how does one get rid of spidermans, i got duplicates and im running out of space for new ones..thanks in advance. couldnt find the answer on the pervious 30 pages..
Burn them off by gaining ranks or leveling other spider-men (which also takes ISO-8!). Evil! It's like they want me to grind or spend money. I've never heard of this trick before!
Not this again no it does not take ISO you need one of the same card and then two other cards of equal or higher level then it's free to rank up.
And if u just need to burn a card, level your character instead of ranking them up....I think u get up to 5 cards, and no matter what (so far anyway) it's only 500 vials, which u could recuperate in a good run.
That and if hitting enemies or obstacles, you'll add +1 to your combo meter, which is huge for these daily tournies. I actually went up 1 level with the x2 multiplier because it doubles ISO AND your combo meter (so it's a two-fer).
Got mine abt 3 hrs ago. I'm wondering if they roll out rewards once the last tourney in the last time zone finishes, so they can sweep the servers and boards all at once
Nope, got nothing so far. Btw anyone know what that upload/download button at the bottom right corner of the daily leaderboard for? All I see it does is "refresh" the list. But then why the upload/download symbol?
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From 2 star to 3 star costs 100 iso8 couldn't afford it even if I want to yet lol. Need to save up some more. And getting another 6 star duplicate is slim too hahaha
For epics(6-star) from 2 to 3 stars costs 200 ISO8. I think this cost varies only based on their rarity.
Me neither! I opened a support ticket in-game. Hopefully we can get our stuff! I hate worrying about whether I'm gonna get my rewards each day. So annoying.
Ever since I started focusing on keeping up combos, I realized just how much they mean. They rack up a ton of points, but you have to near miss a lot, and in order to do that I need to focus on short range stuff and not be aware of the road ahead. And then I die. How mich combos do you guys get on average? I usually hit about 70-80 before it gets hard to near miss.
I love the +1 to combo on hit armors, so taht when i pick up web fists powerup, if i already racked a bit of combo going on, i can reach over 200 combo. The only times i really focus on near-misses is to avoid losing the combo. I do it only when the combo counter starts flashing to refresh the combo decay timer. On average, i think 80-100 is good enough to keep a decent score going.
Im afraid my hard-earned Iron Spider + 25 ISO-8 will be lost too. Im currently ranked #1 on the Iron Fist event with a good 900k lead over the number 2 guy, and there's less than 2 hours left on the clock til the event ends.