One run every ten minutes in an endless runner is fairly ridiculous. That combined with the intermittent swipe detection issues, obnoxious respawn timer and heavy grind might see this going off my device very quickly. It's heartbreaking because there's a fantastic game beneath all the aggressive monetization. I love it when after waiting for 10 minutes to get another try a case of lag-induced swipe error leads to another death.
Add the pesky random challenge notifications and you've got precisely why this has been deleted off my iPad, and I'm still sticking to my "No Freemium Garbage on iOS" rule. I might stick this on my Note 3, but as far as iOS is Just no.
This is the WORST! It's happened so many times to me, I felt a little better seeing that it was issue across all devices.
I may have found a glitch; I had my rank 1 manga spidey equipped and used it to rank up my 2 to 3 rank, and it wasn't consumed! Anyone else have this happen? When I get 24 ISO I'll try it with some battle damaged spideys and see if it was just once!
Kind of disappointed because my spiderman team is full and I can't get anymore unless I use vials which the only way to get them is to play the game at a snail' pace. This seems ridiculously grindy as the swipe detection is shoddy leading to short runs and cheap deaths. Couple that with an unnecessarily long timer system and that's bs. Especially to play unlimited mode. I wouldn't mind timers IF each spidey had their own energy system but the fact it's only five energy for all is stupid. Also, I've failed every spidey-op my team has ever been on. This game also should've had a store where you could pay for certain spider man cards instead of summoning them and getting a random spidey. Ranking up spiderman cards shouldn't even have a cost to them. Should be free. I will keep this on my phone until the update is released to see if these problems are fixed. If not then way to ruin an otherwise wonderful game gameloft
Hello everyone How can it be this?!? 21hrs before i am able to play?! Anyone got in this situation ? Thx
What devices are you guys experiencing lag issues with? I'm on a 5S, and the only time it stutters is when I have an incoming message. Otherwise, the swipe input is spot-on. I know a few have mentioned 4S being an issue....wondering if we can give some constructive feedback to GL...
Swipes are spot-on for me too, but i do get the occasional hiccup, expecially when a run's just started.
One of the biggest joy i had with a runner is over, reached level 10. All there is left of a brilliant game is...drop outs of a certain animal. *moves back like a beaten dog to premium games*
I don't understand how people make money by saying no you can't play the game now for an hour unless you give me done money. With so many games out there who is actually stupid enough to pay money for that? I do hope the devs consider a purchase price to remove the energy system and it'll be just like buying the app.
It's no surprise if you look at their GotW history. Freemiums arent new to their list at all, and those with the worst of timers are there too.
+1... There is no way in this world will i pay for anything consumable, especially one to buy to play a game TEMPORARILY. I hope they do consider taking the timers away, i'd pay up to $10 for it coz i really know i would enjoy this game too much.
The timers wouldn't be so bad if they used them as they do in other Marvel games Like Iron Man and Marvel Puzzle Quest where the timers are used per skin. With a full roster you could run through 30 times. Unfortunately for me, I would still be waiting for the first life to build back up when I finished.
I was tracking this Q to see if it happened to me, and I have a similar issue. I was combining to 3-star cards into Manga Spidey (didn't have a 2nd manga card to throw in the middle) and paid the 5 ISO to rank him up. It did rank him up, but I still have the 2 other cards.....this'll be tricky cuz I was purposely burning them to make room in the card deck.... Anyone else?
+2. I don't think even allowing timers for each suit would be enough to hold my attention. As-is, I love this game, but the restrictions make it pure frustration.....especially when u hit a groove. I wouldn't be surprised if they change the pay model a bit. Heck, if Asphalt 8 can go from premium to freemium (still miffed about that one), then this A+ quality title can go from freemium to premium.