Universal Spellbinders (by Kiloo)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    We seem to have solved the server issues that plagued the opening weekend. We have also lowered the cost of Titans to 20 runes so you can unlock them real early and enjoy the strategic nuances the game has to offer.

    We will be releasing the first update to the game soon. To address the issues of the game lacking competitiveness, we are adding a new rating system. In essence, it will be your "matchmaking rating" - a score that is used to find an opponent of the same skill level as you. The rating will be visible in-game and also on new Country and World leaderboards.
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Oo haven't been on for days because of the issues and got number 1 in my rankings thanks to nobody else being on either as I had played a lot.

    Glad the Titan price went down a bit I've got them all now. Maybe in the future you could give new players the choice of which Titan to start the game with? Then a higher price for the others wouldn't be so bad.
  3. xodiac

    xodiac Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2014

    Arent you the guy who keeps refunding your purchases after spamming purchases to get to the top? I remember you were doing that in another game.
  4. Notyourlevel

    Notyourlevel New Member

    May 10, 2016
    Spellbinders Downloading Assets

    Downlaod the game, entered the game and on the loading spots on Downloading assets and offers me to replay all the time. Can't enter the game :(
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    No I don't do that. What your saying sounds familiar though I think I did do it with one game a while back but I couldn't tell you which.

    Generally I don't make purchases on free games unless I love them and then I want the dev to have my money.
  6. xodiac

    xodiac Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    You did it on Dungeon Hunter 5. I remember it because I thought it was dirty to do something like that
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Terrible game and terrible devs that's why I did, what they originally said about the game was untrue so I no longer wanted to play nor give them my money. Only time I've ever done it like that though, I buy a lot of stuff on iOS and rarely ask for refunds
  8. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey Steven! We're working on a way to make leagues more active, either by matching people with equal activity level every week or by making 1 league point a requirement to be visible on the league screen. Some folks have felt like the game is a league point grind, so I think adding the rating system that I mentioned in my last comment will help too.

    The reason you start with Theos is because you learn his units during the tutorial. We feel like Theos works well as a "main character" :)
  9. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Game will remain at 1 star rating from me since I can not use my proper online name I go by which is 'TearGod'. Seems you blocked the God part out, why? I don't know. But 1 star from me.
  10. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey xxteargodxx

    We just launched the first content update for Spellbinders, and I think you'll be pleased with one of the changes :)

  11. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    The second update for Spellbinders is out now, introducing a brand new Titan: Scraps! With two unique units, a unique line-up and a unique titan power, this robot will add to the strategic depth of the current meta. Enjoy!

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