Just booted my games up and after 8 hours away I still have 0 energy : ( Anyone know why it happens yet as my timer keeps messing up now and not regenerating as quickly as it should.
Oh that's a cool system! I've been doing the event so I haven't gotten that far in the story yet haha
There was me wondering how people got their high scores on the event and I'd been running the mangaverse event with scarlet Spiderman until I just noticed you get triple the score with the manga one and launched up to 5th with the next run! Although I do dislike that it takes 1 copy plus other cards plus 25 ios8 to level up a card it does seem like a paywall or grind fest if that's what's needed for each card.
The game does a poor job of explaining this, but you don't need 1 copy plus other cards plus the ISO-8 to rank up a card. You need *either* 1 copy plus other cards *or* the ISO-8 listed to rank up, not both.
That's good to hear, the only time I did it was with my scarlet Spiderman during the tutorial. I went to do it to my nangaverse added a double and others and could see it saying about the iOS cost, so it could definitely be clearer. Much happier knowing that I will be able to do it without requiring iso8 and be able to rank up multiple cards I like rather than just 1 due to the cost.
Getting really irritated by this energy system now. I like the game and I just want to play the game! It's bad enough having the timers anyway and not being able to play whenever you want because who really will? Make money another way. Also if your going to put in a diabolical energy system make sure the thing works!! Constantly now whenever I return to the game I've regenerated absolutely nothing so I can't play at all.
Ok so it's annoying enuff u put a stupid f'in evergy system on the game and now the thing diesnt even recharge properly. Let me ask this. Why can't u just charge 4 bucks for the game instead of annoying the shit out if the players you make the game for with dumb ass timers that don't work. Wtf.
Do I really need to see the leaderboards after every run? Just give me a replay button in the scoring summary screen so I can restart right away without a half-dozen button taps.
? Well, they're running a tourney that pays out incrementally, so that's pretty fair of them. The reason Mangaverse Spidey gets the multiplier is because he's the focus of the tourney. They could've done something crappy like making the spidey a 5-6 star card and forced everybody to have to grind immensely and still spend a good amount of ISO. So, they're actually being pretty fair. Also, any run will rank up your character. There's also Spidey Ops missions that gain xp for every card u deploy, along with vials. Sure this game has the timers, which is admittedly a bad decision and one that GL is undoubtedly taking into account for the next update, but they've kicked the game off in grand fashion and giving players ample opportunity to rank up. I'm no GL fanboy, in fact there's a few games I've played that annoyed me with their issues, but this game is definitely (mostly) the exception to the rule.
The multiplier system rewards you for having up to four fully leveled cards and the accompanying slots, besides the multiplier gained from focusing on the event card. And this is not the only event that will exist, there will obviously be events focused on higher rating cards. Even the unlimited mode uses rank based multipliers and the team up system. The whole system might be "fair" but it is objectively based on grinding to get better scores. You will have to invest time or money ranking up your cards to get competitive scores before skill comes into it at all. That might be something people enjoy but it's nothing I want in my runners.
Yeah I didn't mean to come off harsh, so I apologize if that sounded as such. I don't disagree with you on the grinding, in fact that's definitely what it takes. I guess some people won't tolerate it, and I don't blame them. I guess for me, runners end up being what I play most, so it's a major nuisance to have a timer, plus the meta-game pushing towards u having the best cards and fully leveled. But, since I love runners, and this is one of the best examples of the genre, I can put up with it for now. If it were, say, a racing game, I would've definitely deleted the game by now. It really comes down to preference. U definitely reserve the right to be inclined to steer away from grindy games with timers....in most instances, I'm with u on that
The energy meter just doesn't want you to play the game. But beside that, one of the better auto runners.
The new event Extra Protection is glitched. My score isnt updating at all. On a game over in that event run, it shows my highedt is 160k+, but in the mission prep screen and the leaderboards it only shows my 30k score, which i have gone past about 6 times already. I suggest everyone take advantage of this event though, and gain combos either by killling or getting real close to obstacles before dodging away coz an accumulated 1250 combo gives 1 premium portal in addition to 5 ISO-8, a standard portal, and 1000 vials along the way to 1250 combo.
I would like to point out again the friend list. I have played over a hour non stop today only using gifted energy. Just spend a little time inviting literally everyone possible and you will have a near infinite energy pool on reserve. And as far as I can tell, there is no daily cap. At the time of writing I have approximately 60 energy waiting in my inbox for use.
Do people get different flash events my choices are mutant madness and manga motion but exact is talking about extra protection.
I noticed that earlier as well, but for Mutant Madness.......strange, maybe it's regional differences or something? I think it's taking their servers time to update, because I had a score that initially wasn't showing up. I came back to the game about an hour later and it did update the leaderboard. @ Pyapiopi - solid, thx for the reminder.