Space Story

Alex Alez
Border sectors are attacked by unknown ships.The player takes the role of a captain,who is caught up in star war. Fight,…
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Border sectors are attacked by unknown ships.The player takes the role of a captain,who is caught up in star war. Fight,trade,mining,exlore,even steal to survive in a world that is on the verge of destruction. Having passed all the circles of space hell,you have to make a choice – save the galaxy or let it burn in the flame of an ancient anger. ### VAST GENERATED GALAXY ### Amazing world with complete freedom of action. Mine, fight, trade, research, steal! ### MORE THAN 15 CUSTOMIZABLE SPACESHIPS ### ### 3 TITANs ### A HUGE unique ships with a large number of weapons on board. ### OWN SPACE STATION ### Space Station Kit - mount your own station in any place in any sector. ### MORE THAN 100 WEAPONS, EQUIPMENTS ### With unique names, random generated levels and params. ### INTERACTIVE WEAPON SYSTEM ### You see all mounted weapon on your ship, how it turns, reloads, fires. ### AI CAPTAINS WITH FULL LIFE CICLE ### They mine, fight, trade, researche, LIVE as you are. ### CRAFT SYSTEM ### All weapons, equipments can be crafted from blueprints. Unique randomize system. And, ships, of course. Some of them couldn't be bought, only crafted! ### BLACK HOLES ### Six level depth, ancient secrets and ancient guardians, Nightmares. ### SECRET PLACES ### To discover and unlock. “Save the galaxy or let it burn in the fire of ancient anger!” «Space Story» is not only space combat and trading simulation with adventure and RPG elements, it's your own story, space story! Infinite space adventure in your pocket. In bus, train, subway, airplane – you can discover fantastic world of DeepWalkers and Nightmares. ### ATTENTION! TO ALL GALAXY CAPTAINS! ATTENTION! ### If any space traveller helps me translate this text to «right» English or any other language, i'll promise - I tell you all secrets i know about this game! FACEBOOK: FORUM:
Seller:Alex Alez
Genre:Arcade, Role Playing, Strategy
Release:May 01, 2013
Updated:Dec 28, 2015
Size:191.2 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating: (8)
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal