctly, you got two Superiors out of your last 3 pulls? I have 18 possible pulls left, and now I can't decide whether to use them. Anyway, congrats; at least someone had good luck with this game today!
Yeah, I feel kind of bad. I didn't notice the 6th place thing, too. I think I did get two in 3 pulls. Maybe even twice out of the 15, but it obviously averaged to 1/3, which was incredibly lucky. I mean, I've been pulling Vanilla Spidey in every daily 12 ISO portal for like a week, so I was shocked. I also had pretty decent luck on the other 2/3, pulling at least 3 or 4 cards I'm still ranking up. Personally, I'd been saving up for the Spidey-Gwen portal, but when that didn't appear and this portal was only 25 ISO-8, I figured, why not? I'd go for it, if I was you. A pull is already 3 stars, so you only need 5 to max it out. And there will possibly be an event to earn one, so maybe 4 will be enough?
Haha, don't feel bad. Don't worry, it's still just a game! And yeah, 5 out of 15 pulls is awesome luck; enjoy your 7-star Superior Spidey! I'll probably try the portal again once I'm convinced it's not out to get me. I can always earn more iso-8 in unlimited, right? Also, a silly side note: does anyone else miss Green Goblin? I see him so seldom now. And he's much less annoying than some of the newer bosses. He showed up in an unlimited run today and I was like "yaaaayyyyy." It was like seeing an old friend. Then I died because I wasn't paying attention.
But what's up with there not being a Spider-Gwen portal? I was able to sneak into 5th place too, but now I have this Legendary eating up a spot on my roster and no way to rank her up.... Yeah, I totally get this. Between Vulture not giving combos for near misses and Sandman taking up the entire screen so I can't see, Goblin is such a breath of fresh air (Morlun was a piece of cake though).
I booted up the game a few minutes ago, and all of a sudden my ISO-8 went from 8 to 0 (I had just gone on a massive shopping spree, so whatever). At first I was like, ahh, I've got the lose ISO-8 bug now! But then I started thinking about the last session I'd had, and I bought Spider-Armor portals (12 of those over the past week and the best Spider-Armor I got was a 4-star). I think I bought more than I should have been able to. Earlier in the week, I bought two from that portal, and it looked like it didn't charge me. Then I bought two more (because I budgeted for 2). I left the game, and when I came back, it had charged me for the other two (-50). That's fair. I think what just dropped me to 0 was the same thing. It looked like it didn't charge me, so I over bought. Just this time, I had less ISO-8, so it dropped me to 0 from 8. So, the next question is, will I earn up from 0, or will I have to repay the 17 ISO-8? I will let everyone know. I doubt this is the same issue a couple of you are having, but I guess it could be?
As for me, i havent launched this game for 3 days now. LOL. I guess that's an achievement coz i got really addicted to this game, until i had it with Gameloft effing me up multiple times with the daily and event rewards.
I am pretty much in the same boat. I lost 100 iso8 and two premium portals rewards during the last weeks glitch and the customer service was not even close to being reasonable. I play for 15 minutes now only in a day as against a few hours which was earlier.
Minor update. I earned the 2 ISO-8 Reward for defeating 10 bosses. When I hit the claim button, my ISO-8 counter went 0..1..2..1..0 So, by my best estimate (unless I bought 2 cards I wasn't supposed to), I should start positively earning again after 15. I'll report again after 16. Edit: Yep. Got the 50 ISO-8 bronze reward. Went up to 50, then dropped back to 35.
Fascinatingly, the first time I opened the portal, I got the Superior Spiderman, second was a rare vanilla spidey, meh. Although ill still try a couple of pulls though
Holy cow! That's a 75% chance of pulling one. Nice! Just out of curiosity, why did you keep going after pulling 5?