Universal Spellsword Cards: Origins (by One Up Plus)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, May 1, 2019.

  1. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Basically only by going back to the main ‘encounter select’ screen and going to your deck (button in bottom left area) and looking at your deck and noticing which cards changed. So far as I can tell, that’s the only way. It would’ve been good if the game just displayed the result for you. Although yes, yes, the result is just the two cards mashed together (though with variability in the resulting action cost I think).
    Ijipop likes this.
  2. influx

    influx Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Great suggestions on the fusing result I will implement that! Thank you.
    Ijipop likes this.
  3. Donkeygrave

    Donkeygrave Active Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    What’s the point of the Demon Lich? By turn three I’m getting 1 to 0 cards per turn essentially and I’m just passing my turn and watching the AI spam cards.
    ThirdMoon and skoptic like this.
  4. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Was only able to beat the Lich with indirect damage, using combos that exponentially applied damage over time (fire) counters. Was able to kill him before could lock me down which was his turn 4.
  5. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Didn’t quite get Demon Tide, is this similar?
  6. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Not really no. Demontide is like hearthstone. You build your own deck based on cards given/acquired then go and face off against enemies. You deploy your ‘minions’ to the play area and use them to attack or defend. There’s also cards to play for equipable weapons to your hero or buffs.

    Origins is very much like night of the full
    Moon or Dream Quest if you’ve played either. You start with a small deck, beat enemies and get offered take it or leave it cards to add, as well as opportunities to trim your deck or fuse your cards, the idea being to reduce deck size and optimise synergy. In the battles, each turn you draw on your deck, do direct damage to your opponent or buff/deploy armour, and as you discard cards, they recycle back in to your draw pile. So reducing deck size and having cards that draw is beneficial to elongating your turn.
    Contrast to Demontide where your discarded or defeated cards don’t recycle, and your deck keeps reducing.

    Demontide is like a CCG, where as Origins is like a deck builder.
    TheSilveryWolf and sugimulm like this.
  7. sugimulm

    sugimulm Well-Known Member

    Thanks Talbs! Buying now
  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #48 ste86uk, May 8, 2019
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
    Like above I was only able to beat the lich stacking abilities that do damage rather than direct damage, I played an orc ninja and stacked claptrops and ninjatsu or whatever it was called.

    Haven’t beaten him since with other combos I’ve tried, currently trying a run as a Dragonborn Druid and going to try staying the cards that fill his deck and it has some good synergies with that to do more damage and take away all his turns.

    Although has anyone beaten the last boss using a class that’s mana based mostly? I don’t know how you do it they just completely drain my mana and I end up struggling with not much each turn to do anything.
    Ijipop likes this.
  9. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    I finally beat the Lich Dude with this silly straight Necro Undead Demonspawn deck. I ran a lot of discard spells so he rarely got to have a turn haha kind of cheesy but it worked and I just built up my souls counter to the 20s and just blasted him a few deck cycles and he was dead. Not sure if anyone’s gotten lucky on the cards like that but it was funny. I had 4 or 5 spells that discarded his cards (;

    Attached Files:

    Ijipop likes this.
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I keep coming back to this game and so far after all the games I’ve played I’m not convinced it’s balanced to be able to beat the final boss as all classes, has anyone managed it?
  11. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Played this a ton. I have at least one win with all colors and races except the Dwarf. I find the Dwarves mana penalty prohibitive and his special attack underwhelming. It scales with player level, so it’s dogsh!t until late-game. I’m sure there is a solid approach with the dwarf, I just haven’t found it yet.
  12. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    I agree. Necro + Ranger seem like the best classes due to the minions (Necro minions heal as well). I'm also still confused on what classes/race/affinities give specifically. Like some races let you switch affinities at certain levels and I don't get the point of that.
  13. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Classes dictate the cards you get from levelling up and Treasure/Shops. It also dictates your skills outside of combat but also during combat.
    Races play a role in what stats you get when you level up and sometimes add some cards/racial traits (e.g. the attack card of the Dwarf that deals damage equal to you level or the racial trait of the Orc that heal you 2HP when you discard a card). So you have to be careful when choosing you race. For instance, Orcs get more HP but lose Mana when levelling so an Orc Mage is definitely not right combination.
    Affinities seems to control what other card you get from levelling/treasures/shops. This can be seen by the colour of the card. Some affinities are therefore better aligned with specific classes (Death and Necro, Mage and Water, Warrior and Fire, etc.).
    So feel free to experiment. I am sure that most of the choices are fine (apart from combinations like the Orc Warrior and Water affinity meaning that you will get Mana using/giving cards and it will be totally useless with you build of Warrior, even more because you will not have a lot of mana due to the fact that you are an Orc).
    aconfusedkender likes this.
  14. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Yeah, after getting beaten several times I have finally decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. If you have these cards that reduce his Actions and discard cards, after a few turns you can simply use this spell that does damage according to the number of cards discarded and Voila! I achieved the same with an Assassin deck where I cycled through my deck and simply discarded his action points. No real challenge but definitely fun :)
  15. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    I would love for there to be a wiki or something that details what you get from each class/race/affinity. Otherwise it feels like shooting blind and hoping for a good combination.
  16. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Well, there is a discord channel where the dev is also active. I haven’t been there but maybe there are some guides.
  17. archinerate

    archinerate Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2014
    Is there a guide on what are the effects of races and paths? I didnt noticie any difference except some of them adds extra cards to your deck.

    Also any unlockables throughout gameplay?
    TheSilveryWolf likes this.
  18. TheSilveryWolf

    TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    I don't think so.
  19. TheSilveryWolf

    TheSilveryWolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2015
    This game isn't free. That should be fixed. I kept forgetting to mention it lol.
  20. influx

    influx Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    The new Monk class just dropped, bringing the total to 10 playable classes in the game.

    If you haven't jumped in already, the monk is a great way to get your feet wet, offering plenty of combos and a balanced skill set.

    Stay tuned for the next update!

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