Universal Spellbinders by Kiloo and Funday Factory (Beta Test)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Kiloo_Jeppe, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Thx for the info - Unfortunately Facebook is causing the game to crash for a number of people.
    I connected to Facebook and the game started crashing at the loading screen.
    I had to delete and reinstall the game, starting over. Now it plays perfect, but no Facebook.

    So that means I have a random name. Obviously, choosing your own name is something people will expect. You probably have plans to work that in, I'm just providing feedback.

    Also, where can I see what my name is, even if it's randomly generated?

    Really enjoying the game, great job! Art and sound are too notch.

    As for Titan pricing, I would suggest the standard MOBA model. They are all roughly equal in price. When you release a new one, have it cost premium currency for about a week or two and then open it to the equal pricing.

    Great work!! Love it
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    My game is generally working very well and I'm connected to Facebook and have been since the start. You need a better method to handle phone calls though as twice now I've had a call when I was just about to win a battle and after the call even if quick you go back and it's like you were never in a battle?

    Also both times the whole game crashed and closed itself when trying to play again after a call.

    I am enjoying the game and it certainly has a lot of potential. Playing mainly with Mortis at the moment waiting to unlock the next Titan. I'm wondering if we will keep our progress from beta?

    I like the skill trees as its a nice idea to have those so people's skills are a bit different, I love any customisation rpg style via appearance and abilities ect. The price of the third Titan isn't actually too bad you could still earn him in a day if you wanted, it seems like I get a rune whenever I win? Or was it just with 3 streak wins?
  3. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for all the bug reports and suggestions. It helps us a lot, though some of them have been hard to replicate on our part. We will be wiping the progress of the beta, when we launch globally on the 28th.

    In terms of the customization that you both mention (naming yourself, skill tree etc.) we have a lot of stuff planned for updates. We are not going to release Spellbinders and then just leave it out there. New titans, new units, new skins and customizing your line-up is all something we are planning to do.

    Some of you mentioned not knowing what the units of locked Titans actually do. I have actually been meaning to post some descriptions here, so let's kick it off with the first one: Storm Spawn. Harnessing the power of the skies, this unit deals lightning damage to two additional enemy units when it strikes. A very powerful unit if used right.

  4. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #64 ste86uk, Apr 8, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    Ouch guess I'll play less now if it's getting wiped but I am looking forward to the launch and will download for sure! Although why the wipe?

    Guess I'll spend my runes now and check out the third Titan. Edit: Unlocked them all now and I think Mortis will be the Titan I use most after viewing all of the troops now.
  5. BrainsAndBlood

    BrainsAndBlood New Member

    Apr 9, 2016
    Signed up

    I signed up..Curious to how long it takes to get in
  6. Paddy27

    Paddy27 Member

    Apr 5, 2016
    Bummer it's going to get wipe (was expecting it tho) but this is a well done game I will be getting it for sure,just thinking bout more troops more titans#
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Most games don't get wiped actually, very few do it.

    But it is a shame as the last few days off work I've had chance to play but didn't see any point as I've unlocked all the Titans and it won't save anyway.

    A worry from the game is what I'll work on? I like the unlocks for Titans and their skins and the kind of talent options although simple it does diversify a little at least.

    But then other than playing for fun or a skin I really want what will I play for?
  8. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Really disappointed . I signed up beta day one. Pm Ed developer on here after no invite and said I was on list , got past on again, told again I would be .
    Hope everyone else is enjoying...
  9. EvilDucktator

    EvilDucktator 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Sep 28, 2011
    Walt Disney World Cast Member
    Brisbane, Australia
    Ooh... this is awesome. Definitely Instabuy upon release. I can see me actually clocking serious contact time with this one.

    If you want to play it for a brief period...perfect.
    And it's fun enough to play for extended sessions.

    Looks and runs absolutely gorgeously on the iPhone 6S.
  10. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm rolling out another round of invites in the next hour. Keep the feedback coming! We're reading all of it :) What Titan is your favorite, and why? What feature would you like to see added? Have you found any cool synergy between units/spells?

    @Jayg2015 - I have invited every person who signed up on day one with the Beta submission form. I do not see a PM from you on Touch Arcade though. Could you send me a PM here and tell me your AppleId again, so I can check if it's on the list of people who are invited?

