Build v1.30 includes: - Recipe Book with notifications - Campaign Hydra battle - New recipes - Level 4 ninja and Substitution skill tweak - Save and reload decks - Hard mode added - 4 more campaign save slots - Cutscenes can be skipped faster - Fixed firebomb ingredients reappearing - Reworked some AI behaviour - Various UI fixes
Build v1.35 includes: - Fixed Hydra battle win conditions - Battle AI stability improvements - Fixed Ninja level 4 upgrade - Fixed Substitution returning equipment - Corrected Weapon Fusion - Fixed puzzle Rebound - Mist Maiden draw ability fixed - Added Goblin summons to campaign
Thanks to the huge support on the forum and discord, I'm happy to announce the following changes have been added and more are being worked on. Build v1.36 includes: - Improved AI going for victory - Buffed Holy Knight symbol duration to 7 - Razor Demon battle tweaks - Barbarian buffed +1 at 30 HP or less - Fixed exiting gauntlet max life reset - Rebalanced Hydra (nerfed slightly) - Fixed Ice Guide carrying over battles - Rebalanced some Mage spells - Adjusted Ninja and added card Kentaro
Update v1.38 includes: - Fixed all Weapon Strike upgrades - Blazing Charge fixed - Battered Helm description added - Thor's Hammer description added - AI Assassinate skill handling fixed - Control Genjutsu and Bewitched no longer end turn - Hanzo's Kunai now triggers Kenjutsu - Club of Cursing fixed
Just uploaded a build which has far less memory requirements, which should go easier on your sd card and make some older devices play it better.