Goodness that is brutal... Would have to average 2,000 enemies a day. About how many do you usually K.O. per run?
28 total pulls from the Gwen portal now - 0 Gwens - "A chance", indeed. May get 2 more pulls tomorrow depending on how they work the portals, but I 'm resigned to being stuck with my 2 1/7 Gwen's until they add her to other portals later. They're too hard to come by to waste fusing them together right now. On the bright side, I've had great luck with my premium portal pulls and now have a 7/7 Vanilla. Once KO Fest '14 is done (6000, really?), that will give me 2 7/7s to work with and that's progress.
Currently in 1500. Aiming to do 500 every time the energy is max. Dang, 3 portals no. Superior. Sigh, still. Gettingthe free one, then 100 iso after the next days. Anyone nabbed a superior yet? Heck my luck with gwen was awesome. 2 gwens, 2 superiors. Sighgghhghhhhhhhhhh
FINALLY. I got a Superior from the free evnt portal pull!!!!! Woot, the last one is the Superior Spiderman buff prize. Currently at. 2000. Ahhh issue 5 here i come! This weeks portal for me. Has been awesome. From Gwen and Superior combined i got: 2 gwens 3 superiors 1 epic FF I spent a total of uhh. 700 iso. Sounds large huh? Dont fret haha. They were from daily prizes. They may seem large but in actuality, its not really that large. Trust me. 10 days of farming iso is pretty neat. But if you. Look at it this way, lets say theres a portal and you spent 2 portals in it using free 50 iso, you. Actually woulndt notice it that it actually cost You hundreds of iso. But then again, everyone has their own opinion. Aiming to use. The 50 iso i get on gwen tomorrow. Good luck guys! as usual, the big time twins hate me. Well i dont really like them anyway
I just got a "great run" and got 177 KOs. That includes going after enemies instead of SHIELD discs during boss fights. So I'd need about 34 runs like that (or the equivalent) in less than 3 days. So yeah, it's pretty much impossible. *Edit: they just fixed it! 1200 KOs gets you a Superior! Hallelujah! It was a pretty awesome run, though:
Must have gotten tweaked for later starts. I only need 1200 KOs for Superior. Doubt I'll go for it, though. I have a 7 star already. At lvl 90 right now, so the x5 bonus should help me finally get him to 100!
NO! Gameloft! I did not receive my superior!!! They changed it to 1200! I had over. 2000! Damn it! Customerservice? What to get a chance to ban myself?!
Damn it! Dang it! I only need onemore superior! Where he heck is it?! Customer care/service, seriously, what i receive my superior for a few days after get banned for "suspiscious activity!?
UGHHHHH dang it! Sorry guys but dang! Id be happy to do 6000 eenemis and assuredly get my superior! But no! They had to make a crappy move out of it! Look, i understand a lot of people wanted to lower this. But please make it fair to those who dedicated to play the event! I got 2000 enemies out of hardwork, and what, you do a sudden move without thinking of the possibilities? Wow, great planning. If i go to customer service, how can i assure myself that i wont get banned out of "suspicious activity" for having a superior suddenly pop out of my inventory? Dang it! Im sorry again
Dang. I am enjoying this game, heck, i even considered the portal's "faults" but this kind of mistake, im not gonna take it lightly. You just made winter turn into summer for you, Gameloft.
Have you been banned before or did you do something fishy? If not, explaining what happened to Customer Service shouldn't get you banned. They should be aware that the amount needed was lowered. If you just started as soon as the event was up, you won't be the only one with this problem.
I remember the 50 iso incident. Its probably in the past pages around 170-180. Where a user got banned for suspicious activity out of suspicious reason, and it was probably because of customer care placing 50 iso in the game whereas the game didnt recognize how it got there cause its not coded to give iso-8 like that so voila, banned.
These guys on gamelofts discussion page is hoping that they'd get the rewards , heck, i hope theyre right. But dang ugh this isnt cool. They should have just ressetted my progress in the event.
Its funny i actually appreciated the portal awhile ago even with its "faults" but heck with this. Id rather score silver for the first time than asking customer care, or worst, use the portal again.
You should raise a ticket. But then again you may find you get your rewards after the end of the event. In other news that no one will care about, I haven't played this for ages! Got my new iPhone and can't seem to play as well on it. Still have my iPad to play on, but there are games that I have been waiting to play and now I have the hardware to do so
Pulled a Superior with my event portal. Sigh, why couldn't I pull a Gwen on her portal? So, now I have a 7 star at lvl 98 and a 3 star at 15. I think I'm going to have some fun and demolish my leaderboard. I'm already at 5 mil ahead of #2, but this could make it an enormous gap (since I can definitely get a lvl 100 and a lvl 50 before the event ends). I haven't gotten to the Great Run screen yet, but I did get a 999 combo as Scarlet Spider Ben Riley, so that was epic. Here's hoping the Gwen portal sticks around until my 6pm today. Maybe it'll be the most magical pull ever and give me 2 Gwens or a Gwen and a BT Stealth (never pulled that one either).