Universal Space Madness (by Naquatic) - A game of chicken... with monkeys... in space

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Naquatic, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Dang....too bad the teams are capped at 20....I get why, but does suck.
  2. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    Hey if limits aren't increased just make TOUCHARCADEDARK2. And 3. And 4
    And use the motto and badge. .
    I'm suprised it actually got filled overnight.

    Devbros, can you increase crew limits?

  3. ludka33

    ludka33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    We don't need no stinking badgers!
  4. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    We can't force people to download it ;). If you don't want to spend time match hunting, I would recommend circling back in a few weeks.

    We increased the price of the top stun guns and lowered the prices of the bottom guns. They may well change again. As Carter mentioned in his article about the game, we have no idea how players will behave, so we are balancing the game in realtime as data rolls in.

    I'm so glad to hear it!!
  5. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Unfortunately not, Saansiltbro. Possibly with an update, but we've got other features higher on the list. Some membership pruning might be in order ;)
  6. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013

    Well you can get the first stun gun effectively free by clicking the links to twitter and facebook in the app and liking/following the dev.
  7. EnterNexus

    EnterNexus Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Come at us, ScrubLords of TA! The Ctrl Alt Elites' domination continues.

    Attached Files:

  8. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    For now. We will organize and we will win.
    We will win so thoroughly that you too, will chant our motto.

  9. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #69 Intendro, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    I finally got a match where no one pressed the button! #
    Does everyone know about everyone getting an artifact when that happens? #

    Special clothes...?
    Can we wear them? (Doesn't seem like it.)
    Do they do something?


    Am I seeing the other players looking around, or is that just random animations?
    (I wonder if they can see me shake my head at them. Don't do it!) :p
  10. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The artifacts are collectables that increase your match payouts. If you visit the artifacts menu (the box on the main menu) you'll see the breakdown. And yes, you're seeing other players looking around :). Wait, I thought shaking "no" means danger, and shaking "yes" means everything is ok. Hmmmm
  11. dan_thompson

    dan_thompson Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    Okay I feel like there is 40% of a game here.

    The core concept is good, I like the idea of space chicken but it doesn't feel like it works that way... you either get games where everyone chills and reaps the rewards or someone wants to troll and press the button... I sadly feel no reason to go space mad.

    Also all the chat dialogue seems useless? If you say something that can be taken negatively all you're doing is increasing the chance of someone else pressing the button, and all of the options revolve around the stun guns interactions. Saying stop or sorry or kidding over a stun is pointless because everyone is ideally hanging in until the end unless they plan to press the button in which case a chat option won't change their mind.

    What I believe this game needs is -

    1) further interaction in terms of environment. Players could turn around and look at different consoles to do different things like speed up the ship, search for more diamonds on the path, wager diamonds, etc. this would encourage teamwork as well as turn players attention away from the button allowing it to be pressed discreetly because -

    2) the button should start/stop a 5 second countdown that does not reset. This would allow players to mess with each other before someone gives it the final push. It would also add more depth to stunning because catching someone in the act would give reason to stun them, or stunning an innocent player might frame them, etc.
  12. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Hi Dan, thanks for the excellent analysis. I can tell you've played a lot and have a great feel for the game. The next update, which should be available within 48 hours, adds custom chat which addresses a few of your points. We're also working on a mini-game that increases the ship's speed.

    Would you mind explaining your countdown idea a bit more? I'm not sure I quite understand the system.
  13. dan_thompson

    dan_thompson Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    So I actually haven't pressed the button so I don't know how it works haha! But basically my thought on it is instead of being a single press the button activates a count-down timer. Let's say the starting value is 5 seconds and as soon as it's pressed warning lights flash red, sirens go off and a countdown timer appears on screen starting from 5 and counting down to zero, unless someone presses the button again to pause it. So someone could tap the button on and off to mess with the other players, draining time from 5 seconds down to 3.8. Because of this someone might stun him, which prompts the other player to stun the stunner leaving him free to press. This goes on and on until everyone settles down and focuses on the mini games and chat or until the timer finally reaches zero and the last player to press it wins. You'd probably have a delay there too, say a 0.2 sec push reset so that players can't just keep slapping the button on and off without some time drain.

    It's good you are introducing chat and a mini game because you need distractions and risk vs reward in a game like this to truly tempt players. Good to hear!
  14. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Oh, got it. That's a great idea.
  15. dan_thompson

    dan_thompson Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    Glad you think so!

    Adding another element like time would allow you to add further mechanics like add button presses to different clothing - (for example naked gets 3 presses, police gets 12) and countdown adjustment to artifacts (certain artifacts decrease/increase countdown time/speed/whatever).

    Just my thoughts, thanks for replying :)
  16. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    So many thoughts brewing, the Internet is a great place!
  17. Bootsy

    Bootsy Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    I want to like this game, but I almost never get matched up with anyone. I'be tried maybe 20 times and have been able to play 2 games. It seems fine, though.
  18. dan_thompson

    dan_thompson Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
    Well for me playing chicken is all about having the ability to bluff, so that's what I think the game needs... I think with a few gameplay updates this game could provide a similar kind of addictive fun as exploding kittens, even if it's a completely different concept
  19. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    It's been a little sparse, and the occasional match-starting bug doesn't help things. The update to fix the latter should be live within 24 hours!

    Absolutely. We are huge fans of the button countdown idea :)
  20. Fletchi18

    Fletchi18 Member

    May 15, 2013
    I appreciate the effort with this game but so far my experience is I press the launch button and I wait. Then for the 2 games I have been able to play I sit there and then the objective is to wait. It's a neat idea, but I like my games to be a bit more active and a little less 'waity'.

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