I was thinking the same thing in regards to the Coming Home arc. I was like, "So this is how Spidey felt while fighting this dude..." Morlun didn't let him rest at all! He was dead tired afterwards.
Yep, I'm also pretty disappointed with the female characters' animation. They do look weird and not athletic at all :/ Definitely not sexy either.
Did everyone just bug Customer Service for ISO-8 for this? I thought if I waited it might pop up, that happened to me with the Halloween events.
Really? I don't think the distance between boss fights is much longer than the starting distance. And some of the later fights are in easier environments like Oscorp or the rooftops. But yeah, seven... seven was too much. After the first couple bosses I was feeling pretty triumphant; by the end I was just thinking, "Let me die." But I... couldn't... stop. It's like a disease. It is quite a strange event. On the one hand it's impressive just because this is BY FAR the most challenging, arduous event we've had in the game. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the only players committed enough (or insane enough) to actually do it are the ones who can earn legendary Spideys on the daily boards with far less effort. So yeah... strange. Speaking of which, what's with the useless daily rewards today? 2099 and Sonic? Who cares about epics at this point? Shouldn't Spider-Woman be the silver reward now that her intro event is done?
100% agree. If I were in charge, I would have given a separate power set or a 3rd power (something not unbalancing, but like "10% XP to all Spider-men on the team") for the Legendary cards. By only differentiating on level and scoring, they are running into the problem that any new card has to be a Legendary card otherwise no one really cares. There probably won't be too many new ones after the Spider-verse characters are released... and also they will likely release lesser-versions of some Epics and Legendaries (like they did with rare versions of Kaine and Spiderman 2099).
I keep wondering if they are going to introduce a Platinum or Diamond level card with 8+ stars because they've flooded the market. We need more events with old Spiders to balance and stretch out the new ones. I understand there are a bajillion Spider-Men now, but 1) we don't need every single Spider-Man ever and 2) we don't need every single Spider-Man ever by the end of January! All that being said, getting new Spiders is still fun. Even if I know I'll never really use them because they have lame abilities. I really do think they need to consider a higher level, though. Maybe release one of those a quarter and make them hella hard to get.
Pulled the new Spider-Woman on my third try! Also, I don't think she looks nearly as weird while running. I'm trying to see the difference, and I think they just gave her more realistic proportions (a little bit wider across the stomach area, which makes the waist into the rear look a little more natural). Maybe the belt helps? I don't know. I'm overthinking this way too much, but I really don't like seeing female character models designed to arouse male players instead of just looking like strong women. Same thing goes with comic book art in general.
I pulled Ultimate JD on my 3rd try. Im not actually afraid to spend iso-8 anymore. I earn it for free, then i lose it in portals. Probably cause i have 7/7 legend already so it doesnt bother me much. Anyways, what if the reason why they wont release the symbiote soidey is because he would have to be recruited in the upcoming issues of the spider verse? He'd seriously be a great help when fighting the inheritors, although he's unstable so SpOck might use him or something.
Is there a complete list of cards and their variations anywhere? I just got this game (and my new i6) and am a bit lost with all the card portal possibilities. There are 6 different portals at the moment... and while I can only use one atm, it'd be nice to know what the best versions of each card are to plan eventual portal use accordingly.
Is it just me or does the game not always respond to my swipe? I feel likes it's not always my fault for botching a run.
Is there a list of current Legendary 7* cards? Not coming cards, or soon to be available, but available now.
You're not crazy. Same thing happens to me. Wonder if there are certain areas on the screen that just aren't supposed to be swiped. Really makes the time I play this less than 15-20 minutes per day. They'd actually get money from me if there wasn't an energy system. Once they took the energy system out of Iron Man 3, I invested some money in those IAPs because I could continuously play and not be forced to put it down. Such an odd tactic from game developers.
http://whateveraspidercan.com/2014/12/12/spider-men-spider-man-unlimited-far/ Finally found a nice list of current cards that answers both my and ChiroVette's questions. Also was apparently made last week-ish, which is excellent. Link above.
I quit after they implemented matchmaking. Having to play against all the whales at once means even if you have maxed multis you have to burn consumables to compete for new cards. Dealbreaker.
Thanks! His list is missing Classic Spidey Legendary. Also, I thought Assassin Spider-Man was yet to be released?
Assassin was released after the first voting event. It was vote for Assassin, Cyborg, or Spider B-tch (Ashley Barton).
I finally downloaded this and gave it a shot. I'm not the biggest fan of endless runners or gameloft, so I had kept away until now. Holy crap... Best runner ever! This was the game I needed to make me appreciate the genre, as well as restore some of my respect in gameloft. I usually hate tilt controls, but this game is so fun that I don't mind putting in the effort to get better at them for those parts of the game. What should I spend my iso-8 on first? The permanent coal and xp boosts, or more recruitment spots?