    Check out the Titan, Oakroot, master of nature and the wild. His unique power, Overgrowth, is a temporary stun on all enemy units.

  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I've played all 3 Titans and originally I stuck with the first guy because I knew his units from the training missions but then started to think we'll I have no idea what these enemy troops do maybe I should unlock them to find out so I can counter.

    For my play style I'm enjoying Mortis as I like the vampire, commander, berserker and lich. Generally I'd favour Oakroot ((keep calling him Oakenroot)) as I prefer healing and defensive styles of play but I don't feel like he has as much synergy in his deck of choice and feel like the wizard in his should be converted to something that adds synergy.

    Mortis works well with the commander, large unit and a lich and it can really turn the tide of games of you back them up with spells and I love how the lich raises units from other lanes too. The berkserker and beast master are pretty good too as distractions or general counters. The vampire feels a little weak as his heal isn't very powerful but when buffed he is pretty decent.

    The wisp feels cheap to me as often you can't counter it unless a spell is ready that can do so, but it doesn't feel infuriatingly unfair I still beat them.

    The first Titan is good the way it is I believe the wizard fits his deck and love the bomber along with the Minotaur although I'm not keen on the behemoth units although they are good buffed and protected.

    One issue I had was I mutated a lane into those beast master beasts and among the lane was a beast and it still mutated it and healed it from 1 health to 2?

    Id love to see anything added that enables further diversity in play styles through units, Titans, spells and talents ect.
  12. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,

    @ste86uk again, thank you so much for all the feedback! Our grand goal is of course to balance all the Titans and their units so there is a situational counter to everything. Balancing them all out, will be an increasingly difficult task when we add new Titans, but we're up for the challenge :) Every new update will hopefully add diversity in play styles.

    One of the most overlooked aspects of Spellbinders tactics, that I've noticed from watching testers, is the value of high Siege Damage units. The Behemoth, the Bomber and the Colossus all have 10 Siege Damage which means they will do as much damage as an Overcharge if they reach the enemy base. I think that's a good enough reason to Spell Shield them, Life them and perhaps even surrender 2 lanes to push them through 1 lane.

    What do you think of the spell selection? As it is now, every spell is available to every Titan. Is there any Spell that you feel is underwhelming?

    Picture of the day: Oakroot's Unique Unit, the Druid. Binding nature to its will, the druid periodically gives all friendly units an additional hit point.
  13. Paddy27

    Paddy27 Member

    Apr 5, 2016
    Spells are good in my opinion plus I guess as it goes on (the game) you would be adding more spells just like u mention with Titans and such
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    All of the spells are pretty good and useful too, if I had to pick one sandstorm would be my least favourite but it still has done uses, but freeze is 100% better than it
  15. sidpvp

    sidpvp New Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Hello i am a croyale player (2.8k cups atm) and have played almost all mobile mobas as well my friends suggested to try this game so i applied for the beta (submitted the google form with all valid info) its been around 12 hrs since i have done and no email or testflight invite so if u can look into it would be greatful ty
  16. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm rolling out another round of invites, so if you signed up recently, check your inbox.

    Found this VoD yesterday of a guy streaming Spellbinders on Mobcrush. Check out the close call of the match starting at 38:55 :D
  17. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    I'll send out a few more beta invites today. Please note that tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the beta. Also, next Friday (the 22nd of April) we will take the servers offline until Global Launch on April 28th.

    Image of the day is the 3rd Titan, Mortis, master of death and undying. Her Titan Power forces all her units to increase their attack speed for a short period.
  18. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Just 12 hours.. chill dude. People are usually just working 9 hours a day.
  19. diogomarcelo

    diogomarcelo New Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Can't play the game

    I try to play the game and i can't. It shows a message that something went wrong.

    I tried with facebook login and without and this still happens. I have already sent a bug report but still no answer.

    Can someone help me? I really want to try the game :)
  20. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    This is definately one of the most polished games this year. It plays so damn smooth. A well deserved +1 for the coders! And I'm playing on a 5s! Gooood job.

    By the way, when does the multiplayer part start? I've done 15 battles or so. I started to doubt if it's even a multiplayer or singleplayer game.

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