Its too hard to progress as a free player. Every day I wake up to 2 areas having been recaptured. How much do they expect one to play every day just to catch up on it? Or am I getting unlucky on having so many recaptures?
I haven't got the special swords yet, but I'd assume fire slayer means the sword does something against fire types of enemies, maybe extra damage?
I just leave them recaptured, I don't think there's any need to go back to them, unless you need to grind for coins or exp.
Claideamh: How to choose As anyone with multiple choices for bonus swords, I was initially confused by way "Fire Slayer," "Water Slayer," etc really meant. Initially I presumed that if I was fighting an enemy with a weakness to water, I'd naturally want to wield the Water Slayer sword. Through some testing I've come to deduce that this is not the case. I went into the 1st area, 2nd battle. The lvl 1 enemies I tested on here all had 8 defense. In the test I had 70 attack. I ensured I only matched 3 and did not get a critical hit. I ran many tests, but had the same result regardless of which elements were chosen. Here are the results against a monster weak to Energy: Using the Energy Slayer and making a non-energy match, I did 306 damage. Using the Energy Slayer and making an energy match, I did 503 damage. Using the Water Slayer (Electric Claideamh) and making a non-energy match, I did 459 damage. Using the Water Slayer and making an energy match I did 645 damage. I had the same results with random non-Water Slayer swords as I did using the Energy Slayer. In conclusion, it seems that against a weakness of a type, you want the sword of that type, which slays its opposite. For anyone who has been to levels showing both an element representing the monster as well as an element representing its weakness, this makes more sense as you're choosing to slayer the element type of the monster itself. I hope this was useful to some, I couldn't find this information anywhere else so I decided to post it myself.
Does anyone know what triggers a recapture? Does anyone know how the calendar trick affects recaptures?
I was just testing this myself when you posted your results. My stats: Atk 175 All runes & armor removed King Sodron Hp 25682 Atk 113 Def 97 Element water Weak energy Electric claideamh Water slayer Crit chance 29% Energy 3827 Fire 3129 Cold 3129 Plant 3129 Water 1565 Burning claideamh: Cold slayer Crit 29% Energy 2551 Leaves 2086 Fire 2086 Cold 2086 Water 1043 Ice claideamh: Plant slayer Crit 29% Energy 2551 Leaves 2086 Fire 2086 Cold 2086 Water 1042 Earthen claideamh: Energy slayer Crit 29% Energy 2551 Leaves 2086 Fire 2086 Cold 2086 Water 1043 Tide claideamh: Fire slayer Crit 29% Energy 3827 Leaves 3129 Fire 3129 Cold 3129 Water 1565 My test shows that the base element weapon as well as the weakness weapon both perform the same under matching conditions & the other 3 are the same as each other. Very odd, I suspected the base element weapon to perform the poorest given that the base element attack was the weakest across all weapons.
Since it is happening often overnight I suspect it's based on some amount of time. Also I noticed if I don't complete recaptured areas then after a couple of days it seems to stop. It might only recapture up to a certain amount, or maybe it slows down after recapturing some.
The recaptures aren't happening overnight for me. New recaptures seem to happen shortly after I complete a new area or complete a recaptured zone -- while I'm still playing. It's interesting that you're finding that the recaptures slow down if you don't complete them. I've been rushing to complete my recaptures, but new recaptures turn up so fast there is no way I can stay ahead of them. I'm going to try not completing them for a few days and see if they slow down for me.
Ahh looking at all the slayer stats is confusing.. I don't quite get it. So you should choose the same sword element as the element that represents the monster (on the later stages)? And energy matches always output the most damage?
The monster I was attacking was water element weak against energy. So the energy sword with the water slayer ability is best (as one would expect). For some reason the water sword performed the same. Basic sense will tell you that if your enemy is weak against a specific element then use that element against him. The test results just gave you some hard numbers to work with.
I find it confusing too. I don't currently use the special swords, because I prefer weapons that give me extra moves. Still, earlier today I drew up what I think the above data is saying. Will share here: We know that: [*]fire - weak to water [*]water - weak to energy [*]energy - weak to plant [*]plant - weak to cold [*]cold - weak to fire Drawn up: Given what the guys have discovered, it seems that for a given monster element there are two special swords that inflict the most monster damage -- the sword that is slayer of that particular element, and the sword of the element that is stronger (counter-clockwise on the element weakness circle). Please let me know if any of the above needs adjustment.
Question - do you have a period where the game seems to slow down when you start it, as it seems to be trying to load something in the background, after a 1 min it seems to fix it self? How you fix this?
Nope didn't mean that at all. The electric sword worked best against a water enemy & the water sword worked the same unexpectedly. The fire sword worked less well.
Is this the current last boss? If not, can you please share the stats for the last boss? I want to know which elemental sword is best for "endgame", so any recommendation is welcome.
King Sodron is the boss for the second water area, which is the 6th area in the game I think, out of what looks like 14 areas. The stats of enemies change if you go back and fight them again when an area is recaptured, so those stats he posted might not be the stats from the first time you fight him.
The final boss is corruption type, so no elemental weakness. For him, just mount up your best weapon & best armor. Take runes which compliment the weapon. As for as the armory elemental protection, it will be wasted, so take the armor with the best base defense score or best defense+special ability combo. There are 15 levels: 3 non-element-specific 2 water 2 fire 2 plant 2 ice 2 energy 2 corruption only
Regarding recaptures By the way, recaptured areas level up along with your own level. I beat the first level of a recaptured are at level 6-7 or something & then ignored it. When I went back finally I was all ready capped out at 25 & the enemies were now level 23-27.