I deleted a few weeks ago. Then I reinstalled Friday and deleted again tonight. The game crashing when I was at 4.5 million points for my daily run was the end for me. Oh well, guess I'll express my love for Spider-Man in other ways.
Customer Care bug The past three times I have attempted to file a ticket with customer care, I was prompted to select a cellular service carrier, even though it is not supposed to be a mandatory field and I do not have cell service on my iPad. I never received an automated response for the previous tickets and now it seems as though there is a bug preventing me from communicating with customer care. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? It just started in the past week or two.
Question: What is a score to be fairly safe for Bronze in the daily on iOS? I can get 2 or 3 million inconsistently, and once I got 4.2 million and missed Bronze, but I am not sure if that was just a high scoring day. I know that a couple of months ago 3.5 million was considered safe, but I also know that the safe scores have been going up.
I just got a Spider-Man: India from the daily leaderboard top 99 prize. It was supposed to be Classic Spider-Woman... Weird.
Spiderman unlimited force closes The game forec closes or crashes whenever i tried playin it. This happened just yesterday. Uninstalle the game and re installed twice. But the problem still persists. Have been playin this game for days n months,just to make my way to the top. Please fix this issue. Would be such a waste just to go down like this after all the countless hours and dollars spent for this game.
So, I'm convinced that there's some sort of glitch that will allow you run indefinitely that explains why there's usually a couple ridiculous scores at the top of each leaderboard. I'm not sure how it happens, but it's happened to me once or twice.Once I was able to run for more that 100,000 meters racking up a score of around 30 million. It seems like once the glitch happens you no longer will change to the other environments and you won't see any more bosses. I wish they would get this fixed because it would make all the events a lot more fair.
What leaderboard are you referring to, daily leaderboards? If it's daily leaderboard with 30 million I usually question that. I only ask because I've had legit scores of 26-32 million, but those where buffed spider events with multipliers of x150 to x200. So, I know scores that high are possible. For your so called "glitch," I've never had that happen to me before. However, I've fallin' through a level floor before only to keep running with messed up visuals until I die because I can't see a darn thing. Started happening after this last update, it's rare, but does happen.
Anyone else missing the Facebook button in Menu, Options? I can't login to Facebook because it doesn't even give me the option!
I ran out of whatever the energy is called yesterday morning after I ran 5 times. So I stopped playing as usual, which is a shame since I would play longer and spend more money if I could play whenever. But anyway, I opened it up again this morning and My energy had not refilled AT ALL! Why would it not refill?! And beyond that, why have I never seen the Facebook icon in settings? I can't login to facebook without it. Makes it really hard to place well in events AND I can't even ask friends for help. Really frustrating and not encouraging when wanting to make any progress.
These guys are robbers! Please don't buy anything from gameloft if you care for your money. İ purchased around 70 dollar of iap content and somehow my save has been gone and a very old save file has been loaded to my account where i havent purchased anything. They just gave back less then quarter of my losses and then even deleted that new save with just 15 dollars worth content. My time, my money, all gone and they dont even response to anything i say. I hope many people listen me and dont get upset later.
I'm sorry to hear this. I've been lucky and have never lost my saved file, but if I did, it would be months and months of progress with too much to say what would be lost. Never IAP anything though, I refuse. It is FACT, Gameloft needs to seriously consider a new saving format. The amount of players daily that consistently lose their saved game files is frightening. However, with all that said, I honestly enjoy this game very much. Been playing since its release and haven't stopped. Only thing that would stop me, is of course, losing my save. Pray it never happens.
Or, in the short term, running out of those spider tokens. That's what usually stops me from playing every day. When I have time to game is when I want to game, and unfortunately, when I'm out of tokens I shut the app down. Seems pointless to do that to us.
Spider energy you mean? When I was first starting out I hated the energy system. However, as my friends list grew and I got a lot better, I never have issues with spider energy now. In fact, by the time I get done with one run my energy is already at full again. I literally can play all day without any worries.
Their customer service is just teribble they just dont response or say anything about it. This is how they treat to a customer that gave around 70 dollars and i wouldnt imagine how they treat free players. Maybe their cs in my country is worse than others i dont know. But just ignoring a customer is a huge disrespect i think. İ dont have anywhere to complain about the customer service i just hope they see me here and contact me somehow.
Wish I could even HAVE a friends list. But no matter how many times I close out, restart my phone, etc, I don't even have the Facebook or Twitter buttons in the social part of my settings. Where everyone else has buttons, mine aren't there, hence I can't have friends, hence I have no extra energy from them. So, for me, the energy system is really counterproductive on their part. If I could keep playing when I want, I would be more likely to spend actual money like in Iron Man 3 and even Avengers Alliance.
Don't need FB or Twitter to get friends. Go to the leaderboards and add people in there! Bingo friends! I don't have either and had a substantial friend list just from doing this