Very early impressions: + A big thumbs up for offering HD images and additional Space Rangers background soundtracks as optional free downloads. + The UI looks very nice. Large buttons and bright colors where they need to be. + Built in calculator is great for certain quests that require some number crunching. Main Story (so far): Quite interesting with many parallels to The Matrix with the protagonist being plugged in to a virtual world needing to rescue, or find out what happened, to the messengers and along the way find out information about the Dominators command center. Story Quests: Only played a handful so far and some of the quests are quite challenging although you genuinely feel like you accomplished something if you are able to complete the planetary quests. Very reminiscent of Infocom titles of yesteryear being brutal but rewarding. Although being able to restart a story quest if you are about to fail is a very welcome feature especially if you figured out most of what to do in the quest. Admittedly the only quests I tend to skip over are the more mathematically inclined quests but that is because I'm terrible at math and even with the calculator figuring things out can be tricky.
Jason, looks like you're enjoying it. And sadly you'll need to use your math skills @ some point. Spread the word about the game within your circle, so may be more people will become fans of SR!
I'm somewhat intrigued by this game... Sort of a fan of text based games. Not familiar with this universe. I've read that this a but rogue like which isn't exactly my favorite kind of game. How long is this game? I'm assuming the backgrounds we see are limited as the game itself is fully text based...? For $2.99 I might buy it as it is cheaper than a book! But definitely torn and it would be a total random purchase.