Universal Spider-Man Unlimited - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Bripster

    Bripster Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    i still havent got the 20k vials event portal.... anyone heard much about this or got it yet?.... pretty annoyed as im still crappy at it and barely break 500k score so to lose out on a good portal when already far behind with my roster and how hard it is to get them puts me off so much. I like the game alot but with the glitches during runs killing you and the energy recharges breaking its making it really hard to keep sticking at the game now. just as im tempted to buy some ISO (crap name for them btw...) its kinda gone to hell and making me wonder why im sticking with it tbh.
  2. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    My event portal prize from the daily turned into a normal premium portal, and you'll never guess who came out! A regular Spidey, just what I needed!
  3. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    I am still waiting for that same event portal.

    I can't even get anywhere near 500K score. Well, part of it is because I only have a 15X multiplier, but part of it is because the game just moves way too fast for me with way too many obstacles.

    To be perfectly frank, there are two things stopping me from purchasing any IAP: The first is that, like you, I am not sure how much longer I am going to stick with the game, so purchasing content may be a tad premature. The second, and most important reason is that I don't want to financially support a developer that would charge such an absurd amount of real cash for paltry amounts of in-game currency, not to mention the limit on five energy units with a ten minute per unit recharge.

    Yeah, the social aspect of requesting energy from friends is unique and interesting, but far from offsets the inconvenience of having to wait for energy.

    I am sure that Gamesloft is making money from the game, or why would they be doing this, right? They are a business. But I just don't see how. Are people actually so desperate for ISO 8 crystals (which is the ONLY IAP available for this game) that they would pay such exorbitant sums for them?

    I don't get it.

    The game has a ton of potential, but some of the features I find incredibly off-putting.
  4. Shamis

    Shamis Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2014

    Slightly off track but i am amazed at the regular sckre creep up. Two weeks back, i used to hit 340k in the daily run and be sure to get a reward portal for placing in the top 9999, yesterday, i hit 590k in first go and didnt bother trying ti better it, 2 hrs before the daily countdown end, i saw my rank around 7800.

    At this rate, 3 weeks from now, everyone will need to put in a million to stay top 9999.
  5. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Actually that isn't off track at all. I think it is an extension of my problem with the difficulty and the ranking of the game, only you are far more experienced with this game than I am and being better at it than I am, your problem is a more sophisticated version of the same one I have, but since I am not as good at playing this as you are, you have a sort of "higher quality problem."
  6. Shamis

    Shamis Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2014
    And i think dafalcon and exact must be facing similar issues but in the top 100 slot.

    Bottomline being, its getting quite tough lately. And really need some uber spideys, again got a regular rare spidey today :(
  7. dafalcon

    dafalcon Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    Las Vegas, NV
    Haha, yup. I actually fail to get top 99 more often than I acheive it. And then when I do earn it, it seems half the time I don't receive anything (to be fair, customer care has always taken care of it for me... Eventually... But it's annoying for me [and I'm sure it's annoying for them] that issues are ALWAYS cropping up—it's a testiment to the Spidey Brand and the appeal of this game when it's working that I've stuck through it all). Maybe it's time to invest in consumables to make sure I stick in the top 99, but I think doing that would make me sad.

    I am leveling my second level 90, and have way better luck with Premium portals recently (I actually have like five empty slots right now, it's been a very long time since that was last true). Not that I need him, but I got the last Electro-Proof Spidey I needed to max him out, and I'm working on a Ben Reilly epic (still just at four stars for now). Is anyone else's Spidey Ops fourth tier just completely empty of text? I like the bits of flavor it adds, imagining that my third rate Spider-Men are off doing something exciting on their 12 hour(!!) missions.

    I am looking forward to a change in the Daily Unlimited Reward tiers, even if it's just to add intermediate award tiers so that 5.4M points doen't rate the same award as 545k (it feels awful getting bumped to 102nd place in the last seconds before the daily rollover).
  8. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yeah. I want to consistently be on the top 99 spot to get an epic to rank-6 easily, but i cant. But the 50 ISO-8 is a decent consolation considering i can open a VIP portal every 2 to 3 days. Still painfully slow, but im getting some freebies off the event goals, and the event rewards.

    Im not playing the game as much as i did when it was released though, where i spent at least 3 hours each day playing this (up to 6 hours in one day :p). right now, i only spend about 30 mins on SMU each day for whatever i could get in that time, or, if i get closer to the final event rewards then i extend play time to get those.
  9. Shamis

    Shamis Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2014
    A new map would be awesome at this point, if it was possible.
    Infact, a new market system where you could trade your spideys would be awesome too but would work against the iso8 selling, so, i don't really see it happening, or maybe, a market sysem where you could buy or sell or auction your spideys only and only for iso8 - that ways people will still be buying iso8.

    In anycase, what i feel is, that with the coming time, a lot more spideys are gonna get released, even though its fun and great but ultimately will make making those coveted 6* next to impossible as from a larger pool getting what you desire from a portal makes it even more tougher than it already is (especially with the generous vanilla spideys springing up ever so often, lol)

    But all rants apart, this is a great game and i have had a great time so far and the customer service even though takes two days to resolve your issue, it ALWAYS does resolve it and in a more than lenient fashion. I got 100 iso8 in the last 4 days from the customer service for my complaints, so, i would be the last to ever complain bout their service.
  10. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Actually, what im thinking to greatly improve the game's accessibility, but still keeping the grind on to encourage IAPs (im thinking for both parties here, gameloft and users), is an evolve system.

    For example, you have a maxed out 3-star Common vanilla spidey. Fuse it with another common vanilla spidey, and it'll evolve into a one-star, level 1 UNCOMMON vanilla spidey.

    Another example is that after maxing out a RARE Bulletproof Spidey to lv70, you can fuse it with another Rare Bulletproof Spidey to rank it up to a one-star, lv1 EPIC Bulletproof spidey.

    I hope that makes sense... Coz this way, it encourages more long-term playing with these goals, but it doesnt change the grinding one-bit. Gives it more incentive to actually keep playng the game.

    Another thing i was thinking about for improvement is to just trade cards into ISO-8. Commons will only have to either be converted to 1 or 2 ISO-8, because you never really spent any ISO-8 on them. Uncommons could be at 3, Rares at 4, and Epics at 5. In addition, you get extra ISO-8 for each Star beyond the first (except commons because it'll make it easy to farm ISO-8) just to give more value to better cards. Also, for commons, they need to be at level 30 to be allowed to be converted.

    I think these suggestions sound fair, both to Gameloft, and to the users. Arent they?

    @Gameloft_Kyle: You think you can forward these as suggestions for improvement?
  11. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    I like those suggestions, maybe the common spiders could be sold for vials, as that's all you spent on them... Otherwise it becomes 1500 vials for one ISO8.

    Also I love the idea of evolving. Means that you wouldn't have to spend iso8 to actually get the rare and epics, but it would take a loooong time.
  12. DJ 4-Seasons

    DJ 4-Seasons Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    I'm actually starting to wonder why some people are using the Big Time (Stealth) Spidey. probably cause it can be raised up to Lvl 100 but what's bothering me is it's abilities. Is it like, 30 % score from running and 30% score from combos?
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Epics can only be raised to a max of lv90, and Big Time has 30% score from combos and combo counter lasts 4 more seconds before resetting.

    So yeah, it would be easy to maintain combos with it, and you get consistent bonus from its first perk. The only downside is thatyou cant increase the combo counter as fast as +1 to combo on X armors.

    It's pretty strong though... One of the best high-score chasing costumes i've seen.
  14. DJ 4-Seasons

    DJ 4-Seasons Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    Oh not the Big Time (Sonic), I meant the Stealth version :) since some hackers use it or at least I think they're hackers cause I spot Big time stealth spidermans in the leaderboards more frequently so I wondered why would they hack and use Big time stealth? Why not Symbiote? Is it because Big Time Stealth has a pretty unique ability?
  15. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Oh dint realize you were referring to that.

    Anyways, 2099's abilities suck a lot.

    Spider-Man 2099 Abilities:
    Start with a 10-combo counter
    Level up 15% faster (unlocked at 5 stars)
  16. DJ 4-Seasons

    DJ 4-Seasons Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    That's... sad. High hopes for Symbiote's abilities!
  17. Evilthedevil

    Evilthedevil Member

    Oct 3, 2014
    #1297 Evilthedevil, Oct 17, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    Agree with you.
    Since i am a free player , my spidey level not high enough to get 5.4m points.
    (may be i can reach that score if i can do some perfectly game but that almost impossible at this multiple)

    I have popential to reach the top 1,000 but not top 100
    and i don't need to score that it since the reward was the same as top 10,000

    So what i choose is
    [do only 600k just to make sure that i'm in 10,000]
    and manage to get more 10-20k if i need to break high score

    I think this reward system slowly ruin this game.
  18. dafalcon

    dafalcon Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    Las Vegas, NV
    It sounds like your tiers are set up differently than the ones I've been getting?

  19. Packman

    Packman Member

    Oct 7, 2014
    I've been having an issue just in the last couple days where my motion control will get locked up and I have to manually close the game and reopen it to get it working again. It seems to happen a couple times a day and it just recently popped up, I didn't have any similar issues in the weeks prior.

    It's not a huge deal, but it's pretty annoying when you're in a run and discover you can't move, especially since we're so limited on runs.
  20. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Oops i meant top 9. So used to the original setup.

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